July 2005 Goals Check-In


All right ladies, list 'em here. What are your goals/challenges for July?

1. No salty snacks - Terri, I know you're with me on this one. Anyone else care to join us?

2. Drink 64 oz water a day

3. No superfluous snacking between meals. I'm trying to stick to Breakfast/Snack/Lunch/Snack/Dinner/Snack. Right now I eat constantly. I probably eat something every hour, sometimes more. It's ridiculous and I need to get a handle on it.
1. No salty snacks.

2. Do 300 walking lunges. I can do 100. hmmm... we'll see...

3. Do 10 pushups on my toes... carry over from June, I can do 6.

4. Continue my "no binge eating" during PMS. I didn't fully accomplish this last month but considered a victory as I didn't do anything close to what I usually do.

5. Eat clean and limit treats.

6. Master side-to-side knee roll-ins. I can do the knee roll-ins now. I need to work on the side-to-side ones.

7. This is a big one and one I intend to start this weekend on vacation - when going out to eat, use a little more sense and don't eat half of a loaf of bread when they bring it to the table. When DH orders chili cheese fries, don't "split" it with him (I will have a few but not half the order). Learn to control myself when there is an abundance of food set in front of me.
Hi shelley and Jane,

I'm ready to start my July goals.

1. Increase water intake up to 64 oz.

2. Eat clean and limit sweets to once a week.

3. do 10 pushups on toes.

4. Be consistant at doing abs 5 times a week.

5. Be able to do the entire lowmax on a 8 inch step.
(with my foot I can do the first 4 combos in a 4inch)
(Also to go further on kpc. Went throught intermediate
section already. Yeah!!!!)

6. Be able to do a standing leg workout.

Well I better stop here.

got my hands full!!

Okay, I am doing this. Actually, I can't believe that I am doing this.

I have only one goal...

No sugar.


yes I did.

I can do it, can't I? I can do it. I CAN do it!!!!!!!!!

I will do it. Aaaagh!

Okay, I am committed. I will do no sugar this month.

does dark chocolate count???

1. Continue eating clean and save sweets for special occasions.
2. Lose 5 more pounds. (Lost 9 in June)
3. Do 1 pike on the stability ball.
4. Do 15 pushups from my toes. (I can do 10 now)
5. Work on those pullups. I'm not sure what kind of goal to set for this because I think I am still pretty far off from being able to do an unassisted pullup. I'll have to think some more on this one.

Alright, enough talking - I better get crackin' on those goals! ;)
Hi Ladies

Yep Shelley I am with you on the NO SALT challenge. This should be fun in a root canal sort of way :) Naw I can do it!

To continue watching my sweets intake

To get more oraganized with my office. I swear somedays it looks like a tornado went through here. I own a HOUSECLEANING biz and this is not a good exmple:)

Good luck to everyone on their personal challenges. Shelley on the no salty snaks you may see me whing a lot :) We can do it!

I'm in on no salty snacks.

I'm also going to do no sweets.

So I guess it's no unhealthy snacking for me.

Do L&G & PLB every week.

I'm going to try the Breakfast/snack/lunch/snack/dinner no eating 3 hrs. before bed eating plan.

That's it for me as if that's not enough.:p

Let's keep at it!!!!
Okay Ladies - I'm going to join in on this one.

1 - No EXTRA salt added to my food. This is going to be really hard. I may love salt more than sugar.

2 - Exercise portion control - even at July 4 picnic

3 - Drink 64 oz. water. I used to do this and I've gotten away from it.

Three items on the list is enough of a challenge for me!

Not really a salty fan here, just sugar and chocolate and peanut butter.

Here goes-

1. Continue no-sweets/sugar for this month

2. Drink 96-128 oz of water each day

3. Get my July rotation together and follow it

Not really a salty fan here, just sugar and chocolate and peanut butter.

Here goes-

1. Continue no-sweets/sugar for this month

2. Drink 96-128 oz of water each day

3. Get my July rotation together and follow it

This one is going to be a real difficult challenge for me. In June I gave up sweets and chips. I did so well with the chips and that used to be my downfall. I am going to continue that (really hard at all these bbq's!). But in exchange I would eat low-fat triscuits and low fat wheat thins. I want to give all that up (and just salt in general), but it's going to be tough. I won't have anything left to snack on but fruit.

