June 09 Rotation Check in Wednesday 3rd


Good morning ladies..

Getting us started this morning...Muscle Max is my workout for today....

Be back later to chat..
Beth and Vilma: Thanks for the info on the kettlebells. I am glad I haven't purchased any yet...I am going to go to Modells or Dick's and check them out. What brand to you guys have?
Hey Kathy! Everyone to follow!...

I survived the night with just a little sinus headache. nothing to keep me up, but enough to make me feel exhausted this morning... *sigh*.

I so wish I could dive into my workout now, since I know it will make me feel better. But I have a dentist appt at 9:30, and I can't fit it in. So I have to go through the morning feeling like doggy-doo. I do plan on getting home from my appt, getting in my workout, and then off to my 2 younger boys' chorus/band concert for 1:30p. I may skip it. they're not in the band, and are just singing one song. My oldest, Zach, has his band concert tonight for 7p. ..

Anyhow, my workout is going to be LIC... looking forward to it! (but also feel like I could lay down and go to sleep right now. :confused:)

Kathy: Have fun with MM, let us know how it goes, I haven't done that one in forever, and feel like it would be really tough after STS for some reason.

Beth: That book I said "The ART of Racing in the Rain" , I know you'd enjoy!! Cool you're in an adult book club this summer! I guess I would like that, except I'd hate the "pressure" to read and get it done...know what I mean?

Enjoy your workouts today girls!!

I'll BBL!
Good Morning!!

Kathy I like the kettlebells I got from performbetter I choose vinyl since I workout on my hardwood floors.

Since your just starting I would recommend you get one locally just in case you find out you don't care for kettlebell work and thus return it if you want. When you go out shopping for one make sure the horn is smooth for your hands.

Chris dang that headache just won't go away for you eh? I use Excedrin migraine for my headaches (migraines) why don't you try that? Feel better soon!

I just got in from walking w/ dh a nice 3 miles but its starting to get muggy & hot so we decided to just come home. I'm feeling a lil headachy myself but its probably due to the heat so I'm getting my water in as I type.

Have a great day all!

Good morning! Kathy, I got one of my kbells at Play It Again Sports -- can't remember the brand, and the other is a perform better, which is supposed to be nice. I don't know that it matters all that much except you want a handle that fits your hand nicely and you don't want rough edges that could cut your hand unless you can somehow smooth them (if your husband does any work like that, in other words, most likely).

Chris, I'm not sure I've quite committed to the book club -- we'll see! :) Sounds like you have a potentially very musical day! Hope the dentist appt. goes well.

I'm feeling really bleh this morning. I did bodystrikes, which I like, but I'm in some sort of funk. And, just before I was about to hop in the shower I discovered a tick inside my ear! Ew!!!!

Off to face the day -- I'm going into work today -- this week is a little messed up in a few different ways...... (covering for someone on vacation, an assembly at school + haircut on Friday, so not much chance for work there, plus we have a first grade boy staying with us starting tomorrow -- his parents are both doing the AIDS ride -- it's a bicycle ride from San Francisco to Los Angeles).

Thanks for the kettlebell advice...I am going to go out hopefully this weekend and check them out...I have that workout Joanne let me borrow and I am dying to give it a try!

I finished up with Muscle Max...That one has always been a tough one for me. It wasn't as bad as I remember. Maybe STS did work!!! I still felt it was a toughie though..

We are getting ready to head out soon to a playdate. The kids are going swimming at a friends house...We still have Verizon crews digging up the front...I have been watching and I hope I can get out of my driveway when I need to go...It will be great to be albe to get high speed internet if we want. Right now we have broadband over the power lines. It is running fast. But, it is still a little slow for immediate play on netflix. When I watch an instant play movie, it is constantly interrupted because my internet speed has slowed. so, maybe we will switch!
Hey Girls...

