Jogglers Feb. 2011

Hi Jogglers,

Here is my workout for today. I'm going to try and workout in the backyard. It's chilly and cloudy out there today.

45/15 - work/rest ratio
1. Squat to rear lunge Alternating
2. Swings
3. Burpees
4. Right Hand Clean and Press
5. Left Hand Clean and Press

Tricia ~ I know exactly how you feel. I think it's the weather too. I had the same thing a couple of weeks back. I just wasn't feeling my workouts which is so unusual for me. I just felt blah!

Alisha ~ Enjoy your joggle tomorrow! Intensity is INTENSE! LOL!!

Hi Lisa ~ Hope all is well.
Alisha - Glad you're getting those joggles in! Intensity, huh? Can't wait to try those! Someday. Thanks for the thought! I wonder if FedX would consider that a hazardous material? We are going to start warming back up again! Yay! Next week we'll be back in the low 40s again! Melt, snow, melt!

Jane - I was so bad last night that I ate not 1, not 2, but 3 of those Mexican sweet breads my dad sent me - THREE!!! I never binge like that! Ugh.

Milo got sick, too. He puked all evening after dinner. I gave each of the pups a piece of roasted kale. Granted it was a couple of days old, but I thought it was okay. Peanut was fine, but I think it messed with Milo's tummy. I felt awful! He hasn't puked since last night, but he hasn't eating anything all day. I'm a little worried, but am hoping he's just feeling blah today from all that puking. I hope he eats and is more like himself tomorrow! If not, it's a vet visit!

Got my workout done tonight! Did Back & Biceps and ARX. I'm having to shuffle things a bit because of my slack yesterday, but I'll still get it all in!

Have a great night!

Hi Lisa! Cindi, we miss you!
Tricia- I hope Milo is feeling a lot better today. I don't think that qualifies as a binge btw, I think it takes like a 1/2 gal of ice cream or a whole package of oreos before you are in binge land.

I am planning a joggle later today. I'm working 90 sec and 3 min. intervals. I'm still trying to get through those hills! Sometimes I feel as though they are mocking me.:eek:

Jane- That looks like a good workout.


It's warming up here...yay!!! Here is my workout for tonight.

Silver Bullet
400m Run
3 Rounds of:
30 Alternating Suitcase Deadlifts
30 Swings
30 Push ups
30 Overhead Plate Walking Lunges
Finish with another 400m Run

Tricia ~ I hope Milo feels better soon!! I have binged worst than that.

Alisha ~ Hills....ugh!! Conquer those hills, girlfriend!!!

Hi Lisa!

Hope everyone is having a great Friday!!
Alisha - I hate hills too! They do feel like they're laughing at your as you huff and puff your way up! You'll beat them! Keep at it!

Jane - Glad it's warming up! Here too! We'll be in the 40s a lot this next week! Yippee!

Milo was still pretty dumpy when I came home for lunch, but seems to be perking up a bit tonight. I fed him some rice and soft food and he ate like a champ! That's a good sign! My vet seems to think he just had some gastritis from the kale, not because it's bad for them, but because it was different from what he usually gets.

I didn't work out tonight. I was still waiting for a call from my vet when I got home, so I just read and cuddled with the pups while Stephen did homework until she called, then I took a short nap and fed the kiddos and Stephen made sushi for us for dinner.

I'll make it up tomorrow and Sunday!

Glad you guys had a good day! Have a fabulous weekend!
I did some yoga this morning and I plan to do BM2 the step only premix this afternoon. Its sunny and nice out. I think I'm going to spend the day with data entry and chores.

Tricia- I am glad Milo is feeling better and can eat now.

Jane-I'm sending sunny weather your way.

Hi Cindi and Lisa!!

Ah, yoga! I'm going to try to squeeze mine in tomorrow. Going to a place for some paint ball around 1 p.m. with some people from work. I've never done it before! It ought to be loads of fun!

I barely made it through my workout today! Legs & Back - Not sure why, but I just felt bad like my HR was spiking for no reason and it was hard to get it down. I had to keep pausing. It wasn't even really that high - around 155. I do HIIT with a HR almost 20 bpm higher than what it was today without any problems. It was just strange. Not sure if it was because I had coffee this morning, but I usually do on weekends. Just a bad day, I guess. I did make it through though. I was totally wiped out afterwards, too.

