JUNE: Give PEAS a Chance

Linda - about being in the forties and it taking time - that is right! Thanks for the encouragement! :D

Stacy - okay - you are right. I believe I am going to be overtraining if I follow my original schedule. I think the components are essentially right - but, the amount of time is way off. What happens for me is when I read 5-7 days of 30-60 minutes of cardio - I SEE 7 days of 60 minutes. And, that gets me into trouble. :eek:

I am going to insert another "rest" day and am going to reduce cardio during weight days and am going to use your premix idea. For the challenge - I have to insert cardio/weights to see what happens - but, will alter to diminish overtraining. I also like the idea of not adding isometrics during weight training. That is a good idea!

Stacy - thanks for the advice - please share your "zillions of ideas" when you can. I will post a July rotation this weekend after I meet with the PT at the YMCA. Please feel free (Linda too) to add/subtract.

VEGETABLE of the Day: Broccoli

Have Low Impact Step, Abs, and Yoga for this afternoon!


p.s. Gymstyle Legs - OH MY! Loved it - but, man I don't think I have ever felt BURN like that. How does CATHE talk, smile, motivate during those exercises - I can't see how!

p.s.s. Love your husband's idea Stacy!
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the Butt stops here....hahahaha, yeah, he's a keeper. I don't know, Donna likes it! maybe something patriotic, red, white & blue! cheery, not cheeky you naughty girl, no pun intended... :)

I got Supersets done, didn't have it in me yesterday, so I swapped it for the rest day, over did it with the KPC Tuesday, so tomorrow is KPC again, minus any impact or overreaching, & Saturday will be Supersets (TV) again, which I do & then wonder, why don't I do this more? It goes so fast, lunges had me cautious!

Donna, 2 rest days also gives you a little wiggle room without throwing the whole works off, hey Stace, looking back at my stats over 3-4 months, really is cumulative effort, not every day was great, it adds up and that's where you outlast the calories, over time, everyday.

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Hello....had my pizza for dinner and thoroughly enjoyed it! I'm ready to get back in the healthy eating zone now tomorrow which is good b/c I've got a baseball game to get through, and a few cookouts.

Donna....anxious to see your updated rotation! Sometimes less is more!

Linda...I have to keep reminding myself that it's progress over time, that's why I decided not to weigh in too soon, maybe not even until I'm at the point that I like how I look/how my clothes fit b/c then maybe I'll get it thru my noggin that the number on the scale isnt the end all!

I'm in the mood for a total body workout this weekend so I'm planning on dusting off Power Hour, an oldie but goodie. I havent done it in awhile, used to do it all the time and really enjoyed it. I highly recommend it!
Hey girls!

Today, Kick Punch Crunch, and requisite warm up & stretch, I did pretty good with the pizza last week, just ate 1 meal & let boyfriend finish leftovers, works out good, I think next time we'll just get a smaller one. Have noticed that it's pretty obvious when I over do the saturated fats, really I could just order the pizza with half the cheese & it would be plenty.

You have entered the "No Pee & Moan Zone", groaning okay if your butt's on fire! " 4 More ! "

Have sizzlin' good day!
Well - just got back from my personal trainer appt. at the YMCA - was concerned about the qualifications of someone at the YMCA - but, was blessed with an "exercise/nutrition graduate schooled sports therapist" lady who wanted an easier schedule for her mom lifestyle - so, she ended up at the "Y!" All good for me - because she was very helpful. :D

I will be working on July rotation this weekend - incorporating some of her ideas as well. Did get a chance to see some of the free weight area - loved it! Then, did 45 minutes on a new machine (cross between an elliptical and a stairmaster) - very tough! Burned 510 calories though! That was fun! :eek:

GS Back, Shoulders, Bis and a well deserved stretch routine tonight! Should be interesting...;)

Check in again tomorrow - will let you know. This week I did well on workouts and the types of food I ate - but, not so good on timing and macro-nutrients.

Well - if I was perfect - this would be boring - RIGHT?! :cool::cool::cool::cool:

Gotta love progress!
Hi girls!

Sounds really cool Donna, totally get that, and so happy with what you're gettin' done! I did KPC today and as if predicted, I modified that heck out of it, but thought it was still worth putting in the effort, ( giving MTK a little break, my tweeky knees, from earlier in the week ). Ended up at 70% overall and I thought I was really doggin' it ( and I was ). Just 381 calories vs. 475 I think from Tuesday, still way worth it. And my knees feel great! Also adding the appropriate stretch last night & this morning.

How's things at the ball park Stace? Trying to think of good things there, peanuts in the shell? Popcorn? At least you're out! Any cookout Kabobs?

I lucked out, whew! Love to hear about your Y-Adventure & the ballgame!

Good morning! I did pretty well with my diet yesterday. I did have some chocolate at lunch, but overall the day wasnt a total wash.