Got my dental cleaning in, and then LIC. I swear, is ANYONE able to do those resistance band barbell arm curls? I do a few, but DAMN they KILL me!!!.. Good workout though, and yes, I feel better and more energized :eek: Sinus pain gone!

Vilma: I should grab me some excedrins. Though I swear, I've tried everything. I've been contemplating trying a 1/2 of my DH's leftover Vicodin, but I'm afraid to!! I do feel that desperate though. Esp. at night. And I couldn't really do the Excedrins at night, since they have big time caffeine in them. *sigh*. Maybe I will look into that acupuncture idea Hottie mentioned before...

Beth: We should do our own book club! HA! :eek: That would be fun! Sorry you're funky today. Maybe because your schedule is messed with? I always feel that way when I dn't have my routine down. I'm funky about our weather lately. I just want WARMTH, and we get a day or 2 and then it's back to rain/clouds/coolness. I swear, the whole freakin summer is going to go by without a hot day!!!

Kathy: Woohoo!! on MM! i swear, I feel like I got no strength gains, LIC weight work killed me. Well, maybe not the triceps, I did pretty good on those! All that digging in front of your house! Are they at least hottie diggers?!?!?

Off I go to the boys' concert ... I have to go, I bet they'd be thrilled to see me, even if they sing one little song!!

Hi ladies. I'm feeling kind of blah today - no real reason, just probably a combination of stresses! Cheer me up, please! ;) Work is kind of sucky, home is stressful, I think I just need some "me" time. Lots of luck with that one, right? ;)

Anyway this morning I did Lalofit. The jury's still out on it! I did like it, but don't think I'll pull it out too often. Definitely a good workout, and it was probably just my mood, but it wasn't "fun". And, what's the deal with sticking those planks in there?? I folded some laundry after doing a couple. ;) I could barely use 5's throughout the workout and had to drop to 3's for some. What's up with that? There definitely is a difference between strength and endurance. Kind of burst my bubble of thinking STS made me stronger. I also did an itread during my lunch.

Chris, hope you are enjoying the concert! Those headaches sound horrible. At least you know one thing helps clear it out - working out. No, I cannot do those resistance band curls! You are not alone! Our weather is cold, too. It finally stopped raining, but it's supposed to get down in the 40s tonight. Huh??? It's June, what's going on??? Too funny....hottie diggers!

Kathy, do you think you were able to lift heavier in MM after doing STS? If you remember what weights you used to use?

Beth, oh my on the tick! I heard they are more abundant this year for some reason. How cool that you are having that boy stay with you. I'm sure your kids will have a good time with him.

Vilma, I started New Moon the other day. So, no Edward for the whole book?? You don't have to answer that 'cause it might give something away, but it was a bit dissapointing! I'm liking it, though. Now I want to see the movie. Is it on DVD yet?

Back to do some work I don't want to do!

Joanne, what's with not taking a week off of weights?! :p Actually, I was going to ask Kathy & Chris -- did you guys take the full week off at the end? I realized last night that I cut the week short when I filled out my calendar. I could probably adjust fairly easily, but knowing me I'd want to re-do the whole thing! Lalo is definitely different with really feeling the light weights -- kind of like Squeeze Stronger in that way.

I'm so curious about MM and ME, too -- how I will do with the weight level. I'm not sure I can remember what I used to use!! That's the bummer.... and Chris, I think we're all right there with you with those stupid curls with the band attached! :)

Joanne, your blah sounds exactly like mine! It's not my schedule thrown off, but more than I'm stressed about work and stressed about kid situation. I can't even remember if I told you guys about this..... Travis has really been having social problems the last week -- I haven't been able to get all that much from him, but from what I can gather from my "spies", it seems it's him being the self-appointed police and tattling on other kids, combined with him being a really poor loser, and now everyone's mad at him and his friends don't want to be his friends. Ug! I do not know how to teach a kid to be a better loser! And that sometimes being nice is more important than being right. But I do know that he will have a better time in life if he can learn these things and embrace them! :) Anyway, stressful....

