When I say "Hollywood" body, I mean like the natural, toned, lean, body, that of course, not all of them have, but many do (Diane Lane, Sheryl Crow being a couple of examples)....maybe "fitness model" body is a better way to describe it.
I eat about 75-95% clean, and go at about 1400-1600 calories per day.
I'm glad some one brought up being scared about dividing weight lifting and cardio. I guess the Firm has scared me into believing that the only way to get the body I want is to do AWT. And AWT has worked VERY well for me.....except now, as you all seem to be reporting about yourselves, it also has "stopped working" for me. The scale no longer moves (I am 5'2 and hover in and out of 125lbs)....which I am starting to believe it where it's going to stay, as I've been 115 my whole life, then went up to 138 and the Firm got me down to 125. BUT, when I was 115, it was with ABSOLUTELY ZERO I beleive that 125 is really my normal 115, plus 10 lbs of much needed and much valued muscle! So I'm happy with the weight.
What I am no longer happy with is the inner-thigh, tricep, and ab flab. Also, I'd like my arms and legs to be a little bit more defined. So I would love it if anyone else had more info on switching from AWT to separate cardio and sculpt. With me, I actually can go heavier on AWT, because there is less reps and less consecutive reps on any one mody part. When I do straight sculpt, I have to go lighter because the body parts get overkilled!
Also, I've really gotten used to the effeciency of AWT. I can get it all in 1 hr....I DO NOT want or need to be doing 1 hr of cardio and then another hr of weights right after that. Also, for me 20-30 min of sculpting is fine for me....I can't imagine doing a 75 min workout that is strictly a sculpt workout like I see some of the Cathe workouts are. Not trying to criticize...just wanted to voice my hesitations to see what others have to say about it.
Plus, I have a "cortisol type" body, which means I do not benefit from stressful exercise of exercise that is too intense...if I go to intense with the exercise, my body actually conserves and produces fat! Another reason I hesitate to try Cathe. But again, my dilemma is that I'm afraid the only way to get the "fitess model" body IS to ramp it up! Catch 22!!!
But that's not to say that all I do is AWT. I do AWT about 2x per week, and then 2 days of cardio, and 1 day of sculpt. With about 3-5 days of yoga and stretching included with that.
I don't have FitTV, and Cathe is not available on Netflix...otherwise, I would have a way to test it out before buying.
I eat about 75-95% clean, and go at about 1400-1600 calories per day.
I'm glad some one brought up being scared about dividing weight lifting and cardio. I guess the Firm has scared me into believing that the only way to get the body I want is to do AWT. And AWT has worked VERY well for me.....except now, as you all seem to be reporting about yourselves, it also has "stopped working" for me. The scale no longer moves (I am 5'2 and hover in and out of 125lbs)....which I am starting to believe it where it's going to stay, as I've been 115 my whole life, then went up to 138 and the Firm got me down to 125. BUT, when I was 115, it was with ABSOLUTELY ZERO I beleive that 125 is really my normal 115, plus 10 lbs of much needed and much valued muscle! So I'm happy with the weight.
What I am no longer happy with is the inner-thigh, tricep, and ab flab. Also, I'd like my arms and legs to be a little bit more defined. So I would love it if anyone else had more info on switching from AWT to separate cardio and sculpt. With me, I actually can go heavier on AWT, because there is less reps and less consecutive reps on any one mody part. When I do straight sculpt, I have to go lighter because the body parts get overkilled!
Also, I've really gotten used to the effeciency of AWT. I can get it all in 1 hr....I DO NOT want or need to be doing 1 hr of cardio and then another hr of weights right after that. Also, for me 20-30 min of sculpting is fine for me....I can't imagine doing a 75 min workout that is strictly a sculpt workout like I see some of the Cathe workouts are. Not trying to criticize...just wanted to voice my hesitations to see what others have to say about it.
But that's not to say that all I do is AWT. I do AWT about 2x per week, and then 2 days of cardio, and 1 day of sculpt. With about 3-5 days of yoga and stretching included with that.
I don't have FitTV, and Cathe is not available on Netflix...otherwise, I would have a way to test it out before buying.