B---handful of almonds (was running late for work!)
L---salmon caesar salad (no cheese, dressing on the side of which I used maybe 1/2 Tbsp, ate 2 croutons) and the chocolate (about 1/2 vending machine-sized bag of peanut M&M's)
S---handful of walnuts
D---found apples slices at the ballpark! had that and an unsalted soft pretzel....will skip the pretzel next time and hunt for something to pair up with the apple slices

Workout today....was thinking of Power Hour, now I'm leaning towards Jillian Michaels's NMTZ. It's one of the more well-rounded workouts out there that slowly kicks your butt before you know it! Also may jog 1 mile on the treadmill....decisions, decisions....
I'm leaning towards Kitchen Floor Classics: Speed Scrubbing with a Balls to the Wall Bathroom Blast chaser... and Dust 'til You Drop? Stair Master Vac? ;) Then there's this massive pile of who-know's-what that need's shanghai'd outta here!

Dish of the Day = Black Bean Salad

Finished NMTZ.....never thought 3 lb dumbells would feel so heavy! Tomorrow thinking about a 1 mile jog on the treadmill and Tonique Mat, but we'll see what I feel like in the morning!

Linda....your "workout" sounds miserable lol! I wish I liked black beans, they're so healthy, but alas, they're the only bean I DONT like, go figure!

Donna...forgot to mention earlier. I was reading in an article that counting macro's isnt that big a deal as long as you're eating the "right" foods. Did your gal at the Y have anything to say about diet/macro's or is she strictly a fitness person?? Looking forward to your rotation!

I did read an article this morning that basically said if you feel like you're making all the right food choices yet still not seeing results, keep everything the same but cut the portions back. Intuitively this makes sense, and I dont know why I never think of that at the time I'm standing on the scale and thinking "all this hard work and no progress". I've found alot of good articles on a website called "Figure Athlete". It's primarily geared toward female figure competitors but has alot of good basic info on there too, just have to sift thru the major hard-core stuff and the supplement ads.

Diet today so far...

B/pre-workout....handful of walnuts
L/post-workout...Fiber One low fat cottage cheese with Fiber One cereal mixed in
D...MIL is having grilled burgers....will try to watch my portions there and plan on bringing along some raw veggies

I'm doing pretty good at my goal of a minimum of 2 bottles of water per day...now mind you, that's not all I drink but I admittedly do not drink as much as I should so this is really a big deal for me! Ok, off to shower....
Well - I am blessed -


:D:D:D Shock Cardio with CATHE! :D:D:D

Can you believe it? He said that I have been working hard and it was a reward! Now - that is motivating. :D

Well - today is planning day for the week and for July - had started on a rotation - now, I gotta look at these DVDs! Stacy - any pointers with these DVDs?

Will be doing cardio, yoga, and abs today - that's about it! Rest day tomorrow.

Hope all is well!
Hi ladies!

Stace, NMTZ is one I keep reading more & more people do, as well as a number of others of hers, what makes it so popular? I've pretty much decided to stick with Cathe rotations for the summer & fall probably right thru Christmas :) ; a lighter follow-up to slow & heavy I think in August & September.

Donna, that it so cool, that is motivating! I've been looking at my new goals for the next few months, I feel this week was a breakthrough, and gave me some positive experiences to build on, despite the challenges, mostly just recognizing that given all the things I've had to overcome to get this far, why would I think to get further, new challenges wouldn't be there, or just as difficult? Rewards are great along the way, and really good for you! Yes, you!


Hello...my workout today was a 2 mile jog on the treadmill. It went pretty well. Diet, so far, fairly decent...having dinner at the in-laws so will just have to control portions.

Linda....what a great present!!! Off the top of my head....I've done the Boxing workout and liked it, but had to modify some of the higher impact drills...or maybe that was the Kickboxing workout with the drills. Either way I've done each of those workouts once only and dont recall the choreography being too difficult. I've also done HiiT 30/30 about 3 times and I really like this one. It's the easiest of the 4 HiiT workouts, and I dont think I'm quite ready for the other two yet! I've done Cardio Core Circuit once, the ab work I didnt feel was too difficult and next time I'll probably modify some of the impact of the cardio b/c my knee was achy the next day. I havent done any of the others yet but have had Athletic Step on my "to-do" list for awhile now.

Donna....about NMTZ, I dont know what it is about that workout that I like so much, it's not any one thing in particular. It just is relatively low impact, uses 3-5 lb dumbells but it thoroughly works every body part. It's comprised of 6 or 7 circuits. Each circuit contains 5 exercises and you repeat each circuit twice before moving onto the next. There's one circuit that is primarily all abs but the majority of the circuits contain a variety of compound movements. At one point I was doing mostly Jillian and treamill cardio and was seeing some great shoulder definition.

I'll report back later after dinner...Tomorrow is weigh-in day!
Good Morning ladies!

this is rest week for me, preparing for the next rotation, reposted in that forum. Recently got an email from Gaiam, that had an interesting article, occaisionally I'll read 'em for inspiration & affirmations, this one like the last link I posted from Cathe is especially good as I focus on new goals & challenges for the next six months.


