Just a beginner


New Member
I am 45 years old and have a sedentary job. I do some weightlifting, but as I get older, I am feeling the need to incorporate aerobics as part of a fitness program.

I have seen Cathe's program several times and aspire to that higher level of fitness. Right now I have a very low fitness level and see the need to greatly increase it. I want to feel better, get toned and set a good foundation for the future. The problem is, I have never done any kind of aerobic program and realize that I have to start at a beginning.

I am looking for suggestions on what program/videos I should begin with and then over time progressing to the more challenging levels.:)
Hi BuffDaddy I recommend you the new Cathe's dvd: BS/BF dvd and HSC dvd. Next when you will increase your fitness level you can try the body blast series. Enjoy.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie.:) :)
That would be "BS/BF" is Basic Step/Body Fusion and HSC is High Step Circuit. :) We forget that a new person wouldn't know these things.
I would FOR SURE order Basic Step and BodyFusion. It is really a good value, too. You get a 30 minute easier step workout, a 50 minute step and weights circuit workout, and a 20-ish minute upper body and 20 or so minute lower body AND a 10 minute abs routine.
Its a great place to start. Then you might like to try the Timesaver DVD next. It has 5 short-form workouts from the Body Blast series and is a lot of fun, but does not require the endurance that the regular ones require.
Hi, my name is Cassandra. I have both the BS and BF tapes but I need a routine to follow so I'm not overtraining...any suggestions?:)
Hi....As one guy to another guy, i have all of cathe's tapes and dvds. I would suggest the kickboxing tapes to start with....cardio kicks, ctx kickboxing, and kick,punch&crunch. Then, maybe Maximum intensity cardio because you can do the first half which is standard aerobics and the second half is step. Then you can see if you like step or not. Alot of guys dont have the rythmn to follow a beat so these would get you started and see what direction you want to take. By the way I"ll be 54 (good god) so take it easy and dont overdue. I let a few days slip and thought I could pick up from where I left off with weights. Needless to say, I pulled my back. Go slow and good luck.
Hey, why don't you try Bootcamp. Just modify to your fitness level. What I mean is don't jump as high, don't go so deep in the plyo jacks, just kick instead of the jump-kicks, etc. Your body will tell you. I think this would be great for a guy. With consistency you'll see your level of fitness improve. It's a tough workout so at first you might feel awkward but I wouldn't let that bother me. It sound to me that you are committed & up to the challenge of getting fit.

Hi there!

All of the suggestions are fabulous. I especially agree with the Basic Step/Body Fusion DVD.

I wanted to tell you that I love your nickname!

I recommned for beginners that the people who give out the suggestions, please don't use the abbreviated form. We have no clue as to what you seasoned professionals are talking about, then we can't find the list of the abreviations, then we have to wait again for a reply to find out what is going on. Just my humble frustrated suggestions. Maybe someone could make a sticky as they call them so it can be in the beginners rack so we can be rolling while we are hot. :p

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