Hey guys! Eek, I'm losing time already today. I kept on getting slowed down this morning (Joe, then train, then traffic lights, then evee, then workout, then evee, then gas trip, then stupid drivers, then failed experiment, then shoe argument, the other lab member from another lab and now I'm here!). But I have to do a proper check in.
HiiT: Double Wave Pyramid. Sorry, forgot the P! It was tough! I got really dizzy in the morning too so I kept on delaying it. But sometimes, the workout helps my vertigo. I'm glad I did it but I took a longer break between waves. Geez, going up the first wave is like, yeah, I can do it, and then the rest of it is like, what was I thinking?!?!?!? If there weren't breaks I totally wouldn't be able to do it. Oh and I had a matching outfit to what they wore in the video. It better have burned more calories.
Kathy -- I actually don't like allergists at all. They don't seem to know what they're doing a lot. They do a couple filter tests and if it doesn't work, oh well, take claritin. But hopefully you have better ones than I/Joe does.
Beth -- That's so cute that you miss Larry! will he be able to come down soon to SoCal? It's getting hotter here. I feel bad because I have the thermostat off still and I think its going to get pretty warm today in Pasadena. Evee's allergies have started up too, poor thing. i know it sounds silly but I'm thinking of closing all the windows and having the A/C on so her allergies don't flare up as much! the bob workouts sound pretty good. i wouldn't mind picking them up (on sale) at Target at one point. Oh my shoe argument? Dr. Microwave Lady and I disputed the joy of shoe shopping. Her point is to spend a ton of money on shoes you don't need and my point was to get the biggest bargain on gorgeous things. Hmpf! Maybe when I make what a postdoc makes (which i know is shit) I'll feel differently but while I'm making crappy stipends I'm going to be an olympic level bargain shopper. My tummt is still bugging me so i'm trying to be better about what I shove down my mouth...is you mom doing better? Is she happier to be at home at least? how's the pain in general?
Joanne -- you know the thing with us...like I reached a breaking point a little over a month ago. I was totally ready and prepared to end it because I had enough. But I dunno if he realized that I was being dead serious or if he finally got his priorities in line, but he basically begged me to give it a couple more months now that his meds were working and he had some "epiphany"...but its not going to be perfect right? and when stuff goes bad, it piles on, and honestly, I have the hardest time forgiving lately. I just remember all the hurt and its very hard to control my emotions at that point. So, even when things get better, when I start to remember, it just devolves. I get lonely too and I don't even have kids. I don't even want to dog walkers to take evee to the park when I'm alone because I want her around!
Chris -- oh wow, what an a-hole! I'm still amazed you guys don't give them crap. Seriously, I don't ever try to be mean to secretaries or nurses. They're the ones that work with you the most right? I think you convinced me to stay on the STS path. It'll be nice to do TF after STS is done and I am having a blast so far this month. (probably because they're a lost less MMA for the cardio too!) what people will put into their systems! He should be lucky he's in MA -- I don't think he'd get quality treatment out here with that kinda attitude and background.
So, I set up the google group.
* Group name: Neverending Quest to be FIT and HOT
* Group home page:
* Group email address:
[email protected]
I added your emails directly. If you do make a google group account I suggest making the username the FULL email address that you would email from and using the same password. I hate saying that but as I've learned from my lab, people forget when they make new passwords and then forget which email address they used and then blame me.
mm...i'm hungry...