Jump higher


Hi Cathe,

I wish I could keep up with you fit, fine lovely gals when you do tuck jumps, jumps on the high step and long leaps around the step in the new Shock Cardio DVD's.

Is there any training advice you can give me to help me jump higher and further. I can't seem to get my feet up to my but during the tuck jump either.

Should I use heavier weight with leg exercises?
Should I do more polymeric exercises?
Should I walk or run more?
Should I stretch more?
All of the above?

Thanks Cathe,
You're the best!

I'm with you!

Not Cathe, but in the same boat as you. Can't do tuck jumps. Can only jump up on 6" step (and at a much slower rate than they do).
Not Cathe but I had problems doing ANY plyo move about 8 months ago. I couldn't do butt-kicks, tuck-jumps, jumping on the step....NONE of it! What helped me was just sticking to it and trying to bang out as many as I could with good form. Also, I made sure to stretch a lot after each workout and dedicated 1 day to yoga or some sort of stretching. Adding additional plyo workouts also helped. As for jumping up on the step, I started with 2 risers and now I can keep up with Cathe and the crew at 4, at their pace. The best advice I can give is don't give up and keep at it; if you have to modify, do so! My main prob was I was way too proud to modify so rather than do so I just stopped doing the exercises....big mistake!!


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