Jogglers August 2010 (aka New Runners)

Hi Everyone!

I was too tired to post yesterday. I went swimming but instead of grabbing my ear plugs, I grabbed my gymboss instead (they are the same size) so I couldn't put my head underwater unless I wanted to have clogged ears for a couple of days. So I ended up doing drills. I used the kickboard and did lots of laps, then I did pull ups using the diving board. I also did some Tabata running sprints in the shallow end. These were VERY hard. I also dog paddled a number of times. I tried to do pullouts on the side of the pool. A pullout is where you push yourself up so your arms are straight but everytime I did it my bottoms slid down. :eek: I'm not a fan of mooning the neighbors so I stopped that right away. I did all this for 45 minutes.

Today I'm going for a run.

Lisa ~ Sorry about the horse. Your dad is the sweetest. Have fun working at the coffee shop. I actually find myself talking more but usually to my family rather than friends. I feel better when I talk things out but that is just me.

Tricia ~Great workout yesterday. How do you like working out without a dvd?

Cindi ~ I have been taking calcium/magnesium for a little while because for some reason I was cramping in my calves at night. Since I starting taking it, I haven't had the cramping. I hope it works on your bone spur.

Alisha ~ Mom is hanging in there. She is really sick to her stomach with the radiation. She is taking meds but they make her a zombie so she's not really functioning well right now. She only has about 4 or 5 radiation treatments left. It's so hard to see her go through this without my dad but she is a WARRIOR so she will make it through.

Later Gators!
Alisha - the supplement I'm taking has Calcium/Magnesium and Vit D and C. I was thinking Vit D may be an issue too in keeping me from absorbing the calcium I do eat.

I'll keep you all posted on how it works.

Jane - I'm sure you and your mom is just counting down her treatments. Just think about how great 2011 will be when she's all done.
Evening ladies!

First, before I forget, I want to say thank you to whoever it was who recommended Fresh and Quick for recipes! I found a copy at the grocery store last night and grabbed it! It was a bit pricey, though. Glad I didn't see that until after the fact! How often does it come out?

Cindi - Nooooo, plyos are murder! I have a love/hate relationship with those! They are terrific though! My hill running was easier when I was doing plyo. Enjoy the soreness! LOL! Once you've had a chance to try out the DVDs and are ready to let them go for a little bit, let me know. I would love to try them out - and thanks a million! I hope the calcium helps your bone spur!

Lisa - Great workouts today! I don't know that I purposely don't talk about things from my past so much as don't think about them much anymore. I mean who really wants to hear about all that old stuff anyway? As for things that bother me, I tend to talk it out with friends more than family, unless it's DH. Friends are more objective (is that the right one?), unbiased and have a clearer view than family. Of course, on the other hand, I have been burned, badly, by "friends" before. I still tend to be rather trusting. It's a habit I can't seem to break!

Alisha - LIC is still a great workout! At least you got one in! You had one bite of ice cream??? I have a confession - it's a biggie - are you ready? I just BINGED, yes, me, BINGED. I ate a whole pint of B&J all by myself. Don't know what's wrong with me, but it's the first time I've done that in 2 years! Oh, well, time to move on!

A supergirl pushup is what Zuzana calls it. It's a regular pushup with a moderately wide stance with the feet. After you extend the arms up, you take opposite arm and leg and extend them out so you are balancing on one hand and foot, then bring them down on all fours, so another pushup and repeat alternating sides. It's tough. I could only manage about 3 in 20 seconds for balancing and trying to keep my core tight!

Jane - Great water workout! I hate when I grab the wrong thing! Once, when I still had a gym membership, I got there to change and only found one sock! I debated just going home, but decided to get on the treadmill anyway. I hated it and got a blister!

I'm still getting used to the no DVD thing, but with the short intervals, I"m so busy moving from exercise to exercise that I don't dwell, plus I'm counting so that keeps my mind occupied! I have my music playing in the background, so I have that, too! Did I mention that I"m also having to remind myself to breathe? OMG!

I'm sorry your mom is having so much nausea with the radiation. I hope these last few treatments fly by for her!

Okay, well, I've blathered along enough here for now. I feel better admitting to my crew here that I binged on ice cream today.

Here is the workout for tomorrow:

600 Rep Sexier Body WO (gotta love her names for the workouts!)

60 each:

1. half burpees w/calf raises
2. One Leg Pushups
3. Jump lunges
4. OneLeg Deadlift
5. Crunches w/leg extensions
6. Prisoner Squats w/front kick
7. One leg tricep dips
8. one leg jump knee up
9. Supermans
10. Over the chair kicks

This one is for total time! Wish me luck!
Hi Ladies! Disk 2 last night. Some elliptical later today.

Lisa - I've never been a big talker about that stuff. I think I'm more like a man that way. My husband is much more talkative than I am. I kind of feel like I've missed out a little bit because I really don't share most of what I'm thinking.

Alisha - How was your kickboxing?

