July RT Check-In --- Thursday the 16th


Morning Everybody!

More walking and stretching for me today.

Yesterday was a good, active day. We went canoeing for a few hours. I took a long walk on the beach with my 4-yo. Also did Classical Stretch Full Body Workout in the evening.

Hope everyone has a great day. This time next week we'll all be packing!!!
Hi Kate,

Today is cardio for me, probably 4DS kickbox. Still feeling some DOMS from B&G yesterday. Are you going up on Thrusday or Friday? I'm arriving on Thursday. Work, Work!!
Hi ladies. Just popping in to say

[font color=green font size=+2]ONE MORE WEEK!!![/font]


Workout for me this morning was GS push ups, then PUB.

See you all very soon!

Good morning!

Today will be KPC, although I'm still feeling the aftershock of Drill Max from yesterday.

Actually broke down and bought some new workout tanks the other day..when I'm at home, I don't have a problem dressing like a rat, I need to be somewhat more presentable for the RT!

Gayle, good work on the pushups...you should have zero problem carrying my bags....:7

Later, everyone!

You can't tease me like that!! Although it is the 16th, I'm afraid it's Wednesday not Thursday. If it was Thursday I would be all giddy, yelling "ONE MORE WEEK!!" I am leaving Thursday arriving around 3pm. You'll be there for Fri AM right? Sounds like your having a great time w/your family.

I'm up to speed with everyone now, DRILL MAX for me today. I don't do that one often & forget how intense it is!! Thanks for those firewalkers Cathe! My DH walks in as I'm doing those & says " HUH? Bondage...." Geez!! Men!

First day of a hot streak here for a bout 5 days I believe. Taking kids to pool later this afternoon.

Check back later
Funny Jerry about the bags!
Talking to my roomie on the phone yesterday while she was getting ready. She lives in Fl & flew up to NY last night to visit family until RT. She was huffing & puffing carrying her luggage downstairs. She says "why is it I workout yet get winded carrying luggage?"
So true.
Maybe they'll have Stewart as a bellhop?..... I wasn't in on that whole drool session, funny none the less.

HI everyone,

I hold my breath every morning when I open this website to see if it's still up!

I did GS shoulders this morning and will do some cardio this afternoon. Not sure what to do. You guys have me wondering if I need to do Drill Max! We'll see what mood I'm in.

Jerry-I bought some headbands yesterday and I have some spares in case you would like to borrow one!! lol

Gayle-I did GS chest yesterday so I did the pushups. Wonder if Cathe will have us doing those?

Carolyn-Butts and Guts is my favorite workout and thought about doing it next Tuesday. But I'm driving up and taking 2 days to do it since it's a 10 hour drive. I wonder if I would regret that on Wednesday morning?

Kate-I'm so jealous that you are at the beach!

Tami-How are those adorable pups doing? I showed DH last night and he was drooling on my keypad.

Have a good day everyone. One week from today I will be on the road to meeting all of you! wew hew!!!!!

Do any of you need a ride to dinner Thursday night?

good morning, all!
On the one hand, I'm glad the forums are still up; on the other, I'd rather they go down and be back up well before RT. A lot of you sent me your email addresses in response to my proposal yesterday about keeping in touch via email while they are down, but I didn't hear from everyone, so I'm cutting and pasting what I said yesterday in case someone didn't see it.

"I was thinking about the forums being down, and I hate for us all to post our email addresses here. So, if y'all would like, you could all send me an email or PM (just click on my user name) with your email address and I would be willing to start an email thread to everyone on the days the forums are down. What do you think?"

If you read this, Colleen, I never got an email from you.

I'm planning to do Imax3 later.

I really hope we don't have to do pushups at RT b/c I just can't do man-style pushups. It's a major area of wimpiness for me! :p

Bev -- I think I'll need a ride. I'm staying in the Fairfield. Which are you in? I think they are side by side, so it doesn't really matter.

