JUNE: Give PEAS a Chance

Just in time for summer the heat's kicked in, then I think about winter & said the same thing about the snow & cold :eek: Step Jump & Pump today, and back to A.M./P.M. stretch, it has a lot of specific stretches that I want to continue to do, I think eventually I'll do my own routine, why is it when anyone ever says stretch they start talking yoga? Nothing wrong with that, I just can't seem to get into it. How'd everything go Donna? Love low impact circuit getting back to it one of these days!

Great on the plan ahead Stace! my year anniversary with the start of Wii Fit comes up next month, I made a "New Year's Resolution in July" last year & amazingly, stuck to it! So where do you want to be a year from today? Try to picture the little Wii Fit step, and then Cathe's routines, that's the difference a year can make. Picture no weight strength exercises, then picture barbells.... So...Where do you want to be a year from today?

Waves! :D
Hope all is well with you two!

Hey Donna, everything go okay with the check in? Did Low Impact Circuit yesterday as a sub for SJP, never disappoints, major calorie burn with that one. Hard to believe that is all low impact sometimes and still I get the incredible workout.

Hey Stace, yesterday wish I had your new mindset, totally didn't think healthy choices & even when I did it seemed things didn't work out, that was the down side, today's another day. Everything workout-wise seemed to go okay, but a lot of other little things were just off, I don't really focus so much on that, just note that it was and get on with other things.

Kick, Punch, Crunch today, I may just have to do more kickbox. ;)

Have a Great Day! Break a sweat!
Good morning, all went pretty well yesterday even with going out to dinner for hubby's bday. Weigh in was 136.0. My goal is to be 115-120 lb. I'd love to be there by my 40th bday which is about 8 months away, so doing all my calculations, that's an average weight loss of 0.6 lbs per week (for a 20 lb loss). Putting it in that perspective that seems fairly doable, however I'm not going to let the scale dictate. I overall just want to feel more comfortable in my own skin and see my overall body fat percentage improve.

My diet for my first day...

B---low carb protein shake
L---salad with romaine, red peppers and small can of tuna (no dressing)
S---Fiber One low fat cottage cheese with 1/2 cup Kashi protein cereal

D---went out to a nice place, I skipped the bread/butter and dessert, drank water, we got seared scallops as an appetizer, dinner was pan seared halibut, asparagus and the "bad" indulgence was the side of lobster mac-n-cheese.

My general eating guideline which I've seen results from in the past when I really stuck to it...

1. 3-4 meals per day, one "meal" can be a protein shake
2. lower carb/carbs earlier in the day
3. a lean protein source when possible with each meal; I'm counting Kashi protein cereal and cottage cheese as well as higher protein yogurt in this category as I get sick of eggs in the morning!
4. increase water intake (this surprisingly is a toughie for me)
5. allow a cheat meal per week
6. plan ahead!
7. aim for a vegetable with lunch and dinner
8. overall cut WAY down on bread, rice, pasta, starchy veggies, sweets/desserts and anything down the chip aisle at the grocery store (my trigger foods)

No workout yesterday. Today I'm going to do Cathe's Gauntlet as I cant decide if I want to do cardio or weights so I decided on a circuit. My workout focus at least for the time being is going to be "fat loss", ie calorie burn. I was really liking STS but I may do that later in the future. I've had luck in the past with only 4 workouts per week when my diet is stellar, so I'm going to try to put a bit more focus on meal planning than workout rotation planning.

Have a good day everyone. We're going to the zoo this afternoon if the weather holds out!
Stacy - Gauntlet! Where is that - in STS? That sounds scary.

I am here trying to type while my triceps and chest muscles just shake - just finished GymStyle Chest and Triceps! :D:D LOVED IT! :D:D Thanks Stacy for the recommendation.

Linda - check-in went great! Did gain pounds - but lost 6 pounds by Monday due to my cycle. I don't know why I retain so much sometimes. I gained about 1.5 pounds of muscle last week and lost 2 pounds of body fat. And, I lost 2 inches in good places like thighs and abs. Pretty good week!

Eating has been good - the weekend was tough. Father's Day meant BBQ - and, that is a hard proposition for healthy eating - but, I managed. ;)

Been working on some of my mental weight this week like house cleaning; finances; homeschool prep; etc. Need to strike some type of balance.

My workout this week is not planned - trying new DVDs to create a July rotation...