Tricia - That was me who suggested Fresh and Quick! :) I don't know if it comes out regularly or was a one time publication. But I like it. I'll let you know after I've tried out the DVDs and are ready to share. I think a pint of ice cream would make me sick - I'm impressed! What flavor was it?

Hi Jane!

I did it again, I earned myself a blister last night. So, I'm taking this morning off, I will do Low Max tonight. I have a yoga tape for lunch time. Its the old Kathy Smith Yoga Basics. I'm working on tax data wrangling all day.

Yesterday I had to go to the co-op for lunch. I was out an about all day, first feeding little baby kittys, then I had to stop at the accountant's office to pick up paper work, then got my teeth x-rayed and cleaned. I had some garam masala chicken with mustard greens and lentils. It was really good. Todays eats are burgers (yum!) some rice pilaf (mostly vegetables, very little rice) and a 1/2 c. of grapes, and thats just breakfast;)

I think I'm finally in weight loss mode (I can always feel it.) But its ttotm next week so I'm too chicken to get on the scale during that week. :eek:

Lisa- Hows it going?

Tricia- What flavor was it? hey at least it was only a pint, it could always be worse.

Jane- Ha ha ha . . lol. .. so are your pants staying up today?:p I'm sorry about your mom not feeling good. My Aunt Peggy didn't feel good but she is feeling better now.

Cindi- the KB was good, but I got interrupted, I would have done more than 45 min. It doesn't put me into my THR a lot (just 145 bpm avg.) but I do burn calories and its low impact.
Good Afternoon!

I did not get my run in yesterday because of rain so I did the upper body portion of Muscle Max. I haven't done that workout in a long time. I went heavy and it felt good.

I'm hoping to get my run in today.

Tomorrow is my mom's last radiation treatment. She does have to have 2 other radiation treatments that are done internally. One of them will be next Monday and probably the other one will be scheduled for the week after that. Everything they are doing is for prevention. She still has 4 chemo treatments to go but I did a tentative count on my calendar and it looks like she may make my 1/2 Marathon in mid November. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that everything keeps running smoothly.

Tricia ~ Confession is good for the soul! I have been there and done that - many times over. Today is a new day so keep moving forward.

How did you workout go today? It looks like a killer!

Alisha ~ Yay for the weight loss mode! Keep up the good work. I don't even weight myself anymore. How's that for being chicken??:eek:

Hi Lisa and Cindi!!
Evenin' Y'All! Felt a little southern today!

B&J Dublin Mudslide - I was going to get the Triple Caramel Chunk, but wanted chocolate!

Cindi - Well, thanks for the suggestion! The recipes in F&Q look fantastic! Oddly, my weight didn't fluctuate at all after all that ice cream!

Alisha - What shoes are you running/working out in? Ugh, if I got blisters like that, they'd be going in the closet or the trash! I hope the weight loss continues! I hate ttom! I'm finding that as I get older, I'm starting to have the symptoms all my friends have complained about for years! Yuck!

Jane - Good workout yesterday! I hope you were able to run today! Yes, that 600 rep workout kicked my butt! I have HGS (High Glute Soreness) this evening! Whew! Tomorrow will probably reveal more muscles I didn't think could get sore! What's up with that? I've worked with weights all this time, done STS, but these bodyweight workouts are creating muscle soreness I didn't know I could have!

I'll continue to send energy for strength and healing to your mother as she continues through her remaining treatments.

With my missed workout on Monday, I'm not 100% sure if I want to do legs or biceps, triceps and shoulders tomorrow. I'll let you know what I end up with! Sunday is the first day of my training program for my 10K in October. My new rotation will be 3 days of runs alternating with more of those awesome bodyweight workouts! I'm also going to really clean my eating up to see if I can make any progress on my BF%.

Have a great weekend everyone! Oh, wait, tomorrow's Friday! I'm off so it's the beginning of my weekend! Yay, me!
warning: TMI

Oh, my tummy. I had some bug yesterday. But, I did get my workout anyway. I thought I was all better and did Low Max as scheduled. I did not get that yoga in, I will do the yoga later. I am taking a rest day. Tomorrow is a joggle. Yippee!

Tricia- For ttotm try zinc/calcium/magnesium tablets. Often its a magnesium deficiency that makes the cramps, calcium/zinc for hormonal headaches. Of course, thats not perfect but its better. I do need new shoes but I also need a better paying job lol. I think its just that I get sweaty and then the tootsies slide in the shoe. And voila, a blister. I don't normally get them, I think its the humidity. I know thats a comic answer considering the low humidity here, but lately its looking like a Gidget movie, all soft focus from the moisture in the air. Ooh, that dublin mudslide sounds good!

I think I'm too heavy for bodyweight work :D

Jane- I hope things go well for your Mom. She may feel tired after the radiation is done and sometimes chemo has a cumulative effect. It can get hardest towards the end.

