Jillian Michaels-New Supplements


Has anyone tried Jillian Michaels new weight loss supplements? I like her workouts and appreciate the knowledge that she has as a fitness instructor, so has anyone tried them yet or plan on giving them a shot?
I am not. I read the what was in them, not really worth the money. Caffiene, etc just like any other 'supplement'. I prefer just to get Vitamins, and natural supplements ie Calcium etc.
Yes, I caved.
I did the cleanse and detox last week. It was very gentle and kept the plumbing functioning while on vacation which NEVER happens (sorry if TMI)
I took my CVS Extra Bucks and got the fat burner today. The calorie control seemed very similar in ingredients so I wasn't sure if they were meant to use together. I'm just going to use one. I'm not a coffee drinker and have reduced my diet Coke habit to almost none so the extra caffeine hopefully will help. I've been dragging quite a bit with the season change.

BTW~ they are waaaayyyyy cheaper to buy at WalMart!

I've tried the fat burner and the calorie control - not even taking the full recommended dose, they made me jittery and I felt completely 'off' - anxious, agitated, loopy. Definitely not good. I usually have a large coffe in the morning and then water the rest of the day or iced tea.
I'm not a big coffee drinker, I may have a diet coke every couple of days or everyday depending on how much sleep my kids let me get. I'm still on the fence about the supplements. I don't take anything now except vitamins, but if the supplements give me an extra boost for working out, that would be nice. If the side effects aren't bad.
:eek:I'm so surprise ;)that Jillian would endorse such a product because in her book Master Your Metabolism she is so against too much caffeine because it triggers the fight or flight response.

Very Interesting. I wonder if all the ingredients in this product is 100% natural and organic.

This is what Jillian wrote about caffeine from her website
"Caffeine in moderation is a good thing. It improves cognitive function, inhibits insulin resistance, and speeds up your metabolism. The trick is not to overdo it! Too much caffeine can actually make us gain weight by burning out our adrenal glands and releasing stress hormones. For this reason, 400 milligrams (mg) a day should be the limit. (That’s the equivalent of one to two large cups of coffee, depending on how strongly it’s brewed.)"
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