I will be doing split days with cardio/abs/yoga in the morning and weights/stretch at night. Stacy - my question regarded how to incorporate weights into my rotation. When I added circuit - particularly CATHE's DVDs - I could not get solid muscle specific workouts like BFFM requires. What I mean is that when I added a circuit - like LIC to my rotation - I had to skip a day due to the muscle work done in that workout - and, it made it hard to get a full body muscle group workout each week. It seemed to me that I had to choose between either circuit type work OR muscle group type work. BFFM would like you to either do 3-4 full body weight routines a week + cardio or alternate muscle groups throughout the week + cardio.

What I have decided for July - with your input - is to focus primarily on 5-6 days of cardio 45m minimum (elliptical, step, kickbox, and intervals) and alternate through Gymstyle - here is one weekly scenario...advice please:

Day 1: Elliptical, CoreMax, Yoga...GymStyle Chest and Tris, Stretch
Day 2: Step Blast, Stability Ball Abs, Yoga...GymStyle Legs, Stretch
Day 3: KPC, Yoga...T-Tapp BWO+, Stretch
Day 4: Low Max, CoreMax, Yoga...GymStyle Back, Shoulder, Biceps; Stretch
Day 5: Treadmill, The Firm Abs, Yoga...T-Tapp BWO+, Stretch
Day 6: Low Impact Step, CoreMax, Yoga...MuscleMax, Stretch
Day 7: Rest

Then - the next week - I might only do circuit work - or, full body workouts.


Hope all is well - will check in with you tomorrow! Have to take the girls to ballet camp in the morning...


p.s. Meeting with a trainer on Friday at the YMCA to verify BF% and LBM% - should be interesting -
Hi, time for just a quick post before I head out the door. Donna, definitely thinking about your question....I was wondering what exactly T-Tapp BWO+ entails....is it cardio rigorous, or more stretch or upper vs lower body focused? I really have no experience with T-tapp so not sure how to advise on your rotation yet. Also how long do your splits take? Your day looks exhausting just looking at it. Could the length of your workouts be adding to your mental weight? Would you be willing to forego yoga, T-tapp, cardio or stretching one day or do those workouts actually help the mental weight too? And....what new workouts are you planning on learning/incorporating for July or August? Sorry for all the questions just want to get all the info before I answer your question. Thanks! I'll post again later after work tonight.....

Hi Linda!
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Hi Girls!

Stace, I wish I would have had it together on the food like that, except for the cottage cheese (never could stomach it) & lobster mac & what? honey, there's some things you ought not do to a lobster :confused: one teensy tiny bit of feedback, make sure your goal is realistic, for you, I know you've been lifting heavier, that's why I say it, the tape measure & how your clothes fit could be a good guide, & split that focus. I read in one book recently that even 60% effort in exercise yields results, not all your days will be 100%, "listen to your body" & "be consistent applies", you go girl!
Jogging puts you right in the fat burn zone, so does power walking!

Donna, going to start my hardest rotation in July, i.e. heaviest weight & step cardio, I'll be using the Slow & Heavy series, Rythmic Step, Step Max, Low Max, & Imax 2 (in some form :rolleyes: ) I looked at your rotation, I'm not sure that working both cardio & weights (the full workouts) in one day may be the best, from what I read, you're working different systems, and one: you may need a little recovery in between for each (those are advanced workouts), and two: two workouts, long ones in one day may cause your body to try to become more efficient during them, thus negating the effects you're trying for , calorie burn & strength building, I hope Stace can help out with this one because I can't quite remember yet where I read it. I'll look though. I think cardio/weight/cardio/weight still works the best, especially if you go heavier & longer workouts or you could split them like CTX (30 min each), I saw someone posted a routine like that in "how long are your workouts" thread.

I was completely spent by the time I got to last combos in KPC yesterday, I should probably do warm up & that one a couple times as an add on, I did that a lot in the beginning to learn the end of workouts, and get the moves better, that way when I'm completely exhausted, I don't have to focus so much on the move, just the cardio. (remember low max? )

Forgot to tell you guys, I did bananas Monday! woo hooo! in LIC, I couldn't do those before, My Small Victory for the week, then KPC knocked me out!
go figure.......:p

Supersets today, Have a Super Day! :eek:
Off to do my interview with the Skeptic!
I'll post my July Rotation early if you like Donna, using Slow & Heavy like Gymstyles, thought if you're using them you might like it.

Thanks ladies for the input -

Stacy - T-Tapp BWO+ is 15 minutes of isometrics (no weights) - kind of like yogaish slow calisthenics...not hard. So, day 3 and 5 do not have weights with them...