Kathy, you would love a higher speed internet connection, I'm sure.

Hottie, are you all pimped out with new tires? I saw on fb that you didn't sleep well. Maybe you could go for a walk outside later -- get some sunshine and fresh air to get you through the day.

Oh! Weather! Crazy..... I was outside last night putting the chickens away -- it was still light out -- sunny, but cloudy, if you know what I mean -- and suddenly it started raining on me! It was so cool! We all ran around in it for a while! Dylan was chanting "It's raining in June! It's raining in June!". And, it hasn't really warmed up here much, either. There was a gardening expert on the radio this morning (Flora Grubb, her real name, I kid you not!) and she was saying that it just hasn't warmed up this year -- in case we thought we were going crazy.

Vilma, I started New Moon the other day. So, no Edward for the whole book?? You don't have to answer that 'cause it might give something away, but it was a bit dissapointing! I'm liking it, though. Now I want to see the movie. Is it on DVD yet?

Back to do some work I don't want to do!


Joanne I can only say that New Moon is PIVOTAL in their relationship and the hardest book to read.....but keep reading I promise it'll get better ;) Yes when I 1st read New Moon I was so bummed....but it's a goodie :)

Actually they just wrapped up shooting for New Moon <- thats the link to the trailer )

They'll start shooting Eclipse in August
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Hi again...

Gosh, I think I'm starting to feel a little funk myself today.. And I have no idea why. Maybe jsut a bunch of crap that I need to get done, that doesn't seem like it will get done. Maybe it's the freakin people that decided they'd stand IN FRONT of me at the boys' little concert. Why me? I even started coughing , hoping they'd think I had Swine Flu or something. Bastards! :mad: See, i'm cranky.

Joanne: Sorry you didn't love Lalofit! ... Maybe it is your mood. Maybe you'd like it another day? It is so different, I think it's pretty cool it pushed me with just 5 lbs! I want you to like it! LOL!... Try it again!... Now! Stat! ... Come on! ... The weather is killing me here too. It's now cloudy and drizzling. I SWEAR, every time Zach has baseball practice, it rains. EVERY time!

I hate when our kids are going through crap and we don't know the answer and how to fix it. I truly think learning to be a better sport about things comes with maturation, and there's not a TON we can do about it, but be good models. I would hope he'd even learn from his behavoir by NOT having any one want to play with him. Boys are immature, they really are. They take a WHILE on things. I swear, Zach, my 13 yr old just stopped whining /crying when things didn't go his way. And once in a while, he still does it & it freaks me out.

Funky funky cold medina, there's a big cloud over us today....

Oh, hey, do you guys count calories ever? You know, I was doing Weight watchers for the longest time, counting "points", and then i went to "core". and then maybe last month, back to "points". Anyhow, I decided to count calories w/ my points, and found they really weren't syncing with each other. And then I realized, I had no idea on how MANY calories to eat. The site I was using said 1350-1550. But today, i found the Tom Venuto calories/day calculator, and its says: 2035-2162!!! :eek: You guys know anything about this?
Hi again guys!

Chris, I did like Lalofit - I just need to try it on another day. I promise, I will! Swine flu! Ha! I would have just told those people "sit your butts down!" Well, actually, I wouldn't have - I would have stood behind them and seethed (sp?) just like you! ;) Hope you're not catching our funk around here! You know, I used to count calories. There's so many theories/calculators out there on how much to eat to lose, maintain, etc. There are a couple sites like sparkspeople and thedailyplate that will calculate them for you and you can track your calories and workouts, too. I think 2,000 is too high to lose, for me at least. 1,200 is probably too low. I seem to be able to lose keeping it between 1,600-1,800 and working out. Am I doing that? No, of course not! ;(