But I'm in!! I already drink 100 oz of water a day. I think I'll just go with that or I'll be setting myself up to fail.
Ok Copy/paste from the other thread:

My goals for July are:

1. Keep losing weight in my lower body. (Still have to work on the pear thing and on my saddle bags, although I look slimmer in those areas)

2. Planks... I have to improve a lot on this one.

3. Keep working on my arms.

4. Keep doing the no sweets challenge even if it is on my own.

5. Check my sodium intake and be sure it is below the recommended levels...(QUESTION: Does anybody know why the sodium recommended daily allowance is less than 2,400mg a day in the US and less than 1,600mg in the UK? Which one should we follow?) A useful link: http://www.annecollins.com/sodium-rda-diet.htm

Well I hope we all achieve our goals for July. To all of you that are going on the road trip, have lots of fun and take lots of pics so we can see them later.

What is going to be our minimum daily allowance of sodium for the no salty snacks challenge?
Ok, here I go.....x( :p

1. No Sweets for the month- except for 1 serving of something desserty on the 4th and the 7th which is my sister's birthday. This includes all baked goods, ice cream, and candy.

2. Get at least 3 Core workouts in each week.

3. Lose another 2 pounds and/or 1/2" from my hips and thighs.

I'm tempted to add in a couple other things, but I think it's probably wise to adhere to the KISS principle here. ;) lol

Wishing everyone luck as we kick off July!

Connie :D
Missy - you can do it, honestly. You'll find that it's more of a habit than a craving and you'll substitute other healthy things for it. You'll feel great - it will be hard but you can TOTALLY DO IT!!!! We are always here to motivate you and cheer you on!

Okay, I guess it's my turn:

1. Eat clean with maybe one or two treats (and even then make them small)

2. Workout 6 days a week EVERY week (not 4 or 5 days like I have been)

3. Do Bootcamp at least twice

4. Do abs at least 3 times a week

5. Lose 5 lbs

(1) Starting a new protein eating plan as the scale never moves nor the bf anaylzer. I want to go far so we will see if this works or not

(2) Do KPC, Legs & Glutes and Boot Camp cardio more often to fire up my legs as they look the same and never see any changes there either.

(3) Keep getting farther and farther away from junk food. I would love it if ice cream and pizza would make me sick, but not yet. LOL

(4) Build up my endurance

(5) Get rid of the rest of my tops because I want to be exploding out of them by the end of this month. LOL

(6) Do more toe push ups. Almost finished the set in Boot Camp...missed it by the last 4 reps

1. I will continue the no sweets. I will allow an occasional SMALL cheat.

2. Continue running every day, even on vacation.

3. Continue to watch portions and snacks

4. Weigh myself once per week ONLY (not the every day/twice a day that I do now. This will be my hardest goal)

5. Abs and upper body twice per week minimum
Hello everyone. :) My July goals:

1. Lose 5 lbs. (I lost 3 last month, and 4 the month before).
2. Add more ab/core work into my rotations.
2. Go for 4 days of cardio per week. Right now I'm averaging 3.

Salt isn't really a big issue for me, but I know that after you guys go a month without salt, even lightly salted things will seem really salty! I definitely eat less salt than I used to, so now even a little bit is like yowsa! ;-)
Here's mine in black and white:

1. Quit smoking (already blew that one today, but I've got 30 more days)....

2. Lose another 1/2" on waist.....

3. Lose another inch on the ole thunder thighs...

4. Run at least 3 days/week with a goal of 3 1/2 miles each day...

5. Continue eating cleaner (note I said cleaner and not clean}( )...

6. Limit sweets to very special occasions...

7. Lose 3 more pounds...just 3...is that too much to ask?....because they just don't want to get lost...LOL!

My work is cut out for me this month. I may have taken on more than I can chew:eek: :eek: :eek: ..

All right ladies, since we only have a few days left this month, I wondered how everyone did on their July goals?

I was really surprisingly good on the no salty snacks thing, and I would say I hit my water goal 99% of the time. However, I had a bit of trouble with the Breakfast/Snack/Lunch/Snack/Dinner/Snack thing. Blew that one pretty much completely. Ah well, there's always August!

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