I hope everyone else is having a good day! I'm so relieved that Milo is back to his normal, spunky self! My vet just called to check up on him. I thought that was really nice.

We're warmer today around 40, but it's cloudy and it still doesn't feel warmer! At least some more snow is melting. It's still going to take a while to all go away!

Have a great afternoon!
Happy Sundog!!

Is it just me or is BM2 a bit intense? yeesh. I'm glad today is a rest day. Its still warm and sunny out there.

I made some chocolate whipped cream as a treat this morning for my mom. Of course, I had to taste it;) I was good though, I also made some eggs and had some puffed millet.

Tricia- I do think it was the coffee. It is a bit weird to have your HR spike during a weight workout. I am so glad Milo is feeling better.

Hi everybody, have a great Sundog!!!

Hi Jogglers!

I missed the whole weekend. It was a busy one. I was at mom's all day on Saturday, then did a 11 mile run on Sunday morning and was back over at mom's making Valentine's cookies!!

My legs are SO sore this morning. I'm not sure what I'm doing tonight but it will probably involve the upper body more.

Alisha ~ Thanks for the sunny weather! We got it! It is suppose to be sunny and in the 70's all week!! Whipped Cream=Yummy!! Chocolate Whipped Cream=Double Yummy!!!!

Tricia~How was paint ball? I have never played before. Paint Ball with co-workers? Yikes!!! That would be interesting with the group that I would with.

I'm glad Milo is feeling better!

Hi Lisa!

I'll bbl with my workout plans.
Jane- I'm glad you got some of the sunny weather. The clouds just moved in and its raining now.

I expect to do a MMA workout late in the afternoon.

Catch ya later!

I figured out what I'm doing tonight.

2 Rounds
100 Jump Rope
25 KB Swings
25 Ball Slams
Rest 1 minute
3 Rounds of:
5 Should Press
10 Push Press
15 Push ups
Run 1 mile

Alisha ~ I'm sending some of the sunshine back to you...not all of it, though! :p
Alisha - I'm not sure I've done BM2! I have it, but I don't think I've done it yet! OMG! A Cathe workout I haven't done!? Must be remedied! lol

We didn't have much sun over the weekend. We broke 50 degrees today! I couldn't believe it! We're supposed to dip tomorrow to about 28, but be back up consistently in the 40s after that! Yippee! Here comes spring - oh no! - and the rain. :(:confused:

Jane - Hope your mom is doing well! Sounds like you had fun! Nice 11 miles!
Paintball was a blast! Turned out it was only one of our attorneys and his girlfriend, who is also my new vet (she went to work at the clinic we take our pups to) and one of the other staff. Everyone else was friends of Josh and Oni. It was a blast! In my first game, I got hit on the hand with one and it bled and bled! lol Don't let anyone tell you it doesn't hurt! The trick is to wear layers, so you don't end up with huge welts! Some of them did! I only had a few bruises, but no welts. I was covered in paint though! I would do it again! So much fun!

Happy Valentine's Day!

I didn't work out tonight, too bummed. Ended up coming home, kicking off my shoes and laying on the couch for a while. I finally got up and changed clothes, went in the kitchen and baked oatmeal peanut butter chocolate chip cookies. I felt so much better afterwards! What is it about baking that makes everything better?

Hi Lisa and Cindi!
Jane- Hey thanks for the sunshine!

Tricia- BM2 is fun. You should get it out. The tunes are good and the choreography moves along. As produced its not dissimilar from SJP.

I'm planning a step workout later this evening. Probably a Cardio Hit. I need those longer workouts to help with my poundage. I put on two pounds because I was not getting the longer workouts and I was getting the sourdough.;) I have to be good. Its not easy. My mom gave me a See's Candy heart for Valentine's day!

Hi Jogglers!

I am doing Shoulders and Arms from P90x although I will probably insert some back and chest in there as well.

Alisha ~ I hope you are enjoying the sunshine. I love See's Candies!! Enjoy!

Tricia ~ I'm glad you are getting some warmer temps. Paintball sounds like fun. I heard that it can hurt you but what are a couple of bruises and welts between friends, right? :) There is nothing better than baking a batch of cookies to chase away the blues!!

