JUNE: Give PEAS a Chance


Today Drill Max total body premix, this is Drill Max, Kick Max, Muscle Max week, yea! ... saw the "oldies" special and I'm thinkin' :rolleyes: Hope your feeling better Stace, would the treadmill be better for a day like that?

Hey Donna, did you intend to have the circuit C & W right after PUB, day 5 & 6 on your schedule? Looks like a challenging week, 2 circuits, 2-day split, cardio KB & Low Max interval cardio whew! The only taps I'd be doing after that is "lights out" kind :eek: I've continued to make rotations since your March thread, building from the start, still haven't done all the discs the whole way through, workin' on it, thank goodness for premixes!

Maybe you could just swap out PUB for day 4 & LM for day 5?

Have a Super day!

Good catch - I need to think about changing that. To be honest - some of the intermediate is getting easier and I am trying to stretch myself. Also, the split days are goals I am aiming for - if I can do 2 - that's great! ;)

BTW everyone - week 1 on BFFM challenge yielded great results:

Total Inch Loss DOWN - 1.75
Average BF% 31.95 DOWN -1.68
Average Pounds of Fat 62.86 DOWN -2.79
Average Pounds of Muscle 133.89 UP 4.29

All thanks for CATHE and new nutrition planning. I know that the muscle will settle down as the glycogen adjusts - but, everything is going in the right direction.

VEGETABLE OF THE DAY - Tomato (or is it a fruit - no matter it is healthy)

Tomato Tortilla Soup

Recipe By :
Serving Size : 8 Preparation Time :0:00
Categories :

Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method
-------- ------------ --------------------------------
4 corn tortilla
2 tablespoons coconut oil
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 medium onion -- chopped
6 cloves garlic -- minced
2 teaspoons cumin
8 cups Chicken Broth Homemade
60 ounces no salt added stewed tomatoes
2 small jalapenos -- seeded and diced
1 1/2 teaspoons dried oregano
1/2 cup lime juice
1/2 cup sour cream, light
4 tablespoons cilantro -- chopped

Take the corn tortillas and cut them into strips. Place them on cookie sheet sprayed with "Pam." Sprinkle some salt and lay the sheet aside.

Melt oil in pot. Place onion into pot and saute until soft. Add garlic and cook until flavors cook together. Sprinkle in cumin and stir.

Add tomatoes and broth and bring to a boil. Turn heat down and simmer until some thickening occurs.

Add jalapenos and oregano. Stir. Take a hand blender (or pour into a blender) and pure entire contents.

Add lime juice. Turn heat down to low and let it warm through.

In the meantime, turn oven to 425 degrees. Place corn tortillas into heated oven and cook for 15 minutes until crispy.

Place soup into bowls. Add a dollop (1 tablespoon) of sour cream and the tortilla chips on top. Serve immediately.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Per Serving (excluding unknown items): 281 Calories; 15g Fat (44.4% calories from fat); 13g Protein; 28g Carbohydrate; 4g Dietary Fiber; 36mg Cholesterol; 408mg Sodium. Exchanges: 1/2 Grain(Starch); 0 Lean Meat; 3 Vegetable; 0 Fruit; 1 Fat; 0 Other Carbohydrates.
Hi girls!

Way to track it Donna, my scale today went the wrong way, oops...and my workout felt aweful yesterday, oh well, they can't all be stellar, looks like a good recipe Donna, put lime in anything & I'm there! How do you get your muscle gain vs. fat loss?

Kick Max low impact premix today
Vegetable of the day=Celery? okay....;)

No workout yesterday, don't know yet about today. I'm definitely feeling flabbier lately, especially around the middle. This week was a planned week to do whatever workout-wise b/c I've got alot going on so at least that pressure is off. I think I need a week off anyways. Veggie yesterday....scallions in pasta, how sad. Today, no idea. This vertigo is annoying.
Stacy - I hope you get to feeling better - rest is a good thing. I believe CATHE talks about recovery weeks - maybe this week is the one for you. I am planning on a short recovery week in about 2 weeks!

Thanks Linda - I realized that when I cut and pasted that my weight results did not post - I actually GAINED 1.5 pounds! :eek: My understanding is that if you subtract the muscle gain with the fat loss - there is the actual weight gain. Not sure - but it makes me feel better! ;)

Gaining muscle?! From what I gather in reading the BFFM book - is that it is related more to nutrition and less to solely doing weights. When I was on the thread with you guys the first of the year - my caloric intake on average was 1300-1600 cal/day. When I would have hard workouts (especially in intermediate) - I was exhausted. So, it was an endless cycle.

