Jogglers March 2014


I went for a hike yesterday, so sore.
I did Taebo extreme on Sunday which is one part step and one part boxing

Tricia- I am glad that your shoulder is getting better

Jane- well done on your race, I am sorry that your sister is injured,I hope that she feels better soon.
Evening ladies!

Jane - Too funny about your skiing experience! I tried to do that on Monday, but the bars were full! It was a busy day at the resort as it was a special price for the day. The bunny hills are so short, you can only do them so many times before you get bored. They need something in between the bunny hills and the beginner "hills." They seem to go from simple to hard without a "so-so" middle part! Someday, I still hope to be able to make it up higher!

I hope your and your sister's run last night went well!

Alisha - Great job on getting a hike in! How are you feeling?

My legs are absolutely killing me! Between skiing on Monday and doing legs on Wednesday, I'm hurting! I actually have been hurting since starting Meso 2 last week non-stop! lol It's that constant increase in weights and keeping up the cardio! It's all good though. I tried on a pair of pants today and I can button and hook them! They are just snug, but getting better! Woo! :eek:

Pretty soon, I'll be able to wear them and tuck a shirt in! My weight hasn't moved a lot though. I weighed tonight just to get an idea and I was at 146.2. I don't usually weigh in the evenings, so I'm guessing that's a little higher than it would be in the morning. I'll check again at the end of the month, which is when I had originally planned to weigh in. Gauge where I'm at then and see what I need to do to reach my June goal.

Tomorrow is Friday! Yay! I had a short work week, but it's been really busy this week and the week has felt long anyway. Have a great day tomorrow ladies!

Yesterday I did an upper body workout.

Tonight will be something with running. I'll figure it out by tonight. Tomorrow I'm going on a 8 mile hike. I'm looking forward to it.

Alisha ~ Seeing the words Taebo brings up good memories for me.

Tricia ~ Good job on the workouts. Even if the scale isn't showing it doesn't mean you haven't lost inches. Your pants are fitting so you are headed in the right direction.

I will tell you about my mom and me. My mom weights a couple of pounds more than me but if you looked at her you would think that she weighs way more than me (at least 20 pounds or more). The difference she is carrying mostly fat and I am mostly muscle. The same thing with my sister. My mom weighs less than my sister but wears an 18-20, my sister wears a 12 (she can fit into a size 10 but it's not comfortable) so you see what weight training does for you. BTW...I found a good article on why you should lift heavy. I need to find it and post it here.
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Everybody should strength train. There is no other exercise mode that can give you as many amazing physical, mental, and overall health benefits as weight training.

By lifting weights you will learn who you really are and what you are capable of. Challenging your body is an exceptional method for developing the strength of your mind. As you discover the depth of your drive, you learn to persevere and overcome failure—we all have rough days in the gym, but those are the ones that make a difference.

By lifting heavy stuff, you will change your life for the better and develop self-confidence. Having physical strength gives you a reassuring sense of your place in the world: Knowing that chin-ups are effortless, or that you can full squat more than your body weight has a remarkable positive effect on your identity.

Now, the most important thing is that you choose a form of exercise that makes you happy so that you will stick with it. That said, let me try to convince you to give weight lifting a shot with these 10 amazing benefits.

#1: Weights Change Your Body Composition For the Better

The best way to develop a lean physique is by pairing diet and weight training together. Whether you say your goal is to get “cut,” “big,” or “toned,” lifting weights and eating a clean diet is the easiest way to achieve that.

For instance one study showed that 28 untrained slightly overweight men who performed a hypertrophy-style program 3 times a week for 8 weeks lost 3 kg of body fat, which equaled a decrease in body fat percentage of 13 percent. They also gained 3 kg of lean muscle compared to a control group that had no changes in body composition.

#2: Weight Training Will Help You Lose Fat

The conventional wisdom that pushes aerobic exercise as the solution to obesity dismisses the overwhelming benefit of building muscle. More muscle equals more calories burned at rest. For instance, a large review of published research shows that weight training leads to an average loss of 1.7 kg of fat in both normal and over-weight individuals, while preserving lean mass and metabolic rate.

One study that elaborates this effect tested what happens when you go on a diet and lift weights: Twenty untrained obese women who did hypertrophy-style circuit training for 12 weeks lost 14.5 kg of body fat. They increased the amount of calories their bodies burned at rest by 63 calories so that they had a resting metabolic rate (RMR) of 1,800. The study also used showed what happens when you choose aerobic exercise on a restricted calorie diet: Those women lost 12.8 kg body fat and dropped 4 kg of muscle, which unfortunately reduced their RMR by 210 calories to a measly 1,358 a day! Yes, that is right, the aerobic work worsened their resting metabolic rate!

#3: Lifting Preferentially Builds Fast-Twitch Muscles That Raise Metabolism

Everyone knows about the basics of how building muscle keeps you lean: First, there’s the afterburn effect of exercise, which lasts for as much as 38 hours after your workout. Second, the more muscle you’ve got, the more you can eat due to the higher metabolic cost of maintaining that muscle. Third, lifting induces the secretion of fat-burning, muscle building hormones to help you get (and stay) lean and cut.

