RE: It's
Ha! I did workout that is. 58 minutes of sheer torture on my spin bike...
I do not think I am really turning into a evening workout kinda gal, I just have been feeling a bit lazy in the mornings this week. Sheesh, I hope its not those stupid meds. We shall see next week I guess.
Kara, for heaven's sake lady! *waves sage around to cleanse your aura*
I think tiling might be alot of fun, or terribly frustrating. Yes, do take pics of your handiwork please.
Shelley, I used to teach vacation Bible school way back in the day before I turned into the wild wanton hussy that I am today.:7 Thanks for the motivational tip, might have to print that one out and hang it on my computer--where I seem to get stuck every morning!
Leanne, I wish I was related to your BIL...oh do I ever.
Okay, we have an extra room on the boat that you would find quite cozy, so threaten your DH with that if this situation gets out of hand..that boy better go get himself a job! Hey, can he write ads? I'll take him off your hands and put him to work!
Boy, I got alot done yesterday, am starting to look at my kitchen cupboards now....hum....I need to write, but will help DH with a new ad/product when he gets back from SF. You guys are gonna flip your lids when I am able to tell you more about it. It involves tanning, sunscreen hysteria and aging. Good stuff.
Oh! The reason is hormonal actually--in regards to the lack of fat burning that happens, both estrogen and progesterone levels are at their lowest once you start...and being more flexible right before your period also has roots in your hormone levels as well. For instance... since progesterone and estrogen levels are low, along with testosterone levels during your period, your reaction times are slower, your rate of perceived exertion is higher and your immune system is lowered...therefore it would make sense to reduce the amount of time and intensity of your training until around the 5th day when your hormones start rising. And have you ever noticed right around the time you ovulate you feel super strong? That is because our testosterone levels peak--which is why we feel extra "randy" too!
Its a long story, I will not bore you with the details, but I will send you the book if it ever gets published.