Come to find out - my Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE) (taking into consideration 5-6 60m workouts and a goal to lose 1.5 pounds per week) is: 2035 on ON days and 2400 on OFF days!

That's a big difference in calories and I was afraid of the increase. Will I just "bloat?" But - I felt the positive strengthening effects immediately when I worked out. My stamina was back!

Also - not only is it the caloric intake - but, the macro-nutrients. BFFM says 50% carbs (fibrous, starchy, simple) (veggies, grains, fruit); 30% protein (lean); 20% fat. Supposedly, his research has shown that people who work out (like us) tend to not get enough protein (which is the source for muscle building). It was true for me. The ratios can be adjusted - I am adjusting by lowering the carbs (I have some sensitivity to too many carbs).

Hope that helps! (TDEE and Macro-nutrients)

Gotta go teach the girls and do KPC! :eek:

VEGETABLE of the day: Black beans (in a soup), Zuchinni (in a bread)

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Hang in there Stace, things will turn around, give yourself a break.

don't know if I understand all that you wrote Donna, it's a lot to take in :confused: Sounds like you know where you're going with it! when I first read your post I thought it said gotta go, teach the girls KPC, hahaha, & I'm thinkin' yeah, way to start 'em out! that's funny, they could probably teach Mom the ballet!


Veggies+ of the day =Tomato, Cucumber, green pepper, scallions, lettuce + chickpeas, lemon, paprika, parsley & whatever else goes in the tomato cucumber relish sandwiches! :)
Hey Stacy! I am thinking about you! I even increased my weights today in PUB - in honor of you and your devotion to STS :D It hurt! I actually had some shakes at the end. Can't understand why CATHE added planks during the last 5 minutes - my arms were already toast - I guess the point is that the abs are to do the work. My abs did not cooperate! :eek:

Linda - I know about workouts that feel awful. I guess it is part of the process. I have learned from you and Stacy that variety is important.

About TDEE:

1. Your basal metabolic rate (BMR) is the number of calories it takes to feed your body for the day...
2. With a basic formula, you can calculate your total daily energy expenditure (TDEE) by determining how much exertion you will be doing, i.e., 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7...60 minute workouts.
3. After that number - you decide if you what to maintain your weight, decrease, increse...and multiply another number. The resulting number is you optimal caloric intake for each day.

That's really it. The BFFM formulas are working for me because my daily caloric intake is UP from what My Fitness Pal had determined for me. So, below are my numbers for the last 2 Saturdays...the increase this week is due to my decrease in body fat and increase in lean mass.

Average BMR 1617 1641
Total Daily Energy Expenditure
(TDEE) (3-5 Workouts/week) 2506 2544
Optimal Caloric Intake for Weight Loss 2005 2035

Well - completed elliptical, yoga, BWO+, and PUB - and, I am DONE! :eek: 1 Split day down.

Made a great Italian Wedding Soup tonight. Tasty - but I have to figure out how to decrease the fat grams and sodium. Calories were fine - if you want the recipe - let me know.

VEGETABLE of the DAY: Butterhead lettuce from the garden and spinach (in the soup)

Donna...good job on PUB!! I'd love your soup recipe!

Linda, Kelly...how are you??

I really like this veggie theme even though I havent eaten any! I'm going to continue to post my veggie intake just to keep it as a constant reminder!
Nee Nar Nee Nar, send the medivac, we've had our first casualty off the veggie Wagon! it's okay Stace, sum total was not as posted yesterday for me, I had good intentions, today is another day.

I'll have to look into that more Donna, You had some one test your body fat & lean mass? That's pretty neat, Muscle Max had me telling the "girls" oh, you go on ahead , I'll catch up, more than once. :eek:

Let's try for that veggie sandwich today! Carrot cake doesn't count right?
Thanks for posting Donna, it takes time to adjust, I knew it was coming, way to go on the workouts!

Make it a Veggie Day! :)
Allow me my pity party.... I weighed in today, first time in awhile. I have gained 4 lbs since I did away with dieting. I'm at 136.2 this is the highest weight I've ever been up to in my entire life. I look at the clothes in my closet and I cant fit into anything. I was 115 just a few short years ago it seems. How did I let this happen to myself? I just feel helpless. I diet and I gain, I dont diet and I gain. I journal and I gain. I dont journal and I gain. I count calories, dont count calories. Seems like I've done it all and still here I am almost 40 and a big fat frumpy flabby loser. I havent worn shorts in over 10 years b/c I hate my legs. I turn down summer vacation plans with hubby and family b/c I have nothing to wear and dont want to look at everyone else in pretty summer clothes having fun in the sun. I've had my thyroid checked. Read every book known to mankind about relationships with food and they all sound great. Only here I am. I'm going out of town this weekend and I'll be around my overweight relatives with food everywhere and I'm in the mindset to say what the hell and just join in the foodfest. I figure if I'm going to be fat I might as well eat the foods I crave anyways. I've finally reached a goal of running 3 miles yet it's counteracted by being the fattest I've ever been.

