jillybean~cardio & weights...


Hi jilly,

Just finished Cardio & Weights and wanted to give you the "low down!"

It really is fun! The cardio portions last longer than in CM and Cathe's cueing is so sharp that even with my tendancy to be "choreo challenged" I was able to pick 95% of it up this very first time. There were a few spots I had to stand there and look at once or twice more, but overall, because she builds each move before putting together the combo and running through it, by the time it's time to "take it from the top" and put it together, you've got it pretty well!
The weights fooled me big time! Because the cardio lasts longer than in CM I'm assuming this wore me down a bit more and all I had out was 10, 12 and 15#db. MAN! Half way through the shoulders I was tempted to pause and run get my 8#'s, but I sucked it up since I knew I was using a little less intensity on the cardio by just learning it this time, but don't underestimate the weights portion! And by the time you get to cycle 3 for biceps, normally 12# for hammer curls and bicep curls is "child's play" for me, WELL~NO! Not today! My biceps were screaming by the 3rd set and they were just normal dumbbell bicep curls!
Then, as though I still thought I was tough, I go into back work with 15#db!
Oh! For chest work, word to the wise, CLEAR YOUR AREA OF ALL DUMBBELLS before doing the push ups/pyramid/side planks combo! If you're at all slightly prone to tilting over on side planks, you really don't want to tumble into your dumbbells as I did this morning! It was bad enough I got my feelings hurt because I couldn't move fluidly through the sequence (a push up, in to a pyramid, a push up, in to a side plank), tilted right over on the first one, right into my dumbbells! OUCH!
The ab work is really different. There are several pilates style exercises, and ab work in general that require strong core muscles. I will be building with these! She lost me on 2 oblique exercises, 1 long lever type move and 1 plank twist type move, and the last move which she called "walking planks!" I almost had to walk straight to the ER! "Crash! right on my forehead!"

But, I LOVE this workout! The cardio is fun, new moves, athletic type moves, good upper body work, and the abs I'll be working towards for months!
And the music is cool! :)

Fitness~It's a journey, not a race!
Great review, Donna! But, man!!!!! You're SCARING me!!!! LOL The workouts sure do sound spectacular. I finally have gotten brave and put the last of my Firm videos on ebay. Since I have nearly ALL of Cathe's workouts (with the new series to hit my step Jan. 3rd), I can't even tell you the last Firm tape I reached for. I'm almost becoming like A-Jock: a Cathe monogamist!! (okay, did I spell that right??) :)

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Dec-30-02 AT 12:01PM (Est)[/font][p]Thanks for the low down Donna! It is so sweet of you to keep posting these detailed reviews. I really, really appreciate it! And thanks for the warning about moving the dumbells during the chest work - I have a huge tendency to roll, tip, crash, etc. I really am looking forward to all 6 videos in this series! Thanks again Donna!!!!
Thanks DOnna--and Another Question:)

Thank you for the description, Donna--I am so glad this is a "keeper". I ordered the DVDs but as a special treat, I ordered a VHS copy of Cardio and Weights to hold me over until the DVDs arrive. I am really looking forward to receiving this tape (should be later this week, I hope).

I was thinking of using this tape in a rotation kind of like

Monday Cardio and Weights
Tuesday: Cardio tape
Wednesday: Power Hour
Thursday: Cardio tape
Friday: Cardio and Weights

Do you think this would be a good fat loss routine?

Thanks for your thoughts--I really value your input..I find your fitness journey so inspiring and motivating:)

Thank you Donna! You are making the waiting bearable by posting your reviews. Cardio and Weights sounds like my dream workout. Can't wait!! Heather

Wow, yeah that looks good for fat loss. If you do it please tell me how that works for you, I'd be really interested to hear.


Fitness~It's a journey, not a race!
Kathy H. did it and I emailed her and asked her what it was like. 1 minute of side and front kicks, 1 minute of leg work, 1 minute of upperbody work and then 1 minute of HARD core work - that is just one of the 8 cycles. She said that Bootcamp should have been titled IMax II because it is much tougher. She did say that IMax II was a blast! She said bootcamp is by far the best of the I-Series. I can't wait!
I did Cardio & Weights this morning also. Yesterday lower body pyrimad and Saturday upper body pyrimad. I agree the tape was fun the steps were not to hard to follow . The ab work is a killer. The push ups ! Cathe and her team are so fit. I am loving these tapes . I hope I can one day do all the abs. On Cathe's other tapes I can do all the ab work but not here I have my work cut out for me.

Thanks Donna

I will definitely let you know how it works out for me. BTW, I just received an email saying my tape will be here on Thursday(2 Jan).......wooohoooooooooo!!
I did Cardio & Weights yesterday. This is really FUN! The time flys by fast. There is an interesting hop/jump on the step during the last cardio section. Some challenging ab work at the end!!!
This tape is a 'keeper'. Well, so is Upper Body Pyamind...and Boot Camp and....:D


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