Just came back from the foot doctor...........


I am much improved with the plantar fascitis but I need to cut out all high impact and step aeorbics so my heel can heal more quickly. I am also going to be taking an oral steriod to try and nip the inflammation in the bud. We are trying to avoid a cortisone shot in the heal. I feel better but that all depends on what I do for activity that day. So I guess I will be doing alot of bike riding on a trainer and kickboxing routines til I go back and see if I am any better. After I take the steriod I am supposed to wean myself off the anti-inflammatory and see how it goes.:) Pray that it goes well, if you will!:D I can still lift so that is good.:) Just thought I would give you guys an update! If anybody cares to know what is going on in my little corner of the world :p
Funny, as I just got diagnosed today with the same thing only I'll be seeing a neurologist for numbness and tingling for the foot . I was put on Vioxx for the pain. I guess if things continue I'll ask for a referel to a podatrist too.
My doc told me that I can continue with my step and Hi/ Lo cardio but to stretch and ice it.
I hope you heel fast. PF is the worst. I struggled with it for ages. Thats when I bought my excercise bike. I got a really good one and start using it again for cardio when I feel any twinge ofthe old PF pain.

Laying off step is hard but it will help you get better soon.
Glad to hear you're getting better. What causes it anyway? I know a lot of runners suffer with that and fortunately I never have. Is it like an overuse injury? What did your Dr say?
Caused by heel spurs, overuse, ill fitting shoes, weight gain, high impact aerobics and step can do it too. Basically a fit person's problem, walking also hurts as would running if you had it and did that.
Biking seems to be an ok exercise and low impact aeorbics, like kickboxing and taebo I would think. I am going to have to rethink my cardio for the next 3 or so weeks as this hopefully will heel and allow we to get back to normal.

Glad that you have not had to experience it, and thanks for the well wishes!
Hello, If this is when you have extreme pain on bottoms of your feet from your heel to your toes, then I had this happen to me twice last year. I had to take 2 weeks off each time it happened. A real bummer. Each time it happened was when I tried to up my cardio to 6 days a week from 3 days a week. I used to do Dennis Austin and Kathy Smith 6 days a week, but Cathe Cardio is just too intense for my feet to do 6 days a week. So now I do Cario 3 days and Weights 3 days-alternating.
Also I consulted with a podiatrist. He said I needed better support and told me to buy SUPERFEET. They are inserts you put in your shoes after you remove the inserts your shoes come with. The ones for athletic shoes are green colored. I haven't had any trouble with my feet since then. I bought 2 pair of superfeet--1 for my workout shoes and 1 for the shoes I wear the rest of the time. They also have different colored ones for dress shoes and other types of shoes if I recall correctly. They have a website. Something like www.superfeet.com. Not really sure. I bought mine at a local medical supply store for $25 plus tax a pair. Better than if I bought them direct from the company that makes them. The medical supple store said they started carrying them because my podiatrist asked them to. And said they sell alot of them. My feet have never felt better. Hope this helps.
Maybe your feet just can't take all the jumping everyday. My doctor said my mind was apparently stronger than my feet. Maybe he means I am stubborn. Not quite sure. So I just had to adjust my workouts so I wouldn't overstress my feet.
Have a great year. My goal for this year is to not have any injuries. Already blew that one. I tried to add running 3 times a week and racketball on Saturdays. Well my knees started talking and I had to give up the running. I missed one day of cardio, but kept up the weights by doing only upper body this last week. Will be doing cardio tomorrow and am looking forward to it. We just have to listen to what our bodies are telling us even if our minds want to do more.
Glad to hear you're feeling better. I just got diagnosed with PF about amonth ago and am still just doing bike workouts. Like you, I want to avoid a cortisone shot for as long as possible and if it means I miss my Cathe cardio then I'lll just have to make do!

Also most of you may already know this as I got it from searching several forums but always wear shoes on your feet. I bought a pair of birkenstocks for home and dansko clogs for work and they are PF HEAVEN! I swear by them! It makes life much easier.


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