Just Checking In!!!

Cathe Friedrich

Hi Everybody! Just wanted to say hi and that I miss you all. Thanks for being here for one another and helping to answer questions or offer advice to one another :)

We had a couple of rehearsals this weekend for the all the strength tapes and I think you are really going to like them. For the leg tape, I have included many new hamstring exercises that are going to make you fry (cry, or both, ha). While heavy weight and slower reps are the focus for all of the strength workouts (except High Step Challenge Circuit), the resistance bands will bring a new dimension to the workouts, tapping deep into your intrinsic muscle fibers, making sure to get each and every one of them}(

I can't go into much detail yet because things change around a lot and it would be impossible to make an announcement everytime a change was made.

Bottom Line: I promised you hardcore, and that is what you will get :9

PS....No firm film dates have been established yet but we're still a few weeks from filming.

Start Conditioning Now!
Thank you, thank you for the update!!! The hamstrings is the exact area I need help to shock. Good Luck and have FUN with the filming. Tell the crew THANKS from all of us! Great 2 C U here!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
OK Cathe - do you have any idea how excited you have just made me? I feel like a kid on Christmas Morning!:) Before your workouts Cathe, I never thought I would get this excited over the thought of my muscles screaming for mercy! Anyway, whatever you come up with will be great - it always is! Also, thank you for helping me change my body on the outside AND on the inside - you have no idea how much I appreciate all the help you and posters on these forums have given me - I'm in the best shape of my life now!!!

Hope you and your family are doing well,
Take Care, Wendy
Thanks so much for checking in with your teaser update. You have whet my appetite (even more) for these new workouts:). As you have told us so many times, mental preparation goes along way and we are getting PSYCHED!!! Sounds like you are just as excited.
Thanks for all that you and the crew are doing to enhance our health and fitness we appreciate it more deeply than words can say.:7

Take Care
Hi Cathe!

Thank you so much for the update. My legs are my trouble spot right now x( x( so I am completely thrilled to hear about the hamstring exercises! Thank you again for EVERYTHING!:) :)

Thank you so much dor the update. I really love hamstring work becasue I find mine a re underdeveloped compared to my quads. I can't wait for the new series!
Hi Cathe - Can't wait for these!!! I for one know I will fry and CRY!! as always. You're the best.

Hello! :)
Cathe: thanks for the update! I'm so excited and I can't wait until we get your new hardcore workouts!

I agree with Wendy, I never thought I would get excited about working out! I actually miss them when I don't get my exercise in. Actually, I feel horrible, and I mean physically!! Can you believe that??

Anyway, like Wendy, said, Thank YOU cathe for helping me change my body, attitude and my mind for the good!!!

take care:)
Thanks for the update! Thanks for all the great work and time you put into the workouts. Thank all the crew too!:)
I'd like to add all my thanks to you, Cathe, for all your hard work and professionalism as you continue to bring us such high quality and challenging workouts. I honestly am so excited to see how far over the edge and into the abyss you'll take us this time!}(

Thanks you so much for the update, and please give to your crew all our good wishes and appreciation.:)
Ha! Thanks I'm so looking forward to getting fried }( Although that may be too premature but I'm getting ready!
Hugs to you!
Thanks for the update Cathe. These sound like they will take us to the next level. I can't wait to see pictures!

Hurt Me Cathe!! Hurt Me!! Haha!! Cant wait!! I appreciate you checking in with us and updating us when your so busy, thanks, your a class act who really does appreciate your fans:7

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