Thanks for listening. I am done now.
Oh Stace, you may have this one day to pity, tomorrow let's talk about what you're doing right, lifting heavier, running, the "non-diet" parts. Give it a day, tomorrow I'll try to give you some things to try, maybe you're ready to start over. Think about having some other goals, besides the number on the scale, since it's not your best friend right now, enlist hubby since he cooks sometimes for you, and knows you best, check in tomorrow, okay?

Give us smile......:) even if it's for another day....

P.S. if I don't hear from you before the weekend....take the fruit salad with you this weekend, you'll at least have one really healthy thing to share, and you can smile about that.
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Stacy - <<<<<HUG>>>>>

Thanks for trusting us enough to indulge your "Pity Party!" I am sure before I reach 60 pounds lost - I will take advantage of this close thread and throw some pity your way. Us women have to vent - or we would just explode! :p

Ditto to everything Linda said - especially about focusing on what you are doing RIGHT! That is so important!

I went through this in April - I was working harder than I had ever worked in nutrition and exercise and the scale WAS NOT moving. Not only that - but - with this type of excess weight - high impact and some of the intermediate DVDs were not going to work because of the stress on my joints.


A couple of weeks later - I reassessed and wrote out goals for myself. These goals were different than before - not just physical goals like weight loss, etc. - but, physical, mental, spiritual, etc. I PAINTED A PICTURE IN MY MIND of where I wanted to be. I wrote all these goals down and broke them down to fit for the summer...I wrote WHY I wanted to accomplish a goal to place some type of positive affirmation. AND, lastly, I look at them everyday. Here is one of the goals:

1. I will have lost 24 pounds and be at a weight of 171-173 because I want more energy; to wear pretty clothes; to conquer this generational excuse for weight gain; to make my husband and girls proud; and to feel stronger.

So - maybe reassess your goals - what are you aiming for? A couple of other things: are you tracking things other than pounds - like body fat, lean muscle, inches, etc. Could the gain be muscle or just excess sodium? Also, are you eating enough protein? Preferably 30% of your daily calories...Are you eating enough calories? That was what my problem was...ironically, to lose my fat - I had to eat more! Go figure! :p

Hey - you have some great people here who care about you - don't throw in the towel - I WON'T - IF YOU WON'T! Don't need any quitters in this thread!

Now - as CATHE so eloquently says - "Quit your groanin' and give me a plank!" ;););)

Finished LowMax, Stability Ball Abs, and Yoga - I'M DONE!

VEGETABLE of the Day: Tomato (in soup) - I was actually ill all morning - just could not eat...

Hey guys, thanks so much for the kind words and for your caring and compassion! It really means alot to read your heartfelt and sincere concern! Hugs to you both!!

I'm feeling a bit better today but my diet still sucks and I know I wont workout until Tuesday at the earliest unfortunately.

Even though I had chips, a cookie and a donut today (makes me disgusted just to type that!) we did have kabobs for dinner so I did get in some veggies.....peppers, red skinned potatoes, corn on the cob, onions, mushrooms.

I may not post again until Sunday night so if not, have a great weekend!
Hi girls,

Did buckle down & make the tomato-cucumber relish sandwiches yesterday, so we'll have leftovers today, + plus a leafy green salad. Have a good weekend Stace, jot down things that throw you off and the great stuff you do with STS & the running, maybe too, the foods you love, the ones you crave, & the ones that get you into trouble. By next week you could have a small list of things to work with. Most of all don't stress over it, if you find yourself doing that write that down too, tuck it away with the other things you'll look at next week, then make an appointment & do it.

Exercise doesn't have to be all or nothing, right? Here's a link to the breakfast thread with a tasty recipe that could save time during the week, enjoy! Heck, I'll just paste it here:
What about a Frittata that you bake on Sunday night and cut up for the rest of the week? I have made these in the past and they are super healthy. Here is the recipe:

1/2 green bell pepper, chopped
1/2 red bell pepper, chopped
1/2 onion, chopped
1 package of frozen spinach
2 eggs
7 egg whites
1/4 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp. pepper
1/4 Garlic powder
1 tbsp. Extra Virgin Olive Oil

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
2. In a pan, warm the olive oil and begin sauting the peppers and onions.
3. Add in the salt, pepper and garlic powder.
4. At this time, defrost in the microwave the spinach according to the directions on the package.
5. Once the peppers and onions are tender add in the spinach and saute until well blended with the peppers.
6. Place sauted vegetables into a baking dish (preferably a Pyrex)
7. In another bowl, beat the eggs until the yolks are blended with the whites.
8. Pour the eggs over the sauted vegetables.
9. Place in the oven for 25-30 minutes.
10. Once cooled, cut up the frittata into servings and wrap for the week.

