Jacob's Ladder


New Member
I have been hearng a lot about this Cardio machine called Jacob's Ladder. It is a Self-powered machine that imitates a ladder at a 45 degree angle and you climb it using both your arms and legs. It is costly, about $3,500.00--$4,000.00. People say it is probably the best cardio machine you can buy. I was wondering if you have ever used this machine and would recommend it? If so, i think i would make the investment.

Thanks :D
Check out a VersaClimber. Similar movement, but about 1/2 the price. I'd definitely pick up a VC if I had the room for it.
I am thinking of adding a stepmill to my workout room. I read somewhere about the Jacob's Ladder being hard on the body because anatomically speaking, it just doesn't work with your body. I have no idea where I read it, but the person who wrote it knew all about muscles, bones, joints, etc and was pointing out what was wrong with even the examples of the people using them on the Jacob's Ladder website. If their technique is not right, he was saying think about what most people could end up doing to themselves.

The VersaClimber looks neat - I read that it can take some time to master and that technique is crucial too. Personally, I would love the workout it would give me but think I would get tired of looking at that bar right in front of my face. I would love to try one and find out. Kathryn, do you know what, if any, stores may carry them?
> Kathryn, do you know
>what, if any, stores may carry them?

I think they are only sold directly by the company, and they NEVER have them on sale! (you might find some on Ebay--it seems like something someone might buy and turn into a coat hanger!)

With some equpment companies, like Soloflex, if you call to request info, and don't order from that info, they keep sending you offers every so often, with different deals. I got my Soloflex Rockit with free shipping and $100 (or was it $200?) off the price that way. But it didn't work with Versaclimber. They sent one mailing, and that's it!

As for not wanting to look at the bar all the time, I understand completely. I'm not much into workout equipment, and that's one of the reasons. But I think you could watch TV 'around' the bar, or maybe hook a video MP3 (are they Mp4?) player onto that part of the machine...maybe?
I was afraid of that. I am going to look at some of the used fitness stores around so I could at least try it. You certainly don't get the full body workout like that on a stepmill, but I do love the stepmill :) Before buying anything, I want to try out this climber. Thanks!
I realize this is an old thread but I highly recommend the Jacob's Ladder. We have one at the club and it's a great overall workout. It leaves me out of breath in minutes like no other exercise I have done.
I have a slightly bulged disc and have no issues using this piece of equipment. Give it a try if you have access to one.

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