I have a couple dumb questions. I work out with you on FIT TV and here you are on at 8AM and 10AM....I usually do both work outs (because I love them!!!!) Is that too much for 1 day?? I am a stay-at-home mom. Today I only had time to do the 8AM workout then did the 1/2 hour with Sharron Mann (had to pick kids up from preschool at 11) and don't feel I've done much today so I am thinking about throwing in 1 of my BeachBody DVDs - which is 1 hour long (I am still waiting for my presale DVDs of yours to show up, and don't currently own any video of yours - only because of FIT TV) how much is too much for 1 day??? And 1 more really dumb question...I like cookies and eat about 1 per day and drink 1 can of Mt Dew per day...is this sabotaging my weight loss effort?? I have been exercising since 2002 and working out with weights since May of 2004...I haven't lost an inch in about a year. I am 5'4" 130 pounds. Which isn't "overweight" but I think I have a big butt for how much I work out!!!
I just broke my little toe!!!! Can you give me some advice regarding how to keep working out safely and intensely while I don't wear shoes and have limited range of motion through my foot? It happened two days ago and I am already missing my workouts.

Thanks a million,
I was noticing that the lost two posts include questions for Cathe. You would probably have a better chance of getting questions answered by Cathe if they were posted in the "Ask Cathe" forum. That forum is intended for that purpose. I doubt Cathe will see your questions posted here. HTH Kim
Hi Melissa!

I read your post and had to reply. My daughter's name is Melissa and she just broke her little toe! The doctor gave her a shoe to wear and taped her toes together. No P.E. or volleyball for two weeks!

You could still do ab, upperbody work, pilates, etc. Best bet is to rest and let that little toe heal!

Good Luck!:)
Hi Melissa

I to did this over a year ago to myself (stumped my little toes on my vacuum cleaner). I took a day off from working out when this happened to me. I used the white surgent tape and taped my 2 toes together for added support. Then i put on a pair of thick socks with somewhat snug sneakers where my foot would not slide in my shoe. Then i only did weight lifting moves did not do any cardio on the step or floor for about a week in ahalf. Unless she have something like a gazell where your foot placement does not move that much in the cardio segmnet.

Hope this help

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