I have ordered more from VS than I care to admit but here is something you should try ~ call their toll free # and explain your situation and how frustrated you are about paying all that shipping etc. - they will credit your account. I've done this several times but only when you ask. They are very good about it.
Hope that helps!
>Okay - so to take this off topic...this VS bra I'm talking
>about just arrived. I had tried it on in the store and it fit
>great. Since then I've lost 8 pounds. Now, even on the
>tightest hooks it's a little bit too big and I plan to lose
>just a little more. Originally I had ordered 2 other bras from
>them (2 for $44 - a deal they didn't have in the store, nor
>did they have this particular bra, so I couldn't try it on)
>but they had this seam right down the center of my boobs that
>poked through clothing and made me look ridiculous. So I went
>to the VS store in town and found this one that I love which
>was unfortunately $45 for one. But I decided I was worth it.
>You can't return online orders to their stores. So...I paid
>shipping once of $6+ or $8+ - can't remember exactly. Then I
>had to send them back with a shipping label that cost me
>$4.95. Then they sent me the new bra and the shipping was $6+
>or $8+ (don't ask me why I get these two numbers confused on
>the shipping). So if I send it back again, you see where we're
>going with the shipping and the cost of this bra. Pretty soon
>it's going to be the $100 bra! I wonder if I could take it to
>the store and say I got it as a gift (I know, lie) and get the
>right size. Or do they somehow have a different number on the
>inside? It's not like I'm screwing the company out of their
>product. But I am messing up their inventory. I know I'm awful
>for wanting to do this but the shipping is killing me! Or do I
>just live with the slightly bigger one and pay the price for
>shopping online? This is why I never buy clothing online.
>"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains
>unawakened." - Anatole France
Kelly G x(