I bet you didn’t know that the metabolic advantage you get from weight training is more specific: Lifting heavy loads in short bursts favorably builds the most forceful Type II muscle fibers, which have the highest metabolic cost. Building the fast-twitch muscles exponentially raises your metabolism more than if you did the same amount of low-force producing work, as is typical of aerobic cardio.

Researchers from Boston University explain that “the Type II muscle fibers have a previously unappreciated role in regulating whole-body metabolism through their ability to accelerate the energy burning processes in remote tissues.” Remember, due to the size principle of muscle fiber recruitment, working the most powerful Type II fibers requires that all the lesser fibers be trained in a cascade fashion, making heavy load training all the more beneficial.

#4: Weights Enhance The Nervous System & Gene Pathways

Strength coaches have known for decades that lifting weights train the central nervous system so that you react faster, have a quicker first step, and are able to apply greater force into the ground. Building your neuromuscular strength means your body works more efficiently.

The effect of a strong neuromuscular system extends to all ages and is a primary predictor of longevity and well-being. Additionally, emerging evidence shows how weight lifting upregulate genetic pathways that prevent aging, rebuild damaged tissue, burn energy, and use oxygen. The effect is better brain function and coordination of movement for the young and old alike.

#5: Strength Training Increases Endurance In Athletes & Regular Folks

Strength training has been repeatedly shown to decrease body fat percentage in elite endurance such as cyclists and distance runners (a Danish study saw national team cyclists lose 2 percent body fat after 16 weeks of training), and everyone knows that when it comes to fat, a lighter athlete is a better athlete. This leads to a boost in the body’s maximum capacity to transport oxygen, as well as an amplified adaptive signaling in the muscles for increased work capacity and speed (those Danish cyclists performed a 5-minute time trial 5 percent faster and a 45-minute trial 8 percent faster than a control group.

#6: Strength Training Decreases Blood Pressure & Improves Heart Function

Weight training dramatically improves heart function. It has repeatedly been shown to decrease blood pressure—a review found that across 8 trials, systolic blood pressure (SBP) decreased by an average 6.2 mmHg. This is clinically significant since it is more than double the benefit of the typical blood-pressure lowering medications.

Weight training also enhances arterial function and decreases inflammation—one review showed older women who weight trained had lower C-reactive protein, an oxidative stress marker that causes an inflammatory status. The combined effect of lower SBP, less inflammation, and better blood flow will reduce cardiovascular disease risk by more than 14 percent.

#7: Strength Training Improves Sleep & Reduces Chronic Pain

A recent intervention study showed that in healthy older men who did a hypertrophy-style program improved their quality of sleep by 5 percent and they woke up fewer times during the night. Researchers suggest the long-term effects of better sleep are profound since it influences glycemic control, diabetes risk, body fat gain, and inflammatory status.

Of interest, a series of studies show that in older folks over age 50, strength training can reduce pain perception by 43 percent by causing adaptations that raise the pain threshold.

#8: Strength Training Prevents Disease, Particularly Cancer & Diabetes

Doctors who specialize in treating diabetes use diet and exercise, and practical reports show that weight training and other anaerobic exercise modes like moderate interval training are most effective. Strength training has a dramatic effect on blood sugar function and insulin health. Building muscle increases your lean tissues’ receptivity to insulin, and increases the muscles’ demand for glucose, thereby pulling it out of the bloodstream. This contributes to better body composition and diabetes prevention.

Strength training has also repeatedly been shown to correlate with lower risk of a number of cancers. For instance, teen girls who weight train experience the greatest reduction in breast cancer risk later in life, but the benefit for cancer prevention extends to women of all ages.

#9: Strength Training Improves Hormone Levels & Reproductive Function

Weight training has a much more potent effect on hormone function than simply the increase in testosterone that men experience after a workout. Building lean muscle from a 12-week training program improved the metabolism of estrogen in young women, which is noteworthy because a better elimination of estrogen means less cancer risk and lower body fat.

Everyone knows training increases growth hormone and IGF-1, both of which correlate with leanness. Lifting also lead to better regulation of the hormones related to hunger and energy use. It fights oxidative stress from cortisol and related tissue-degrading hormones that have the side effect of damaging reproductive health if they are persistently elevated as well.

#10: Lifting Heavy Builds Bone

Weight training is overwhelmingly the best activity to build bone mass and density. Studies show former elite athletes who included weight lifting as part of their workouts have much stronger bones as they age. This translates into a 50 percent lower chance of fracture in men, and a 20 percent lower fracture risk in women.

To build bone you want to regularly train in the hypertrophy and strength ranges, while including cycles in which you lift maximal loads—that’s the most weight you can lift for just a rep or two per set. Plyometric, pounding exercises, and wearing a weight vest are also ideal for bone development.
Jane- thanks for the article about weight training.

Tricia well done on your workouts I saw posted on fb.

I am trying a different belly dance DVD called love potion.

