January rotation - Jan 4


Good morning January rotationers (is that a word? LOL)

Boy LowMax kicked my butt last night, not to mention combos 1,2 and 3 from KPC. A nice 90 minute w/o and I felt it!

Today is IMAX1 and 2nd half of MIC (half of MIC doesn't sound too bad does it?)

How's everybody else doing?
Hey there! I modified a bit yesterday, because i was feeling tired. I did Kickmax timesaver and low max blasts only. Still kicked my you know what!!! lol :)

I don't have imax 1 or MIC, so I am doing Imax 3 and 30 minutes of spinning.

have a great day everyone! -Tina
Good morning Rotationers! :)

Since I ran yesterday and had my class, I decided to do just have of today's workout: warmup and first 5 intervals of IMAX...if I feel up to it, I might do the first half of MIC this afternoon after work.

keep up the good work ladies:)

take care:)
Good Morning Rotation Buddies,

I've been sick with a stomach virus and haven't worked out for 4 days. I decided to give it a try today with motifications.
I have to say I am disappointed in how quickly I tired out but I guess at least I did something. I did 1-5 of imax with motifications to intervals 2-5, then started MIC, but didn't get past the sashay's .........I was sweating, my heart was racing and it was just time to stop. :(
I am thinking of riding my stationary bike later this afternoon, or maybe taking a walk......and just trying to build the endurance back by splitting up my workouts.

Anyway, it's good to be back!
See you guys tomorrow.

Good morning all,

Take it easy Becky, I know how you feel. I have been fighting a bug for about 3 weeks now, and I just hate how I feel when I workout, it is just frustrating knowing you are fatiguing early. I keep on pushing too, and I know that is wrong sometimes, but I feel better afterwards, if that makes sense.

Today was Imax 1-5 and MIC part deux, and ab hits.

Have a great day.
I am on day 3 so I did IMAX and MIC Step this morning. I don't have Low Max so yesterday I did Cardio Kicks and the Kickbox. My arms were tired after that! I am having fun with this rotation! :) Susan
Day 3 and it seems like many of us are making this rotation fit our needs.
Becky- I hope you ease back into your baseline endurance level. I'll bet when you get that virus out of your system, you will get back to your normal level of intensity. :7

After two days of intense impact, I NEEDED to do spinning today to give my aching foot a rest. I did spinn throughout all of IMAX2 plus 10" extra of steady state spinning. I was soaked with sweat! And my HR monitor agreed with me! I finished wtih a good stretch. I'm sure for IMAX3 on day 5 I will again do an intense spinning interval session. It feels good right now to be well worked out , but not have foot pain.

Judy "Likes2bfit"


I too needed a non-impact workout so did Spinervals "Lean & Mean". I really like the pyramiding sets on this one. I only burn slightly over 200 calories on this one, but it sure feels like more.

I did the CTX Kickbox and LowMax last night. LowMax kicks my patootie without the kickbox, but I persevered, and I am still here to talk about it. I am going to follow the rotation as is tonight.

Question: For the future, I don't have Hardcore Ex. Can I substitute something off the Terminator? And if so, what do you suggest? TIA.
>I did the CTX Kickbox and LowMax last night. LowMax kicks my
>patootie without the kickbox, but I persevered, and I am still
>here to talk about it. I am going to follow the rotation as
>is tonight.
>Question: For the future, I don't have Hardcore Ex. Can I
>substitute something off the Terminator? And if so, what do
>you suggest? TIA.

I believe Shelley put together her own Hardcore Extreme w/o one time by following the sequence of exercises. Check with her on the <--- thread to see if she can give you some tips. I thought the chapters were at one time listed on the w/o descriptions, but I can't find them now on any w/o.

ETA - I think one of the Terminators would be a fine substitution.

The HCXtreme w/o's are titled as follows -

Interval training with circuit training (IMAX3 and HSC)

High impact and low impact intervals (pretty sure this is IMAX3 and LowMax)

Interval training with high impact conditioning with leg conditioning drills ( has the KM LCD's in here, it's been a long time since I done this one and have only done it once I think, can't remember what else is in here)
Take care Becky, I was sick a couple of weeks ago. You'll be back to yourself in no time. I did the first half of IMAX today and the step portion of MIC. I really lost energy during the last 15 minutes of MIC. I should have split these up.

Have a great day everyone!
Well today is day 4 of the rotation for me. I did High Step Challenge and loved it. I really enjoy the challenge of this circuit workout. Unfortunately my bad ankle started sending out warning signals...so I'm substituting a walk with my kids for the 1st half of MIC. I want to take advantage of this great warm weather. I'll be pulling one or both of my kids in the sleigh for part of the walk so that should keep the intensity up.

Have fun everyone!
Just finished IMAX1 1-5 and step and stretch of MIC. Is anybody else's legs screaming "are you crazy?"!!!
I did Imax 1-5 and 2nd half of MIC today and did it kick my butt. I must have sweated at least one bucketful. Don't know why this combo was really hard to get through for me when Imax by itself isn't so hard for me. Guess I'm feeling the effects of the previous two days in this rotation.

Day 4 for me and man, are my legs getting tired. LOL I just finished High Step Challenge and the first half of MIC. IMAX 3 is going to be a killer on these tired legs tomorrow morning but at least it's only an hour. Today's workout took 95 minutes! Kim
I missed my workout yesterday, so I'm on day 2: low max and CTX kickbox cardio. My legs were begging for mercy after low max/during kickbox, but I made it through (~725 calories burned). Planning on (and fearing a little)IMAX & MIC in the am.

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