Jump Roping?


Active Member
Just wondering if anyone does jump roping for their cardio?What is your routine?Does it slim your legs?I know that it burns ALOT of calories in a short amount of time!
Has anyone used the RopeSports videos Ive seen on collage.com?They look pretty interesting...

I like jump roping too. It slims down everything! I was taking a class at my gym for a while called "Jump Fit Extreme". It was an awesome workout. They moved the time slot though so I'm not able to go anymore. But the closest I could find to this kind of intensity is the AeroJump workouts by Michael Olajide Jr.

Here's a link if you're interested:

http://www.goaero.com/aerojump_skills1.html :)
You're welcome!

Yes, they are actual workouts. I purchased all three of them. The first one is a beginner but still very intense. The 2nd one is advanced and the 3rd one is super, super advanced!!! I still can barely make it through the 3rd one.
I used to jump rope every morning a few years ago. I'd forgotten how much I enjoyed it. My workout room now is carpeted and has vaulted ceilings so there isn't much space. Maybe I'll try it again in the Spring.
Susan C.M.
I love rope jumping & I find it to be the most challenging aerobic activity (for me)I find even jumping rope for a few minutes gets my heart reate soaring even more so that doing MIC in it's entirety.I become frustrated because I do not have a lot of space in my basement & the rope sometimes catches on the beams.
I have used Aerobox -yes it is with K Smith but it is awesome.I still do it occasionally in fact I just purchased K's fat burning dvd which has it on it & you can make it into an extremelly long workout.
I have also used Janis Saffell Kickbox Express which has a 14 min jump rope section & warm up which uses the rope.I have fast forwarded the tape to the skipping part & I love it.I have also used the Rope Warrior tape .I am @ work so I can't remember his name David ??? it is excellent.I find rope jumping deoes wonders & helps develop coordination but I find it difficult on the knees so I do not do it to often
Take Care
My house is too small to jump rope (with a rope) ... is it as effective without? Just doing the movements? I did a workout years ago rope jumping and it was the harderst, best workout i ever did. Really got me moving... do you think it will be effective without the rope? Thank you for your time.
Wayne x

How long are the Aerojump workouts? I went to the site, but I can't seem to find out the length. I am trying to decide if I should get the 2nd or 3rd one.


RE: Jump Roping? - Same Question

Is jumping as effective without a rope? ( Of course you would be simulating the arm movements)
Hi there Beverly!

They're all less than an hour.

Here's a thread from VF talking more about his jump rope workouts. ;)

Here's a copy of my post from that thread:

"Level one is for beginner jump ropers yes, but will still give advanced exercisers an intense mini workout. The actual workout is 20 - 25 minutes I think but there's short bursts of jumping and he teaches you technique.

The level 2 tape is 20 minutes of straight jumping and is VERY tough but doable. He also teaches you some more advanced moves.

The 3rd tape is 30 minutes of straight jumping with some advanced moves thrown in like double jumps and cross overs. There are some of these introduced in the level 2 tape also.

Right now I'm at level 2 and can get through it but it is still tough and once this starts getting a little easier for me I'll move onto #3.

Michael is a very good instructor and he's very pleasant. He seems very nice and easy going."
RE: Jump Roping? - Same Question

Jackie and Wayne,

Jump Roping is still effective without a rope but for some reason, my heartrate is higher when I'm actually using the rope. :) I jump on carpet and my ceilings are not that high, but then again I'm short. (5'00") :)
Hi Wayne
I do not find any comparison.I have tried both & for me the rope increases the intensity.I do not understand why this exercise does it for me.I guess I must push myself harder in my other cardio activities such as jump higher in high low,increase my step to 3 risers and sprint faster when I run.I highly recommend the rope if you can find space or go to a park & make sure you are on grass.I also have a weighted rope & this is lethal.They do say boxers are in the best shape & I truely believe it.I forgot to mention Mindy M has several jump rope videos.Poor production but they work you hard.Jump step is short but once again I feel it.They are usually on sale for $10.00 on her web site.If you are not familiar with Mindy she works you as hard as Cathe.
Mindy Mylrea is a fitness trainer who works out of Santa Cruz California.Mindy is internationally know & has won various aerobic championships.Mindy also was named IDEA instructor of the year.Mindy has done many videos.Her older videos unfortunately suffer from poor production quality but she works you extremelly hard.Her later videos are excellent.Mindy is not for everyone.She chats alot & has sometimes been criticized for unsafe movements such as pinwheel lunges.I think she is great but you will have to see for yourself.I love her bootcamp video !

Hi. I have Olajide's 1st jump rope video called Aerojump and his 3 tape set too. All are highly recommended, but if you are new to jumproping, I'd start with the original Aerojump or the 1st tape in the set. I also have Ropesports DVDs which are also good, though the two backup people to the main guy (his name escapes me right now, but he is awesome) are very MTVish and a tad annoying. The Ropesports are good, too. Same format as Olajide's set.

I usually jump to music without the tapes since I've been at it for about 4 years or so. I can do about 45 minutes, no problem. I love it because you feel like you worked out in just 20 minutes. I jump a lot when I'm short on time because of this. I also like the almost meditative quality of it, since you have to find a rhythym to it. Mylrea says it has 1/2 the impact of running, which I don't know for sure is true, but it seems like it could be given how my knees feel after jumping compared to running. I did hurt my knee running, and could not run but could jump and had no pain even though going up and down stairs was painful.

I like to take an IMAX and jump during Cathe's mini step routines then join in for the intensity blasts. What a work out!
Hi Buttercup,cute name by the way!;-)
Do you find that jumping rope helps to slim the legs?

Also,would you be interested in selling your Aerojump tapes?You can PM me to discuss...

Thanks! Well, I've really been into the jumproping over the last 6 months, though I started 4 years ago or so, I didn't do it every week like I do now. I have been consistently doing at least one session a week but usually 2 or 3 and my legs are the slimmest they have ever been. But I have also been doing a lot more running, so I can't give a definative answer. I think because jumproping just burns a lot of calories you may find a positive oerall effect.

I can't part with my Aerojumps because I find myself going back to them when I want to master a new move. Right now, I'm trying to get the crossover down. I can do it but just not as fluidly as Michael does. So it is back to the instructionals for me. But I think he has a web site and may even have put these on DVD.

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