Hi Lisa and Cindi!!
Day 6 August Challenge

I have gone 6 days without true ice cream. I did have 1/4 c. of non fat frozen yogurt this morning. I hope that doesn't count. :)
It sure doesn't count. I also think it doesn't count if you make it yourself. :)

I made Paul a strawberry milkshake with fresh berries and our homemade vanilla the other day. It was so good.

We are heading to MI today to spend the weekend and pick up Honor and David on Sunday. Paul's at work with me this morning, then we take the Amtrack to MI to meet Pete who's been there on business this week.

Paul likes coming to the city - our office here is much nicer than the one I normally go to and you can see the lake outside the window. :)

OH - my workouts...didn't get to cardio yesterday, work ran late and I then took Paul to Table Tennis. I'll try to get some in a the hotel this weekend. Weight workouts are on schedule and I'm feeling stronger already!
Good Morning!!

This is my workout for today.

21-18-15-12-9 reps of:
Box Jumps and/or weighted step ups
Kettlebell Deadlifts
Kettlebell Swings
50 Jump Ropes after every set of every exercise:eek:

I got my run in yesterday evening but it was HOT so the run was a little shorter. There was a nice HOT breeze though.

Cindi ~ Have fun in Michigan this weekend. I LOVED visiting my aunt when she worked in the Standard Oil Building downtown. I think her office was on the 70th floor or something. Great views of the city! My first "real" job was in the city on the corner of Canal and Kinzie on the Chicago River. When I was in high school my sister and I office sat in my aunt's old office. I can't remember where it was located but we always got off at the Quincy and Wells stop. We sat around the office for all day and read, played cards and listened to the radio. We were there in case packages were delivered there by mistake. Best job I ever had. We were there for a month and got paid $3/hour which was higher than minimum wage at the time.

Alisha ~ Hope your tummy is better today. Have fun joggling tomorrow. Fatigue has been my mom's worse enemy and I know the 3rd and 4th chemo treatments will be worse for her but knowing the end of her treatment is near will push her through. At least she will be able to eat. She's lost 10 pounds in the last 2 weeks due to the radiation.

Tricia ~ Enjoy your day off! Let us know what you decided to do today. I appreciated your "Southern" greeting last night! LOL!! It's great that you are feeling those DOMS. It means that you are working lots of new muscles. Keep you the good work!!

Hi Lisa ~ Hope you're having a good Friday!!
Hi Jane!

Great workout plan there! My poor jump rope is gathering dust! I just don't have room indoors for it and my driveway is slanted and lopsided just a teeny bit - enough to catch the rope, so it's frustrating trying to jump outdoors.

I've decided since my HGS is still pretty painful to do bis, tris and shoulders today.

Can't wait for WB! This is going to be awkward since i'll have to use two different downloads to accomplish this! C'est la vie!

Have a great day!
Jane we are on Clark street right across from the Thompson Center, Daley Center, and Chicago City Hall (anyone remember Blues Brothers?) :)
Hi ladies,
Yesterday I joggled CC V2. I wanted to get in a workout too but it didn't happen. I ride doubles today and tomorrow so doubt workouts will happen.

Jane - That workout sounds great!

Cindi - Have fun!

Alisha - Hope you are feeling better.

Tricia - Mmmm, Dublin Mudslide sounds good too. I can't eat too much ice cream at one time any more or it will upset my stomach.

Blues Brothers! One of our faves as well! Sounds like you're having fun Cindi!

Lisa - Enjoy your rides! Workout another time!
ooo my insides

I was up all night doing the toilet tango again. I did not joggle this morning instead it was an easy hike. Just moving in the sunshine to get my free vit. D dose, move my body and prove that I'm alive. I will do the cardio circuit tonight. Tomorrow should be some yoga.

I hope everyone feels better than me.

Alisha - Oh! {{{sending healing energy}}} I hope you feel better soon! At least you were able to get out and move around in the fresh air!

I haven't worked out today. Not sure if I will. Have a run scheduled for tomorrow and am going to take a small detour along the way to check out Pierce Field which is less than a mile from my house to see if they have a nice track there. It's supposed to be a pretty large complex, but it's off the road so you can't see it unless you drive down the side streets. I need a place to run the short sprints at specific distances.

Get to feeling better!

Hello Cindi, Lisa and Jane! Hope you are all enjoying your weekend!
Hi ladies,
I'm on my third shift of double rides in three days. I really want a nap but don't have time. I need to head back to the barn in an hour. No workouts but I'll start up again tomorrow. If I don't go fishing instead... :eek: I'll let you know how it turns out.

Alisha - Hope you feel better soon.

Tricia - Enjoy your maybe rest day. I hope the sports complex works out.

Hi Jane and Cindi.

I ended up taking the rest day. Big mistake! Took a nice nap this afternoon and woke up with a sore throat! Darn it! This is usually my prelude to being sick! I"m soooo hoping that doesn't happen this time! It's usually a sinus infection or significant allergy symptoms. If it's not gone by tomorrow, I'm heading back out to CVS for some Claritin D or Zyrtec D!

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