I was curious to know if any of Cathe's videos had jump rope segments in them? Crystal
S Seabush Cathlete Jun 28, 2002 #1 I was curious to know if any of Cathe's videos had jump rope segments in them? Crystal
Aquajock Cathlete Jun 28, 2002 #2 There is a faux (ropeless) brief sequence in CTX Kickbox, and a tiny smidge in the Circuit Max workout; there might be one on Cardio Kicks but off the top of my head I can't remember one way or the other. Annette
There is a faux (ropeless) brief sequence in CTX Kickbox, and a tiny smidge in the Circuit Max workout; there might be one on Cardio Kicks but off the top of my head I can't remember one way or the other. Annette