Most of the time I find it's just me standing in the way of my own progress, on the flip side though when I get out of my own way, I know who to thank for the hard work!

Make it a Great Day!
Nice article, Linda!! I'm going to bookmark it to reread again.

Weigh-in was about what I expected, mostly water weight, but down 2.8 lbs for the week.

Today I did the cardio conditioning drills from KPC plus the first kick/punch combo. I felt weak/heavy from lack of sleep last night. I ordinarily wouldve skipped working out but decided to at least do something. Tomorrow is a weight training day.

Diet today...

B---protein shake
L---1/2 cup Fiber One cottage cheese, mixed veggies
S---hard boiled egg
D---about 3 ounces of grilled steak, corn on the cob and a small salad with romaine, Parm. cheese, a few croutons and vinagrette. Couldve skipped the cheese and croutons but had a bit of a carb craving.

Hi Donna!
Hey Everyone!

Hi Stacy! ;)

Wanted to post this morning - but, had to take my oldest to the orthodontist to begin the "braces process!" :eek: Needless to say - she was a little nervous.

July Rotation almost complete - went through my entire DVD collection - put DVDs that were too easy into a box and DVDs too hard on a different shelf and the DVDs "just right" where I could get to them easily! Found some neat DVDs to make July fun!

Food has not been too bad today - with this heat I can't find the interest in eating - we are going on 3-4 weeks with temps above 90 degrees. That heat and added humidity makes me want to eat lots of cold things and to definitely NOT want to be cooking in a kitchen. Any ideas on meals while we are in this heat?

Linda, thanks for the article - I will print out and read it while I am at the hairdressers tomorrow!

Elliptical, abs, yoga today - took a rest day yesterday and glad I did - between church and lunch with friends - I did not get home until 8:00. The whole family was beat!

Hope all is well with you both...

Hey Donna,

love the "Goldilocks" approach to DVD's, me too... although I've become pretty proficient with the premixes & modifications, this recipe not only great for hot weather, it's really enzymatic!

Black Bean & Quinoa Salad

2 c water
1 cup Quinoa
1 can black bean drained & rinsed
cucumber seeded & diced, or seedless diced
2-3 tomatoes diced, I use Roma mostly, they hold up a little better
a few scallions or onion of choice diced
garlic, a clove two or three :) minced
Jalapena minced if you like
Or green or red pepper diced
Lemon juice, Lime, or red wine vinegar 2 tbsp
olive oil 2-3 tbsp
tsp cumin
tsp coriander

fresh parsley or cilantro if you prefer
fresh ground pepper & a little salt if you like

This one is a good one to try Stace if you're not wild about the beans, all the other flavors really make this dish.

Prepare Quinoa per package directions, including rinsing quinoa well, to remove whatever that stuff is you need to rinse off, combine cooled quinoa & beans; combine other ingredients with dressing of choice; then quinoa mix & veggie mix. Chill, serve. Excellent the next day too!

This has become one of our summertime, hot weather, staples. There are numerous recipes & versions online.

Enjoy! :D
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Linda, thanks for the recipe. I think I can make a few tweaks and come up with something both my husband and I will eat up! I was thinking subbing corn for the black beans.

Donna, another dinner idea might be some low-cal/lite chicken salad on a bed of romaine maybe with a side of home-baked low carb pita chips?? I saw a show (cant recall which one) where they made chicken breasts in the crock pot and used them for a variety of dishes. One was cutting up a cold, cooked chicken breast adding diced celery, diced apple, golden raisins and fresh parsley with a squirt of lemon or lime juice and a tablespoon or two of low fat mayo, and a bit of black pepper. You can of course make it however you want! The dessert was low a parfait layered with low fat vanilla or lemon yogurt and berries, topped with fresh mint! It looked yummy!

Today I did Cathe's Power Hour and it kicked my butt! I used lower weights than I did years ago when I first got this workout. Maybe my energy level was lower than I thought today. I think my body will enjoy my planned rest day tomorrow! Now off to do a little yard work if I can still lift my arms!
Hi girls,

rest week, continues, just practicing the steps for next week, Rythmic Step & Step Max (it's so funky :) ) and Imax 2, that comes up in week 2, looking forward to the new rotation, lifting heavier, steppin' it up, wishing it wasn't the hottest month of the year, thank goodness for AC.

Decided it was a good time to pick up SJP, originally was going to put Step Blast in this rotation where Step Max is, I was just renting SJP last month so didn't have it then. After practicing Step Max though I think I'll just keep it in, it just has all the right notes for July.....:D

Does anybody else get the urge to see "Jaws" for the umpteenth time when "Shark Month" rolls around? I do!

Start a good thread tomorrow Stace, Okay? thoroughly enjoyed "Peas".... Hi Donna!

Have a whale of a great day!
Today's a rest day, have plans for this evening so probably wont post again until tomorrow.....cant believe it's July already!! I'll have to come up with a new name for the thread soon apparently!! Any ideas??

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