I didn't care for love potion, this morning I'm trying different 10 minutes solution hip-hop DVD and one of Rodney Yee's daily yoga segments.
Good grief! I almost missed a whole week!

Jane - I'm getting the idea! I almost fit into a skirt I haven't worn in ages this morning! I've only lost about 5-7 pounds I think, but I"m seeing a real difference in my clothes already!

Thanks for the article!

Alisha - Hope your hip-hop dvd was better!

Have had a great workout run over the last 5 days! Sunday, we went to Boston to spend the day. Had brunch at a wonderful French bistro called Aquitane. The food was spectacular! I ate pretty healthy and had a duck hash with fried eggs, coffee and a nice ginger and sparkling wine breakfast drink. We, then, headed to the museum to see the Impressionist exhibit and take in all the new exhibits they added since we were there in February. After that, we went to dinner at Smith & Wollensky. It was in a castle. I had a steak. Yes, I said steak. I couldn't resist! It was a coffee and cocoa crusted filet mignon. Also had a lovely smoked clam chowder. We shared a bottle of wine, too. It was pricey, but really delicious!

Tomorrow, I have Ladies Night at the country club. Golf night. It's fun. They have games and a raffle and food. We'll get to see what the new lessons groups are. Then, on Friday, we have a concert at UConn. The Piano Guys. It's sold out!


Lots going on!

Have a great night!
I thought I posted this week but I guess not.

I went hiking on Saturday which was great but it was a little too muddy. I went there originally because I was thinking of doing a 25K race out there but I don't think so. Too many roots and stuff has scared me off but it is nice for hiking. Then I went to mom's house and worked in her yard.

Sunday was a 6 mile run and Monday was an upper body workout and yesterday a rest day. Tonight it will be a 4 mile run.

It was in the 30's this morning when I woke up and 50's today. Yikes! I thought we were done with all that. There is so much pollen in the air that everything is yellow.

Alisha ~ I hope you liked your workout yesterday.

Tricia ~ Sounds like you are having great fun. A steak every once in a while is great. I bet it was a good quality piece of meat.
Jane I wouldn't run in a place with too many roots either those highly technical trails are scary

Tricia your dinner sounds so delicious have fun with your golfing and great job with all of those workouts:)

I enjoyed yesterday's hip-hop work out but I'm still learning the choreography it wasn't as intense as I would prefer for a work out I really like Rodney Yees yoga today, I'm trying Billy Blank Junior's Bollywood cardio ( yes he is the tae bo inventors son.)

It is raining, looks like we'll have rain for about the next or four days so it's all indoor workouts which is great, I just got a bunch of DVDs from collage video I'm still kind of bummed about them going out of business.
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Good Afternoon,

Here is my workout for tonight.

20-18-16 Reps of:
Ball Slams
1-Arm Swings (L)
Over the Shoulder Ball Tosses
1-Arm Swings (R)
Ball Squats

I need to find a trail race that doesn't have too many roots. I've done a couple and so far they haven't been too bad but this trail had too many roots and hills. Not sure how anyone could go really fast over roots.

Alisha~ I'm glad it's raining by you. Don't you need rain? We are expecting rain tomorrow and Saturday. I have a race on Saturday morning so I hope the rain will hold off. Luckily it's in town so I don't have to drive far.

I'm sad that Collage is going out of business too. I don't workout to dvds that much anymore but I've been doing a challenge over there since 2009 and it's sad. Lots of those people are friends. We've moved the challenge to another forum but it's not going to be the same.

Hi Tricia.
Jane I don't know how anybody can go fast over roots either it seems crazy

Tricia how's it going?

I did Patrick Goudeau's mad moves this morning it was a lot of fun I burned 350 cal awesome:eek:
Hi ladies!

What a week

Jane - I couldn't imagine doing a trail race anyway! I'd kill myself even with no roots and stuff to trip on! ;)

Hope you find one!

Great runs and workouts! We keep getting dips in our temps up here too. I'm so ready for them to stabilize.

Alisha - Hope you need the rain at least, if it's going to rain that much! Glad you're enjoying your new workouts! I always looked at DVDs at Collage, but never ordered any. Thought I had time to have some spare change for some more workouts later because at the time I wasn't working out that much. Oh, well.

I've been staying consistent with my workouts and my weight is coming down! My clothes are starting to fit better! I've been really good with food! No fast food! Woo-hoo! Still need to workout today, but it's getting late . . . May just have to miss a couple of cardio days.

I had golf night on Wednesday and The Piano Guys concert at UConn last night.
What happened to the weekend?

I did not go to the race on Saturday because it was storming so I stayed home and did an upper body weight workout. Sunday was a 7 mile run and then yard work at mom's house. Tonight will be something. I haven't figure it out yet.

Tricia ~ Great job on the workouts!

Hi Alisha!
Last day of the month new thread tomorrow

I did a step work out today and I plan to work out again tomorrow

Jane I'm sorry that the race did not work out on Saturday

Tricia great job on the weight-loss and doing all those workouts Woo Hoo:eek:

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