July 2005 Goals Check-In

Oh my gosh shellley, I failed miserably! I did not get where I wanted with my water intake. Cannot do the pushups I wanted and have been so so on sweets. Had cardio goals but of course my foot is not corporating. That is my fault though!

Hey! Can we have a Aug. goal checkin? Maybe this time I can accomplish something.

You know, Kim, I think part of the problem is that we make these goals at the beginning of the month, and then we don't ever look at them until the end of the month, and half the time we forget what we said! Maybe we should make it a daily check-in. Instead of just no sweets, a daily "Goals Check-in". What do you think?
I think a goals check in is a great idea! I am not one to go for no sweets, salt etc. When it comes to eating, moderation is the operative word. However, I do like the idea of each person setting goals and then checking in about them daily. Seems like a worthwhile endeavor to me.
Sounds good. We should, each day, list our separate goals and then report our successes (or unsuccesses).

This month I upped my water intake to where it should be probably also 98% of the time. I finally think I have portion control under control, which is a major breakthrough for me. And I was very diligent about not adding salt.

Now for August, in addition to maintaining what I did in July, I'm going to try to cut sweets and try to limit my red wine to 4 oz. per day (yikes!). I think I sabatoge myself when I have even 2 glasses.

How did the rest of you do?

A daily check-in sounds good.

I didn't do well this month, either. I got majorly stressed out for at least two weeks there, and instead of losing 5 lbs, I think I gained a pound or two. :( Maybe checking in daily will help to keep me focused and to allieviate any stress that comes up.
Yay! Turns out I lost a pound this month. I'm so relieved. I blame Low Max. :p I did it twice this week. Even though I missed my goal, I'm glad I ended this month on a positive note. I'm just going to take it one pound at a time. That seems to work best for me.
Well, here's a review of my goals:

1. Continue eating clean and save sweets for special occasions.
2. Lose 5 more pounds. (Lost 9 in June)
3. Do 1 pike on the stability ball.
4. Do 15 pushups from my toes. (I can do 10 now)
5. Work on those pullups. I'm not sure what kind of goal to set for this because I think I am still pretty far off from being able to do an unassisted pullup. I'll have to think some more on this one.

And here's how I did:

1. Ehhh... not too bad as far as eating clean. But the "special occasions" I saved sweets for included: because it was Tuesday, because a meeting was cancelled, because my husband ate some too, etc.
2. I didn't lose 5 more (probably because of all the "special occasions" on which I ate sweets), but I managed to lose another 3.5 lbs. Not bad.
3. Yeah, I still can't do this.
4. I'm not entirely sure, but I *think* I can do this. I need to try and see.
5. I didn't work on pullups at all this month. Whoops!
Here were my goals....

1. No salty snacks.

2. Do 300 walking lunges. I can do 100. hmmm... we'll see...

3. Do 10 pushups on my toes... carry over from June, I can do 6.

4. Continue my "no binge eating" during PMS. I didn't fully accomplish this last month but considered a victory as I didn't do anything close to what I usually do.

5. Eat clean and limit treats.

6. Master side-to-side knee roll-ins. I can do the knee roll-ins now. I need to work on the side-to-side ones.

7. This is a big one and one I intend to start this weekend on vacation - when going out to eat, use a little more sense and don't eat half of a loaf of bread when they bring it to the table. When DH orders chili cheese fries, don't "split" it with him (I will have a few but not half the order). Learn to control myself when there is an abundance of food set in front of me.


1. All in all did well on no salty snacks... had tortilla chips twice when at a Mexican restaurant this month but nowhere near the amount I usually consume. This was pretty easy for me. Oh yeah, got into tortilla chips once here at home too...:p I think I'd blocked that out.

2. 300 walking lunges....:+ Okay after picking myself up off the floor laughing... what drugs was I on when I made that goal. I did get up to 115... umm... my knees started giving me trouble....:p that's my story and I'm sticking to it.

3. 10 pushups on toes - yes, yes, yes... did 11 one day and still can't believe it!!

4. PMS... nope... I don't think this is conquerable.

5. I did limit treats. I did very well on sweets this month.

6. side-to-side knee roll-ins - check.

7. I have done very well on this one. DH started ordering his chili cheese fries on the side with his meal instead of an entire order as an appetitzer. This has helped me tremendously. I can't very well let him eat an entire order of chili cheese fries by himself now can I? ;-) With him ordering this as a side, I may have two or three but not half an order.

I think I did pretty good this month ***patting myself on the back***

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