Jogglers May 2012

I ran 4 miles yesterday. Today will be some kind of running with other exercises mixed in. After Tuesday's workout I did Farmer's Walk with 2-18# kettlebells and my arms have been feeling fatigued since then. I really didn't feel that bad while I was doing them.

I'm not going anywhere on vacation this week. I have a vacation at the beach planned in late August. This vacation is to relax and do stuff around the house. Yesterday I scrubbed the kitchen floor (on my hands and knees) and my bathroom floor and I started shredding a lot of old paperwork. Today I'm meeting my sister for lunch and then I'm going through my closet. In between I have been lazy and reading. Tomorrow mom and I are going to run errands together. Not sure what I'm doing the rest of time. I'm just taking each day as it comes.

Tricia, I 'm glad you got your workout in. I felt bad yesterday. My sinuses were acting up but my friend was coming over to run so what could I do? I felt better after the run though. I always do.

Hi Alisha!
Nice, Jane! I love relaxing vacations to do whatever. Enjoy! Sorry your allergies have kicked in. Mine have been better. I'm still smelling cigarette smoke, but not as often. Hope that stops soon!

We have real estate closings through 4:30 pm tomorrow so we will be working a full day. : (. We usually get to go early the day before long holiday weekends. It's going to suck because it's been such allow week.

I didn't work out tonight because I was feeling really bloated and likes had bricks in my tummy. Oh, we'll. Rest day a bit early. I'll run tomorrow after work.
So, I'm back!!

I am so glad to be home. I enjoyed much of my vacation. I will go into the details tomorrow. I was able to get 4 days of over an hour (close to 70 min. ) and over 500 calories burned. There was a rudimentary gym at the Holiday Inn. I never had time for yoga. I did my best with the eating. I often skipped dinner because our lunches were late (2 pm is late for me.)

I will catch the personals tomorrow.

Jane- Hi!!! I always feel better after a run than before.

Tricia- I don't like to workout when I feel like that. However, sometimes an epsom salt bath helps or some easy yoga. I take gas x and a twinlabs super enzyme to help with tummy issues and it works really well. But, be sure to not take that enzyme on an empty stomach. I hope you are feeling good today.

Welcome home Alisha! Glad you enjoyed your vacation! Congrats on keeping up the workouts!

I was fine by yesterday morning. I did my week2 day2 C25K run last night and finally hit over 200 cals burned, though I did it by adding 2 minutes to my first run interval. Of course, I find out that this app doesn't have the full program either (free version). Sigh. Going to either have to see if the first one I tried has updates and they fixed the problems I was having with it or just make up my own progression and use my gym boss timer app. Stinks to have this much trouble with a simple running app!
oh well. Been mixing up the raw fat blast diet with some cooked food and I can really tell a difference! My face really tells the tale quickly when I eat something cooked! Yikes! Got to work harder to stay closer to 100% raw.

Hi Jane!
Happy Tuesday! It's back to work for me today in more ways than one! I did absolutely nothing physical all weekend! Back to running if it's not storming at 5 pm. Hope you two had a fabo weekend!
Welcome Home Alisha!

Sorry, I've been MIA. I am out of my normal routine since I've been off work. I have one more day but have to go back on Thursday. :(

Yesterday I ran in the Memorial Day 8K and did great. I set a new 8K PR which I am very happy about and also took first place in my age. I got a 12 inch trophy which is really nice. My friend came in 2nd and my sister 3rd in our age group so we all walked away with something.

Today I did the Crossfit Murph workout which was a mile run, 100 jumping pull ups, 200 push ups, 300 squats and a mile run.

I'm just chilling today but will head out to mom's to work in her yard tomorrow.
Congrats to all 3 of you for taking that 8K! Enjoy your last day off!

I did my last day of week 2 C25K tonight. Tomorrow I'll be back on schedule with week 3. My apps suck. I'll be using a plan that changes the intervals during each run instead of doing all the same time intervals. For instance, tomorrow, I'll do 90 secs run, 90 secs walk, then 3 mins run, 3 mins walk and repeat. Should be interesting. Will have to use my Gym Boss app that I KNOW works!

Hi Alisha!
I took today as a rest day. Seriously??? It looks like I didn't even post yesterday.

I swear, I wrote a post and everything. Sheesh:confused:

Fine, ok, well:

Saturday: Petra Kolber's 10 min. Solution dance workout + Salsa DVD: Loved it!!! Super fun combination.
Sunday: Shiva Rae Yoga for Beginner's 45 min. She makes me sweat without running. My word, I had little rivers flowing:eek:
Monday: Hike/Jog 45 min. + Cathe's Yoga Relax 28 min. (total 530 cal. burn.)

Today/Tuesday: Rest because I had a training session on business writing. I'm really enjoying it. I've met some really nice people. I like to go to these seminars in the hopes that I will make contact with people that can point me in the direction of some work. I bought some lunch at the co-op. I had this great sandwich brie and grilled chicken w/carmelized onions on whole wheat. It was so filling that I only ate half and I'm still not hungry. I have more of the same for tomorrow. But, in the evening I have a book club meeting so I probably won't check in until Thursday.

Tricia- I'm sorry that your app stinks. That would just drive me nuts. I usually just write out what my intervals are and look at my watch. Although, that said, I must admit sometimes I forget and do it wrong.:eek: Whats your favorite smoothie (raw) recipe? I have a ninja, so I think I can manage most things.

Jane- Great job on the 8k!!!! Thats awesome!! Jumping pull-ups:eek: You always inspire me Jane!!!!

Nice workouts Alisha! I can so relate to the lost posts issue! Can't tell you how many times that has happened to me!

Out of Ani's recipes, I have to say that the matcha shake is my favorite! I also like the Pineapple Cilantro one. Sounds weird, but it's really yummy. In third is the Orange Vanilla. I was too tired to prep food tonight. Work has been busy this week due to the holiday and the end of he month!

I did get my runs in last night and tonight. Tried to set my gym boss app to the intervals I needed tonight. It all set fine, but then kept closing on me before I could use it. Tried to set intervals on another timer app, but I couldn't alternate the length of time,s o had to kind of wing it. I don't like when it doesn't go smoothly. Had a hard time tonight too. I think it was a combination of two days in a row and the slight humidity. I'm off tomorrow, so that should help a lot and I'll run again on Friday.

Going to start STS again this weekend.i need to add in some serious strength training and I think that's the way to go! Worked great for me the first time around!

Have a great night and have fun at book club tomorrow!

Hi Jane!

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