>I can't believe I am reading about JLH's butt and actually
>posting about it, but here goes --- I believe Jennifer is
>rather short and even in this picture you can see that her
>waist is TINY. Yeah, she has hips, who cares! I still think
>she is probably a 2. I'm a 4 and I'd kill to have a waist
>that small. There are a million things that could contribute
>to making her lower half look that out of proportion -
>lighting, camera angle, etc... I have a pic of me from last
>Christmas where I look like I'm twice the size I am. It was
>all in the angle. There was absolutely nothing flattering
>about the light or angle that picture was taken at. I'm not
>saying that she doesn't have some "junk in the trunk", but I
>still think she could be a 2.
I think the media is SO
>hypocritcal. They go after everyone who is thin and then as
>soon as they gain some weight, they tell them they are fat.
>No wonder they're all so messed up!
ITA. And I'm thrilled to see a celebrity with womanly curves instead of these stick thin starlets who look like 10 year old boys. I think an hour glass figure is really attractive.
I still can't get over the NYT article where they rave over Jari Love's body who, IMHO, looks sickly and anorexic.