Beth, oh, it's so hard to see our kids go through that emotional stuff. I think all you can really do is be there if they want to talk about it (which they usually don't!) and let them learn for themselves. How old is Travis? Jameson went through some horrible social stuff back in fourth grade. He was double-promoted and the new kids never really accepted him. He used to be friends with all the kids in his old grade - the new kids gave him a hard time. He was crying himself to sleep at night which he didn't tell me about for like a week. I felt so guilty because I had misgivings about him skipping a grade, but went along with it. Now he has lots of friends in middle school, so it eventually did work out. Then Ian had a best friend in 2nd or 3rd grade, forget which. They must have had some kind of tiff because I found a letter he wrote to him which was just heartbreaking. Something like, please be my best friend forever, etc. I don't think he ever gave it to him. None of this is helping you, but I've been there and it's hard. Sometimes I think boys are just as emotional about this stuff as girls are. On the other hand, Colin seems oblivious to it all. Could care less who likes him!

Another kid thing....kind of funny. I always said I wouldn't worry about the boys being interested in girls until they voluntarily took showers every night. It's a battle every night about who has to go first, etc. Well, Ian now showers without me even reminding him. Uh oh!! We've been letting him go to the park to hang out with some of his friends. A big step for us! Usually, half those friends are girls. I'm not ready for the boyfriend/girlfriend/dating thing. But, I guess it's inevitable!

Vilma, oh, I'll keep reading! It's good so far - I'm only to the part where she gets the motorcycles.

Beth, yea, I guess I'm cheating with the weights! But, only 5 pounds!! I wish we could get that excited about rain. For us, it's the opposite! Running around excited when there is none this week!
Thanks for the support on the kid stuff. Growing up is hard!!! :confused:

Chris, I also always get choked up at those kind of kid things -- it's so embarrassing! Gets me every time.

Re: calorie counting -- I hate it!! Even using some on-line tracking thing to make it easier, I just hate it. I have looked at the Venuto stuff but haven't followed it all that closely or looked at my numbers very well. I can tell you that I think I eat a lot of calories and don't seem to gain (though maybe the last couple of days I have! :)). All you can do is try it, I guess.... track what you normally eat for a few days (if you can stand it), and see how close it is to his suggestion.

Joanne, interesting about the shower! Oh, Travis is in 4th grade, just turned 10, so just at that age, I guess...... (I'm back to the earlier kid conversation). But speaking of all that..... how is it that my little 7 year old seems to have body odor some days?! I swear he is going to need deodorant before Travis!

Chris: No, I did spot any hottie workers!! Darn it!!! I could have spent the afternoon on the front porch if there were any..LOL!!

Joanne: I didn't really get heavier..But, I felt that I had better form with the exercises because I was comfortable with the weight. Better than before..

Beth: Yes, I did take the floor week off and did just cardio and stretching after the end of STS..I am sure we would like higher speed too. Gotta check the price out on it..
Beth, Travis is about the same age as Colin - he'll be 10 in July. I think that's the age when they really start to form "cliques" and fun stuff like that ;). That's why it was hard for Jameson - he moved up into a grade with kids that age. I tried to make life as fun for him as possible at home (doing stuff on weekends, etc.) when he was going through his stuff.

I get choked up at kids' stuff too. I'm going to lose it at Caitlyn's kindergarten celebration (they don't call it graduation any more) Friday. They all wrote little speeches. Oh my. How cute is that? I'm going to film it. It's just in the classroom, so hopefully they won't get nervous about reading their speeches.

Vilma, I won't look at the trailer. Thanks! Actually I was wondering if the Twilight movie was on DVD? I'll have to check it out.
Chris: No, I don't really count calories..But, considering I am not losing anything. Maybe I should!!!
Joanne, yes, Twilight is on dvd -- we netflixed it.

You definitely need to film the kindergarten ceremony! I'll bet there will be a lot of tears in that room!!

Oh, and yes, the cliques have started..... I'm told it's: the jocks, the super jocks, and the geeks. I suppose the girls are totally separate from that, except the two super tomboys (I'm sure they're in the superjock group).


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