Generally - the times would be:

Morning: cardio (45-60m), abs (8-20m), yoga (20m) TOTAL = 73m-100m
Evening: weights (45-60m), stretch (13-20m) TOTAL = 58m - 80m

YIKES that is alot - that is what I need to decide. I will review BFFM book to see why he says to do that. Many of the people on the challenge are doing split days...and, I see on Facebook with CATHE entries that she does cardio - then, a little later weights, etc. - although she is a pro and it is her job! :p

Linda - the issue with affecting the results of the exercise is exactly what I am trying to figure out - so, any help there would be great. I have read something like that before - so, let me see what I can look up as well.

Stacy - any new workouts would be in the cardio area - some walk running with Couch 25K; a CATHE step or interval; something like that. But, the intermediate cardio with the Step Blast series seems enough for me right now.

My workouts aren't affecting my mental weight too much - it is more the changing of lifestyle with nutrition and pulling my family along that is the tough part. I get up at 5:00 a.m. for the morning workout and have not figured out a good schedule for hte evening yet since it is new.

That's it! See you later. Elliptical on tap today with GymStyle Legs.

Linda - I would love to see your July Rotation. Slow and Heavy is a DVD I would like to get sometime - maybe after this challenge is over first of September?

Here is some information from the BFFM book regarding exercise:

For cardio (which means within your targeted heart range 80% of the time)

When your goal is maximum fat loss = 30-60 minutes of continuous activity per session; 5-7 days per week

When your goal is gaining muscle, maintenance, or cardiovascular conditioning = 20-30 minutes of continuous activity per session; 3-4 days per week

For weights

Beginners: 3 workouts per week on nonconsecutive days, full body each workout

Intermediate: 3-4 workouts per week on 2 day split routine (half the body one day, half the next)

Advanced: 4-5 workouts per week on a three or four day split routine, each muscle group worked once every five to seven days

About the timing of workouts when cardio and weights are involved -

Generally, timing is a secondary and highly overrated factor. If you can do cardio on a morning and then weights in the late morning, afternoon or evening - it has potential benefits:

1. Allows you to get a meal quickly after weights which maximizes recovery and muscle growth
2. It gives you a double boost in metabolism instead of a single post exercise metabolic increase
3. It allows you to get the benefits of fasted morning cardio
4. It gives you more energy fofr each individual session instead of one long, energy draining session
5. It maximizes hormonal response to exercise for maximal fat loss and muscle growth
6. It minimizes the possibility of overtraining

Well - I am getting a better idea of what I might do for July - generally - I will alternate between Intermediate and Advanced weight programs and cardio 5-6 days a week with shorter cardio sessions on weight days.

BTW - stretching seems to be key with weight training. You need to stretch a minimum of 10 minutes after weights. Found that interesting - did not know that!

Will update later - did elliptical - got GS Legs this evening. If you hear some crying from down South in Atlanta - it's just ME! :eek:

Just home from work, time for dinner.....veggie/shrimp stir fry. Linda....lobster mac-n-cheese is heavenly! I didnt think it sounded good but prepared at this fancy place with the pasta cooked to perfection, a 3 cheese blend...guyere, parmesan, maybe white cheddar.....yum. Donna...will put some thought into your rotation now that I know a bit more about the t-tapp and the length of your workouts!
Stacy - here is the "Checklist" from BFFM about nutritional goals each day - reminded me of your healthy eating list...

1. Eating fewer calories than you burn
2. Properly balancing your macro-nutrient ratios
3. Eating five or six meals per day, properly timed
4. Eating lean proteins with every meal
5. Eating the right types of carbohydrates and avoiding refined sugars
6. Eating low fat and choosing the right types of fat
7. Drinking plenty of water
8. Eating natural, unrefined foods
This is it for July, 8 days a week......(2 days off per week)

Linda's Slow it Down - Step it Up for July 2010

July 2 - August 2

week 1 Friday to Friday

Rhythmic Step
S & H Chest & Tris, Abs (Mix & Match)
Step Max
S & H Legs & Shoulders
S & H Back & Bis, abs (Mix & Match)
Rhythmic Step

week 2 Saturday to Saturday

Low Max step combo Premix
S & H Chest & Tris, abs (Mix & Match)
I-Max 2 (1-5) Premix
S & H Legs & Shoulders
S & H Back & Bis, abs (Mix & Match)
Low Max step combo Premix

week 3 Sunday to Sunday

Low Max step combo Premix
S & H Chest & Tris, abs (Mix & Match)
I-Max 2 (6-10)
S & H Legs & Shoulders
S & H Back & Bis, abs (Mix & Match)
Low Max step combo Premix

week 4 Monday to Monday

Rhythmic Step
S & H Chest & Tris, abs (Mix & Match)
Step Max
S & H Legs & Shoulders
S & H Back & Bis, abs (Mix & Match)
Rhythmic Step

Thanks for info on the book, this rotation will be the hardest one in a series of three over the last 3-4 months for me. Then maybe another round, of easier, moderate, harder....etc. I couldn't find where I saw that about double workouts, I think it was talking about intensity, suggesting max. strength workout morning, & lighter cardio later in day, something like that.

