January rotation 1/10/05


Hi everyone! Hope you're doing well and ready for a great week.

This is the 3rd day of the second week of Cathe's Jan. rotation for me.
I did Cathe's BootCamp, 35 minutes Gliding, 10 min. power yoga, and 15min. abs.

Have a great day.:)
hello and good morning!

today is the first day of the second week of this rotation. I gotta say that I am so please that I have kept up this far. I have never done a cathe rotation before, so I'm happy with myself! :)

today I did pyramid lower body. I skipped the floorwork w/ the stability ball and ran/walk for 30mins instead.

Tonight I am heading over to the gym and do a 30min circuit training class.

take care:)
Hi everyone,
Did PLB this morning and plan on doing some gliding or bike this evening.

I slightly sprainged my ankle on Friday so instead of doing the high impact Cathe aerobics I have been doing HIIT on the bike. The ankle is still a little sore so I think I will be doing HIIT for cardio on the bike this week. I am going to try to do Bootcamp and see how it goes since it isn't full cardio.

Hope everyone has a good day.
good morning, everyone.

Rhonda-I hope your ankle feels better. Make sure to take it easy.

Following right along, I did PLB this morning and feel great. This is the first actual Cathe rotation that I am doing 'on time'. (I've done a rotation on a different month.) I will be very pleased if I can make myself finish the whole rotation before I begin to 'wander'.

have a great day!

Good Morning,
I am heading into my second week as well:) I am liking this rotation b/c I am never sure what I have to do that day.She really mixed this rotation up! I don't like rotations that stick to the same workouts for 4 weeks.Gets boring.
My scale was up today:-( Eating as been sort of off and I have to get back on track.I can't gain back those 5 lbs! My jeans feel so comfortable now.If I gain it back then I won't fit into them again!
So today is my first day following the BFL plan.My workouts won't be like the book but I am going to try and eat as clean as possible.
I am going to run today as well.I am getting ready to workout shortly.A friend of mine loaned me her Sex and the City series.I will watch a couple of shows while I am running.
I will check back later,
I did PLB this morning also. I think next time I do this workout I can increase my weights for all exercises. The stability ball work is tough, I alternated some exercises by doing Brenda's modifications. It's hard keeping the ball in place when we have to keep one foot on it.
Good morning everyone,

I did 1st portion of Christi's Step Heavan & PLB up only premix. I had a good workout today. I hope we get an update this week on HC!! Have a great day!!

I did PLB and some abs this morning. I hoping to see some results by the end of this week.

Have a good one.
Hi good morning.Today is my rest day. I need it. Have a great day everybody.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie. :) :)
Good morning! This morning I did PLB and C&W. I did the warmup from PLB, then did the standing portion. Then I skipped the warmup on C&W and the actual workout and the abs. I did the floorwork from Firm Volume I instead of the floorwork from PLB. I will do it later this week, tacked onto another workout.

Hope everyone has a good Monday!

Hi everyone,

When Mariángeles says she needs a rest day you KNOW it's true! Hope it helps!

Today is PLB for me...love it! Will do a step tape tonight if I get home at a reasonable hour.

Take care,
Ruth:) :)
Hi everyone! Well, the gallbladder surgery went well, and today is my 3rd day post surgery. Finally time to take off the bandages :) I hope to join you all in the last week or week and a half of the janurary rotation! Have a great day and keep up the good work!!! :9 - tina
Good morning all!

I'm excited to begin week 2 of the rotation. I started out last week strong, but I got all screwed up towards the end of the week. I've got to get back on track. The only problem is, I don't have 4 of the 6 workouts!!

I have Imax 2 but not 1, I only did half of Imax 2 on Saturday before I got interrupted and had to quit. I think I'll do that tomorrow. I have PLB and Bootcamp...so I'm looking for replacements of MIC, CTX upper body, and Step Fit. I think I'll do All step for step fit. I don't know about the other 2 yet, I'll have to go through my collection and see.

Have a great Monday everyone,
Hi everyone,

I'm on the second day of the second week, so today was Imax1 for me. I did PLB and Power Circuits yesterday, so my legs are REALLY sore today! I was dying by the power scissors, and by the last interval I was practically screaming for mercy... my legs were shaking under me, I'm surprised I didn't land on the floor, I was expecting to any minute. I could hardly walk all day. So you can tell I had a great workout...;)))What is wrong with us Catheites...;))))!!!

Tomorrow is Bootcamp if possible...;/// hmmmm...

Enjoy your workouts,

Hi everyone,

I did get up this AM and after cleaning up my DDs' toys in my exercise area and finding my weight gloves, I did PLB. I'm trying to stay on track this week and follow the rotation. I'm also doing South Beach, phase 1, which may not have enough food/carbs to keep up with this rotation. I'll have to see as the week wears on.

I watched The Stepford Wives with Nicole Kidman last night with my DH, it was sooo funny.

Have a great day everyone.

I'm still confused!

Which one is the official check-in? I do so want to be official! :)

Like I said on the other thread, today was PLB with an add on of the upper body premix of ME plus a 30 minute brisk sprint on my elliptical trainer with a 5-minute cooldown. Creaky knees are acting up resentfully because of last week's impact - this week I'll have to modify, I can see already -- e.g., no MIC hi/lo for me, I suspect!

Hope you are all having great weather like we are in Atlanta -- it's overcast but 60+ degrees and expected to stay like this for several days. My poor daffodils are going to get hopelessly confused! ;-)

http://www.click-smilies.de/sammlung0903/sport/sport-smiley-003.gif Kathy S.http://www.click-smilies.de/sammlung0903/spezial/spudniks/spudniklifter.gif
[font color=green]2005 Worked Out With Cathe Days: 8/365[/font color]
Ciao tutti!

I flip-flopped tomorrows workout with todays, so today for me was IMax. I wasn't sure how it was going to go because I did IMax2 yesterday, but I find the IMaxes so energizing, it went better than I imagined.

Enjoy your workouts,

Til tomorrow,

Today was Imax 1. It was not as difficult as I remembered but I still cannot complete all of those power scissors! My legs are pretty sore as I have not taken a rest day since last Sunday. I will not be able to work out Fri or Sat but I might have to take a rest day before then depending on how I feel!
How does Cathe jump so high with her airborne jacks?! I think that maybe she has a rebounder hidden from the camera. LOL!

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