Okay, now for my workouts, I workout 1-2 hours a day (more towards 1 hour during week & 2 on weekends), I always take one rest day a week -usually either Thursday or Friday.
I carry my weight in my lower half-my upper body & ABS respond very quick but I REALLY have to work to keep my lower half in shape. I never lift heavy for my upper body, lighter weights/more reps.
I do not belong to a gym & only workout to DVD's/tapes. I would say the first series of workouts I bought that helped to start toning my body is Slim Series by Beach Body-these workouts seem boring now to me but I still mix into my rotation b/c the mix of cardio w/ weights really does work. I don't follow any schedule, just try to always mix things up. The list below are the workouts I use in my rotations now:
Slim Series by Beach Body - i use all but Cool It Off
Power 90 Master Series - Sweat 5-6, Cardio Intervals, Core Cardio, UML, & PLYO Legs
Power Half Hour- Bun Shaper & Thigh Trimmer
Tamilee Webb's - Cardio Blast, when I want a quick cardio with 30-45 minutes of lower body work
Cindy Whitmarsh Ultimate Fat Burner - 45min good for days when I don't have much time (
Powerstrike 2 & #1 is on it's way to me!
Cathe - B&G, Drill Max, Cardio Fusion, Kick Max, KPC & L&G, Boot Camp+Muscle Endurance, Cardio Kicks & Circuit Max, Cross Train Express, HSC, HST, HSC, and I have the following on the way: LIC, BM2, Gym Style Legs, and Interval Max(the DVD w/ 3 workouts on it)
I really don't do the high step focused workouts too much as they tend to bulk my lower body too much as I gain muscle quickly.
Well, I am off to do Drill Max Leg Premix now... I'll be back in a bit.
I hope this helps & sorry for the long reply, let me know if I missed answering something!