Jan '06 Let's Work?..


Did anyone do this rotation? I'm looking to lose a few more pounds and basically get my legs and abs in shape for summer? If you did this rotation, What did you think? How were your results? I look forward to hearing any feedback. As always, thanks for all your help!

For me personally, this rotation was just too long time wise in the morning. I think I did the first weeek and a half the way it was written, but then I just did the first hours worth of workouts. 90 min is tooooo long for me. I start getting bored and don't focus well. Also, for me, for results, this rotation has too much cardio. I am going to do cathes August 07: lower body solutions rotation starting on Monday. I want to slim down my hips and keep my upper body strength/definition.

No. I have never done just lower body before. I am hoping I don't lose any gains I've made this month with my upper body. But I really want to slim down my hips, I feel they need some attention!:)

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