Jari Love--yikes


I've been a fan of Jari's workouts as a break from Cathe. I like that she really fatigues via reps--much needed when I'm feeling more "bulky". Anyway, just bought Ripped and Chisled. I think she might have an eating disorder. She looks so thin and weary. Sure, she'd super cut, but I really thought she looked unhealthy, even for a thin woman. Anyone else have thoughts on Jari or her style of workouts?
I really like Jari's w/o's- especially RTTC and Ripped and Chiseled (shoulder and bicep work are killer), but I agree with you- she is cut, but way too thin.
I agree as well. I've never done her workouts but she looks far too thin for me. I think that's why I'm not purchasing. I prefer to look at strong, healthy types like Cathe. Jari may very well be healthy--but she doesn't look that way to me. I don't want to come off as rude, but Jari's style (big boobs, platinum hair, stick-thin figure) just doesn't click with me. I'm glad to hear her workouts are good though!!


In Jari's earlier videos she looks okay but with each new release she seems to get thinner and thinner. I think she looks emaciated. Someone needs to feed that woman a steak!}(

You must be joking about Jari and "big boobs." She sure doesn't have them! :)

IMHO it isn't really fair (or kind) to discuss an instructor's "look" or body type. Genetics plays a part in it and I don't believe someone isn't strong and healthy simply because she is thinner than what you or I may prefer. Jari is certainly healthy and strong enough to complete her own workouts!
>You must be joking about Jari and "big boobs." She sure
>doesn't have them!

Well then, she is certainly a pro at flaunting what she's got!
>IMHO it isn't really fair (or kind) to discuss an instructor's
>"look" or body type. Genetics plays a part in it and I don't
>believe someone isn't strong and healthy simply because she is
>thinner than what you or I may prefer. Jari is certainly
>healthy and strong enough to complete her own workouts!

If you're in the public eye you're going to be talked about. I was just giving my opinion on how Jari looks to me. I didn't say it was bad--and I made a point of saying that she may be a very healthy woman. I also don't doubt that she is strong and healthy enough to complete her workouts. I never said she wasn't or couldn't. I merely stated that her body type is not the kind that I find attractive and like to workout with.
To each his (or her ;)) own.


I agree. I had Jari's original workout and I thought she looked fine. However I too thought she was looking too thin and tired in later ones. Actually I was surprised when I saw her. Eventually I traded all of Jari's DVDs but sometimes I wonder if I am missing something.
Yeah, Jari does not look good to me. She's way too thin. I hope she's okay. Her workouts are good but her look just doesn't send the right message.
>I agree as well. I've never done her workouts but she looks
>far too thin for me. I think that's why I'm not purchasing. I
>prefer to look at strong, healthy types like Cathe. Jari may
>very well be healthy--but she doesn't look that way to me. I
>don't want to come off as rude, but Jari's style (big boobs,
>platinum hair, stick-thin figure) just doesn't click with me.
>I'm glad to hear her workouts are good though!!


Where are Jari's boobs? She's at the very most a AAA cup. I was following RTTC this morning thinking she has nothing more than mosquito bites. She is so thin, she has zero breast tissue. The top she wore in RTTC would barely cover my areolas! LOL
Did she get some boobs recently??

Jari's workouts are a great change from lifting heavy.
I've been rotating all of her Ripped series for 2 weeks. I'm loving every minute of it too. I walk away feeling like I a wet noodle all over.
I am in total agreement with Allison.
I have a couple of Jari's workouts and I don't do them because I find her appearance so distracting and quite frankly, disturbing.

I am with Allison on this one, the instructor has to look good in order for me to want to workout with them. I would rather have them looking bigger like good ole Gin Miller than totally skinny like Jari Love, frankly, that woman freaks me out. Never liked her workouts, just could not watch her is all......isn't Cathe perfect? Or pretty darn close? :7
I agree. I think Cathe has a much better physique. Jari is too thin and has been a turn off for me. I did happen to buy one of here DVDs...her workouts don't even compare to Cathe. I realize I have wanted to try other home DVD workouts, but I never get around to it because no one can outdo Cathe. She is simply the best. I have basically all of her DVDs. And, while I don't always use all of them, somehow or another I seem to be able to fit everyone into some kind of rotation or mish-mish. Cathe is simply wonderful!! Can't wait for STS! ... :) :) :)

Yea, I'm with Allison also, regardless of the "boobs or not" issue. I think it's the omnipresent platinum pinup (Housewives of Orange County) look that gets on some of our nerves WHENEVER we see it. Still, nobody can deny Jari's seriousness about weight training, which makes me wonder what's up. Usually, people who are all about fitness to not suddenly turn into skeletons. I sincerely hope she's not ill.
I love Jari's workouts. They leave me fried in a good way.

I think she is very pretty, but reading her bio is scary. She mentions that her mother restricted her and her sisters' diets and all of them became underweight.

That said, I like her coaching style. I have all 5 of her Ripped videos and really love them. Even though nobody beats Cathe for cardio, I think Jari is a great way to mix up weight training.

Her videos are not easy!
Years ago, when Cathe did "Maximum Intensity Cardio" she was so tiny people commented on her physique. However, I don't think she has ever looked as emaciated as Jari.
I was beginning to think I'm very out of shape....
I walk away from Jari's workouts drenched in sweat, feeling like a wet noodle!

My sister is Jari thin. I would never want to be that thin, but part of me goes a little crazy when I stand next her. I feel fat.
Everyone comments behind her back and it breaks my heart. My sister struggles with a eating disorder. She is a beautiful person on the inside.

I am a little curious as to what the heck "Great anu means?"
That is driving me crazy.
I agree with the majority on this - in her first workout she looked good, strong, glowing, healthy. In her subsequent workouts, especially Ripped 1000 where her legs are toothpick-y and you can count all of her ribs, she does not look healthy or happy to me. While it is true that genetics does play some part in body weight, I do not think that Jari is genetically skinny - I read an interview where she said she used to weigh around 160 and now (or at the time of the interview) weighed 118, at I think she said 5'7" - she said she lost the weight by eating very carefully (perhaps too carefully?). So I think maybe her "natural" weight is somewhat higher than where she is now, especially because she is muscular, and that's why she looks so very thin.
>I am a little curious as to what the heck "Great anu means?"
>That is driving me crazy.

I always thought she was saying, *Great on you.* I thought it was similar to *good for you.* Of course, I could be completely wrong here.:)
>>I am a little curious as to what the heck "Great anu means?"
>>That is driving me crazy.
>I always thought she was saying, *Great on you.* I thought it
>was similar to *good for you.* Of course, I could be
>completely wrong here.:)

That never occurred to me. That sentence sounds very yoga- Zen like to me!
Ok, so maybe my eye sight is not the only thing going as I age. :7

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