joining the crowd and a question


Well another preggo joing in. I'm about 6 weeks at this point.

So here is my question - I am so tired physically and mentally. Today I went to church, then out to breakfast with my parents, ran some errands, came home hung out for a bit, did a 6 mile run and then made dinner. Promptly upon finishing dinner I was exhausted and have spent the last 3 hours lying in bed super tired with no energy to do anything. I have stuff to do for work but can't even get a bit of motivation to work - Then to top it off I broke down into tears telling DH how I'm so tired and feel terrible about lying around for 3 hours and not getting anything done.

So please tell me this is even a titch close to normal.

I look forward to joining the weekly workout check-in
You're feeling very normal! Making a baby is hard work for your body on top of everything else that you are doing!

I definitely found that the first trimester was the toughest for me as far as fatigue. Hopefully, you'll get back some of your energy as your pregnancy progresses. But, remember, your body is always hard at work now - even when you're lying around for 3 hours! :)

Take care!

Yes, being tired (way beyond normal) is normal for pregnancy! Your body's focus is on growing that baby - remember it is growing exponentially! - and you are getting whatever is left over. Sometimes that is not much! So you just need to shift your "normal" for the next little while and schedule in some more sleeping or resting time. Congratulations and good luck!
The first few weeks are usually the most exhausting. I am 3 weeks pregnant by my calculation which will make me 6 weeks preggo by the doc's calculations, so we will be posting together alot. You may want to decrease your runs for now to hold onto your energy.
>Today I went to church, then out to breakfast with
>my parents, ran some errands, came home hung out for a bit,
>did a 6 mile run and then made dinner.

Wow! I'm exhausted just reading this!!! You are absolutely normal. The tiredness hit me like a ton of bricks at week 7, and until then I was thinking "What's the big deal with this pregnacy stuff? I don't feel any different!" and going to 5 am spinning classes. Cut yourself some slack, and conserve some energy so that your body can work on building a baby. ;-)
A six mile run? Oh honey, no wonder you are tired out, with all the errands and what not before that.

It is very normal to feel very tired during the first trimester (and for most women it does get better)

I've noticed, however, that the older I get, the more pregnancy wipes me out in general. I'm 37. With baby #1 I was 26 and was much more energetic.

take care and keep us posted.

I'm 8 weeks & I have not had energy to do anything but go to work!!! They keep telling me that it will pass!! So if this is true hold on & rest up as much as you need & don't feel guilty about doing this!!
Congrats on the pregnancy!

Hello! My name is Jessica. I am 6 weeks and 1 day today. I know exactly how you are feeling. I was working out with Cathe like 4-6 days a week before getting pregnant and now I am having so much trouble doing 3 times a week. I am so tired and have been sleeping constantly. Today I was able to see the baby with an ultrasound, it's only about a grain of rice at this stage, but it was so exciting. I was also able to hear the heartbeat. I had no idea that at this stage, you could hear a heartbeat. Since you are 6 weeks as well, we are at the same point. Our due dates are also close. They told me today that I am due May 21.

Just wanted to let you know you are not alone in this. I know exactly how you are feeling. Keep us posted as to how you are doing.

Thanks so much for all the replies. I feel better to know I'm not imagining things. I struggle between knowing its okay I'm so tired to thinking I am imagining things.

I'm so used to go, go, going.
Congrats to you!!

As for your exhaustion, I'm beat just READING what you did!!

It's okay to relax a bit. It's okay to be tired, and to actually succumb to the nap. You're making a baby!!

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