J-LO's new video ?

Just to let you guys know...

Ben isn't slapping J-Lo's butt in the video, he's KISSING IT!!!!

Go, J-LO, Go, J-LO!!!!! :* :* :*
I had to see what all the hoopla was all about & downloaded the video. I'm not a big JLo fan and this one just about sealed it for me. There's a line in that song about "putting God first," if that were the case in her life, she wouldn't be working on marriage #3, nor would she be flashing her breasts all over like she does in this video. "Censored" or not, it's not necessary. She's got an incredible body, she can leave her clothes on & still show it off. Leave a little to the imagination.

I'm ready to take the next step! http://www.smilies-world.de/Smilies/Smilies_klein_1/a_smil09.gif
OK singer, lousy actress. I actually sat through "The Wedding Planner". Pre-fabricated movie, treacly sweet, totally predictable, cookie-cutter movie that didn't even come close to not making it in the romance department.

Don't give a darn about J-Lo. I also bear her no malice. She's just another product of the Hollywood publicist machine. She makes money for the studios and money for the record companies -- just doing her job. Sorry, don't mean to sound, well, mean, but after years and years (and years!) of reading about the star and starlett of the moment ("The new James Dean!" "The new Marilyn Monroe!" etc. etc.), I've become a bit jaded. Some of those stars du jour have ended up on the soaps after their looks have faded or gone and are no longer marketable in Hollywood.

Sorry, J-Lo ain't no Sophia Loren! Or Julia Roberts, for that matter.

Interview with her coming up...

All you J Lo fans be sure to watch her interview Wed night at 10:00 on ABC with Barbara Walters! I'm not a fan, but I'm still watching.

I, of course, will only watch it as a reward for doing a killer Cathe workout beforehand. (I had to add something on exercise so this isn't a total gossip post!)
Some funny posts here! Funny how we all censor gossip and then get sucked right in to it! Me included!!!!

I actually feel sorry for both J-Lo and Julia Roberts, both of whom seem to be on an endless path of pursuing real love in tinsel town and ending up lonely again at the end of every romance. I mean, how real can their lives actually be?

Also, I wouldn't qualify either as an 'actress'. I would save that label for Kristin Scott Tomas, Holly Hunter, Kate Winslet, Judy Davis, oh there's loads more. J-Lo and Roberts are "stars" and that requires different talents, among which can be included flashing boobs, butt, fab figures, etc. Holly Hunter doesn't flash these things because she doesn't have to, or need to. So, sure, J-Lo has a great body, but I also feel sorry for her that marketing her body is her source of income.

Does it piss no one else off that when men release CD's, they do what the hell they want, look really unkempt, etc but when women make CD's, a large percentage of them feel obliged to appear on the covers in pouty, come-on, half naked stances, because marketing the body sells the music? Like, no one can take female recording artists seriously for their musical talents alone? Annoys me to hell and back.

Rant over!!


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