We'll see!
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Linda - yes - we are all talking at the same time - and, I love it!

I love your rotation - if I remember correctly, you are on maintenance right? You are not really needing to lose weight? You are wanting to increase your endurance in cardio and basic strength - is that right?

If so - your rotation hits the bullseye! Boy - I can't wait for the days when I can have a maintenance cardio rotation...that will be great!

Ok...here are some thoughts on your rotations.

Linda....your new rotation looks very doable, I like the 2 rest days per week. I havent done Slow & Heavy in awhile, but I did think it moved a bit slow for my mind some days. On those days I changed up Cathe's rep count for 2-6 (or 6-2) to a 4-4 rep speed.

Donna.....I honestly think you're doing much. I fear that you're going to be overtraining. Would 2 rest days work for you or on another "rest" day, do just a longer yoga session and abs?? Also would putting a rest day mid-week instead of the end the week work for your schedule if you're going to stick with only 1 rest day per week? I honestly think alternating cardio and weight training days would be best, or like you said cutting down the cardio sessions a bit like say only half of Low Max or a shorter premix from KPC on your weight training days? Is T-tapp a must? I'm wondering if it's necessary to do isometrics this month if you're doing Gym Styles? Another thought that went through my mind is doing the Timesaver Premixes from the Gym Styles. I do it that way quite often and actually feel like I get more out of it at times b/c it's less exhausting as far as reps go and I can lift a bit heavier/push myself more. Let me know the answer to some of those questions and I'd still be happy to suggest a possible alternate rotation as I have a zillion ideas in my head for you ;)

Today for me...planned rest day.

B--Fiber One cottage cheese mixed with Fiber One honey-cluster flakes cereal
L--salad with chicken breast, red pepper, a handful of tortilla strips for crunch (70 cals) and lite basalmic vinegretta (about 1 Tbsp)
S--handful of walnuts
D--shrimp stir fry with green beans, onions, mushrooms and red peppers, went very light on the stir fry sauce (which isnt hard b/c I'm not a saucy/gravy type of person anyways)
Water--2 bottles, and remembered to take my multivitamin

Tomorrow will workout in the morning before work, not sure what yet. I dont have a set workout plan right now and my next week will be a bit busy so I may just do whatever I feel like and then come up with something more concrete after the 4th of July holiday. Thinking I'll weigh-in tomorrow, or maybe just once weekly, havent decided yet.
Morning Ladies! (I miss C & W, uh, uh, uh ladies, uh,uh,uh, fellas...)

Right Stace, the two rest days worked well for current rotation, so I wanted to carry thru, I just added an additional cardio day, hence the eight day week. I'll have to preview the S & H again about the counts, it's a strength builder, sorry but I'm still thinking about yer darn lobster, and thinkin' lobsters should be boiled, broiled or steamed, not mac & cheesed, sorry...but ya know how something sticks in your head....:rolleyes: Way to go on the plan, our refrigerator died for real this time....uggh...

Hey Donna, yep, I haven't been at this weight for 15 years I think, and I'm that much older, just goes to show you that even in your forties, when things stack up against you, you can do it, the biggest thing I had to come to terms with is everything just takes a little longer (okay a lot longer) in my 20's & 30's I could do ten thousand things a day, everyday, & twice that Saturdays, okay that's exaggerating a bit, but you get the idea. Maintenance is where I'm at, this year my focus is & was mostly with Flexibility, Balance, Core Strength. I still have a way to go on the cardio & strength. Each month I still list a few goals on the Cathe calendar, measurements, this month something fun, new music "Lady Gaga" I so want to step to that!

Have a great day ladies! And put something fun into that routine! ;)
Good morning, workout is done. I didnt feel much like jumping around so I rode the recumbent bike for 30 minutes and then did abs. It wasnt my best workout by far, but better than nothing. Tonight is my cheat meal...pizza. Breakfast is a hard boiled egg and bowl of raspberries and half a banana. Lunch will be a spinach salad with chicken breast and strawberries with lite basalmic vinegrette. I decided not to weigh-in yet, will weigh-in Monday morning. I'm sure I'll see a loss which will mostly water weight this week.

Have a good one!
Forgot to add......any thoughts on our new July theme?? My "witty" husband's idea...."The Butt Stops Here", gotta love him ;)

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