I'll BBL to see what's going on with you all!
Hey Bev

Where are you driving from? 4 1/2 hr drive for me from upstate New York. I hate long drives so I bought a book on Cd to listen to & hopefully pass the time faster.


I'm driving from SC, right outside of Charlotte, NC. We are originally from western PA so I'm kind of used to the 8 hour drive to there. I'm going to drive as far as Baltimore and then stay with family Wednesday night. Then I only have about a 3 hour trip on Thursday. I was just afraid if I did the 10 hour drive all in one day, that my calf would bother me plus I would be tired on Friday.

We have lived in both Syracuse and Rochester, NY. Are you near either one of those cities?

I don't do well with listening to someone read to me. I usually just blast some music and I get to dancing in the car and the time goes pretty fast. So picture me driving up the road next week and doing my happy RT dance. WEW HEW!!!!

OOPS!!! Sorry Tami (and everyone!) I guess I'm on vacation time and losing track of the days!!

Carolyn, I'm flying in Thursday around lunch. Enjoy your cardio!

Hello Gayle! Nice WO!

Great WOs, Jerry!

Tami, Enjoy your pool day! I love love love firewalkers!

Bev, I feel the same way about the website! Good job with the WOs!
No ride needed here - I'll be out to eat with my roommates. But thanks for asking.

Kristi, I love Imax3 tho I haven't been able to do the blasts for a couple months. Come November though....}( I also can't do man push-ups right now - it puts too much pressure on my low back, plus my belly hits the floor well before I get a good burn in my chest anyway! LOL!

Sorry again about the posting goof!
Kate -- I'm LOL at the mental picture of you doing pushups pregnant! I wrote down your email from your post the other day, so I'll include you in the list while the forums are down, which may be today according to email we all just got from Kathy S. I'm going to send you an email now to test your address. Please reply so I know it works, okay?
I'm about an hour southeast of Rochester.

I have seriously thought about getting those markers you can write on your vehicle with & putting CATHE on my car. DH keeps telling me know & stop being a dork.... He doesn't understand. His response is that he & his buddies didn't do this when they went on their hunting trip. This is so much better!!!

Good Morning RTers!

Just a few more days!!:) YIPEEEEE!!:)
Today I ran and then did 4ds Cardio Power (KB/BC) then SM1. I'm trying to gear up for the extra cardio we will be doing next week!:p

DH and I will be flying in on Thursday aft.

Cant' wait to meet everyone!
Kristi, Got your email and sent one back - thanks!

Gin, I'd say you're doing a good job on the cardio! A huge WOW to your WO! I can't wait to have energy like that again.

Tami, Good comparison on the Rt excitement! I would def. get a marker if I was driving! Think they'll let me write "cathe or Bust" on my airplane window?!

Just did CS Full Body Workout. Wed. is typically my rest day. I may or may not do some cardio tongith.
I just sent a test email to everyone that I've gotten an email address from -- Jerry, Terri, Bev, Kate, Gin, Tami, Carolyn, & Heather. If you didn't get it, check you spam filter or let me know. I'm sorry to be so anal about this; I just want to be sure that everyone who wants to be in the loop is.:) :) :)

Don't worry about me thinking you're being anal, my middle name is anal!! (according to my hubby) I prefer overly ...uuummm overly prepared?

Thanks again for setting this up, doing a great job!!

Another anal one here. I went and bought a binder notebook to match my gym bag to put all of my RT papers in. And then I found a binder gear zip up attachment to put my quarters in for the lockers. You would have thought that I won a million dollars when I saw that. So now I think I need a matching pen..........

Bev, You're cracking me up!!
I can't wait to see you all matchy-matchy!

I got some cardio in this afternoon - nothing too impressive - Karen Voight's Calorie Burn. I'm a bit frustrated by my sluggish cardio capacity lately and having to keep things low-impact, but DH says at least I'm still exercising. Thanks, honey!:*

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