Hi again guys!
Chris, I did like Lalofit - I just need to try it on another day. I promise, I will! Swine flu! Ha! I would have just told those people "sit your butts down!" Well, actually, I wouldn't have - I would have stood behind them and seethed (sp?) just like you!
Hope you're not catching our funk around here! You know, I used to count calories. There's so many theories/calculators out there on how much to eat to lose, maintain, etc. There are a couple sites like sparkspeople and thedailyplate that will calculate them for you and you can track your calories and workouts, too. I think 2,000 is too high to lose, for me at least. 1,200 is probably too low. I seem to be able to lose keeping it between 1,600-1,800 and working out. Am I doing that? No, of course not! ;(
Beth, oh, it's so hard to see our kids go through that emotional stuff. I think all you can really do is be there if they want to talk about it (which they usually don't!) and let them learn for themselves. How old is Travis? Jameson went through some horrible social stuff back in fourth grade. He was double-promoted and the new kids never really accepted him. He used to be friends with all the kids in his old grade - the new kids gave him a hard time. He was crying himself to sleep at night which he didn't tell me about for like a week. I felt so guilty because I had misgivings about him skipping a grade, but went along with it. Now he has lots of friends in middle school, so it eventually did work out. Then Ian had a best friend in 2nd or 3rd grade, forget which. They must have had some kind of tiff because I found a letter he wrote to him which was just heartbreaking. Something like, please be my best friend forever, etc. I don't think he ever gave it to him. None of this is helping you, but I've been there and it's hard. Sometimes I think boys are just as emotional about this stuff as girls are. On the other hand, Colin seems oblivious to it all. Could care less who likes him!
Another kid thing....kind of funny. I always said I wouldn't worry about the boys being interested in girls until they voluntarily took showers every night. It's a battle every night about who has to go first, etc. Well, Ian now showers without me even reminding him. Uh oh!! We've been letting him go to the park to hang out with some of his friends. A big step for us! Usually, half those friends are girls. I'm not ready for the boyfriend/girlfriend/dating thing. But, I guess it's inevitable!
Vilma, oh, I'll keep reading! It's good so far - I'm only to the part where she gets the motorcycles.
Beth, yea, I guess I'm cheating with the weights! But, only 5 pounds!! I wish we could get that excited about rain. For us, it's the opposite! Running around excited when there is none this week!