It's my birthday and I'm still in a cast..................


hey, I'm still in a cast,hey, but I won't cry over it!!! Gonna do step again with one arm. And it is grocery shopping night doesn't that sound like a lovely way spend a birthday.:p I am 29 with 10 years experience now!! Whoohooo!!!!:D
Happy Birthday Annette!That cast will be off soon enough! At least you are able to do some exercising! I would be pretty unsteady trying to do step with one arm! Have a great day!:+ Susan
RE: It's my birthday and I'm still in a cast..............

Happy Birthday Annette!! It was my birthday yesterday - 48 years young and still going STRONG and in the best shape EVER thanks to our Cathe!

RE: It's my birthday and I'm still in a cast..............

Happy Birthday Annette! :)

Have a wonderful day :7


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