Hi Lisa and Cindi!
Either I will do a MMA disc or I will go for a joggle later this afternoon, it all depends on wind/rain. I usually skip the abs but I think I will do them this afternoon. Tomorrow will be Step Max. I love the oldies:D

Tricia- Baking always makes me feel better.

Jane- What is your favorite See's Candie?


Hi you stragglers! Cindi, Lisa I hope you are both doing well and getting in those runs!
Hi Everyone!

I am going for a joggle today of about 3 miles or so. We are having another warm and sunny day.

Alisha ~ I like the Milk Bordeaux from Sees. They are the cream ones with the sprinkles. I haven't had them in a while. A client for a company I used to work for would always send us some. Yummy! I'm a buttercream and carmel girl. I don't like nuts.

Hi Tricia and Lisa.

I hope everyone is having a great day!
Hi ladies!

Alisha - I know what you mean about extra poundage! Those cookies I baked - yeah, they're almost gone! :eek: I've done nothing, but sit and eat cookies for 3 days! No workouts! :eek::eek::eek: I've had a lazy feeling week!

Jane - Absolutely! I'm still bruised and feeling the one on my arm, which was the worst of the hits. I've never had See's! Where do you find it? Hope you enjoyed your P90X workout!

When are you guys going to come over here and throw me off the couch? :eek: I need a good kick in the butt this week. Monday just set me off for the week I guess. Oh, well, I know I'll get back in gear soon! I'm really, really hoping to get back in the flow tomorrow!

Hi Lisa and Cindi! Are you two ever coming back out of seclusion? Especially you, Cindi! lol :p We miss you guys!
Rain rain go away!

I am going to do some yoga later today. I just got the trash down to the street, that always feels like a workout. We have a long driveway and its raining and very cold. It hailed yesterday. I love yoga even on a rain day. I have mostly yoga in my netflix cue. I just tried one by Rain Beau and it was set in Hawaii. For me that was a lot of fun because I took 5 years of polynesian dance in my teens. So many memories!

Tricia- GET OFF THE COUCH!!! ok. thats the last time I'm yelling at you.

Jane- Milk bordeaux is good so is the scotch mallows (marshmallow, chocolate and caramel.)

Hi Ladies,

Here is my workout for today:

1 - Max Number of Rounds in 5 minutes
Run to end of Driveway
Walking lunges back from Driveway
Farmers Walk to end of Driveway
Walking Lunges back from Driveway
2 - Max number of Rounds in 20 minutes
10 Jump Squats
10 Swings
10 Back Rows 5/5
3 - Max number rounds in 5 minutes
5 Pull ups
15 Ball Slams
5 Goblet Squats


I ended up not doing the P90x because I couldn't get the disc to work. My sister had problems with the Ab Ripper disc too so I did Cathe's High Reps-The Upper Body Premix. I'm really lovin' that workout

I think See's started in California but you can order them online too. So good!

Alisha ~ Those Scotch Mallows sound good too. When I was in high school I worked at Fannie May (Chicago candy store). Now whenever we get an assortment, everyone asks me what candy is what. Like I remember!! I know the buttercreams but that's about it.

Enjoy your yoga workout. Rain and hail. Yikes! It's been sunny and in the 70's all week and this weekend it is suppose to be in the 80's. Yay!

Hi Lisa and Cindi - We miss you guys!!

Hi, you two!

Thanks for yelling! Worked beautifully! Got my workout in tonight and I should be right on track again!

Alisha - You can keep the hail, rain and cold! It was beautiful here today! 54 and sunny! Still have tons of snow, but it made a little bit of a dent at least! I'm getting in about one yoga workout a week. That's really good for me! Enjoy!

Jane - That's one heck of a workout there! Sorry about the cookies! Stephen and I finished them off after lunch today! I was averaging about 6 a day! They were really good and not really sweet! Needed a bit more peanut butter, though! I will definitely make them again!

How long have you had your P90X discs? Is it that they just wouldn't play on a computer or did you try them in a DVD player?

I'm feeling much better! Between all those cookies and my workout tonight, I'm good and happy! :eek: lol Needless to say, I haven't weighed myself this week! Didn't feel it necessary! :eek:

Hi Lisa and Cindi!

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