***As the week progresses, take one serving a day to work and warm in the microwave for about a minute. The frittata keeps well for a week and it's extremely healthy.

Muscle Max timesaver premix today. Thanks for your thoughts Donna. :)

I hope that thread keeps going, could always use new recipes for first thing in the morning , especially those make ahead kind. Today is Kick Max low impact premix, but I'm pretty sure I'm going to look at the whole thing and see what's what. I feel pretty good about this rotation, I've lifted heavier and am ready to take cardio to a new level. It's a good challenge. Still planning rotations for the next 2-3 months, and loving it!

Good Luck with the Check-in Donna, you're inspiring me to get better with the good food fuel! way to go on the workouts! We're here for you Stace if you need the mid-weekend pick-me-up!

Linda :)
Hey Everyone!

Stacy - I hope you are having a great weekend. Linda - how did KickMax go? That's on my schedule in July!

Cardio and Weights + Yoga today! Rest day tomorrow!

YEA! YEA! Check in went well!

Weight 194.75 -2 (.5 lost in 2 weeks!)
Average BF% 31.16 -0.79 (2.46 lost in 2 weeks!)
Average Pounds of Fat 60.69 -2.17 (4.96 lost in 2 weeks!)
Average LBM 134.06 0.17(4.46 gained in 2 weeks!)
Total inches 399.25 -2.75 (4.5 inches lost in 2 weeks!)

Here is a recipe I am going to try this weekend to have some nutrition handy on those busy days - also, saves money - protein bars are expensive! :eek:

Homemade Chocolate Protein Bars
(makes 8 Bars)

These bars are popular with the members of the “Muscle Building Nutrition” forum. They’re simple to make, and - no surprise - don’t last very long. Best to make two batches at a time!

2 1/2 c. (200 g) oats
1 scoop (30 g) whey powder (use chocolate flavor)
2 tbsp. natural peanut butter
3 large egg whites
2 medium bananas (300 g), mashed
1 tbsp. honey
7 tbsp. (approx. 100 ml) nonfat milk
1 tsp. cinnamon

Preheat your oven for 5 minutes at 180o C (355o F). Mix the oats, the whey and the cinnamon. Add the peanut butter and stir in thoroughly. Add the egg whites, mashed bananas and the honey.
Add the nonfat milk slowly, while mixing thoroughly.
Spoon the mixture into a greased lined cake tin and level with a knife. Place in oven and bake for 15 minutes. Remove from oven and allow to cool slightly before cutting to reduce stickiness. Cut into 8 bars.

Nutritional Information
Calories (Per Serving): 154
Protein (g): 9.5
Carbohydrates (g): 21.3
Fat (g): 3.4
Carb - Protein - Fat % Ratio: 55% - 25% - 20%
(Note: percentages have been corrected)
I'm supposed to be in bed - but found this quote for you Stacy!

"History has demonstrated that the most notable winners usually encountered heartbreaking obstacles before they triumphed. They won because they refused to become discouraged by their defeats."
Bertie C. Forbes

Have a great weekend - may not post tomorrow - rest day! Will see! May have some recipes to pass your way - Sunday is my baking day! :p

Hi girls,

If you check back after the weekend! great going on the check-in Donna, I was looking into body fat percentages this weekend, thinking this link may help Stace (& me) with realistic goals.

I realize I'll have to measure or get measured to accurately account for that, & not rely on the scale so much, haven't missed a day in 15 weeks though, and the scale can show normal fluctuations. Also keeps my focus on sticking to the workouts every scheduled day & making new goals for the next few months. Consistency is key!

Kick Max was just okay, forgot about stretching the day before & felt tight, did watch the higher impact parts & may do every other with the girls, I jump rope too, when they really get "airborne"! I think it's time to try some of it!
During the last olympics Dara Torres said something about how important the stretching was when they asked her questions about her age, she was adamant about the importance of that for older athletes, that was way before I started exercising, as it turns out though, everything, strength, recovery, and cardio are better if I stick to a regular flexibility routine. I've used several methods over the past few months, a combination seems to be the best.

Fruits of the Day = raspberries & cantaloupe
Vegetables of the Day = Leafy Greens, tomatoes & cucumber

Enjoy the Day! :)

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