It's "Keegan" Thursday MELTERS!

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Alright, I promised -- no complaints this time from me! :)

Tneah -- There you are, sweetie! Sorry that your long post got lost!:-( I hate when that happens! Yes, please rescue me when the in-laws descend on us! :)

Shannon -- Glad that you're resting and healing your calf! Wow -- 400 pages?! Sheesh, that sounds like SO.MUCH.WORK!

Shelley -- Thanks for letting me complain, but I'm gonna stop! Glad that Sophie will continue her pottery classes in the fall. If Tneah gets to go to camp with her, then I can I go to pottery classes with her?;-)
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Can someone tell me why I still have not made it into my gym yet? Good grief, I am becoming an evening workout person I think. My motivation is not there in the morning lately...weird for me cause I love my cardio in the morning. I hope its not these dang meds, will find out next week with another blood test to make sure these are working...Leanne, complain all you want, I know I do.:p
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Hi lovely ladies!

I will have to catch up a bit at a time today. I pulled a neck/head/back muscle while doing pull-ups this morning and it hurts to type! I am truly falling apart. Crap. The counters are in and beautiful, BUT the backsplash isn’t as high as the old one, so I am left with about ½ inch drywall strip between the counter and paint. Ugh! I may have to tile…never have before, but there’s always a first time for everything, right????? Anyhoo, you guys are chatty today!

Leanne—{{{{{HUGS}}}}} You have every right to have a pity party. I really think it is important for your DH and BIL to discuss how long his stay will be, etc. My DH and I have some experience living with family members and the ONLY time it didn’t lead to problems was when a time commitment was made and expectations were discussed. My relationship with my step-MIL is still strained from living with her while we were building a home NEXT DOOR! So, even if your DH is excited about spending time with his DB, he may eventually miss his home life with just you and begin to resent not having it. Am I making any sense? Maybe you could take that angle when asking your DH to talk with his brother? Just a suggestion…I hope it came out right and not that I think your DH would be resentful or anything. My parents called last night and want to come visit this summer…the last time they did, it ended badly. Ever heard of toxic people? That is them. Boo. Emma is in a camp this week while I paint, etc. Next week she is in a Young Scholars camp. It is for part of the day, so hopefully I can finish up the kitchen. Then her summer is free. She attended a camp in FL when she was 5 that was in the swamp. Her counselors would take the kids on swamp walks. They would literally trudge through water up to their necks with snakes, spiders, and alligators lurking in the shadows! It was her favorite camp. Hey, I just had an idea. Maybe you should join a gym for the summer so you can workout AND escape! Have you ever had a membership? Well, now that I have written a novel, I will just say that I am thinking of you and sending you lots of hugs! Oh, thanks for the book recommendation. I will get it!

Shelley—You are smart not to have a guest room! Ha! I am so glad that we can commiserate over raising tween daughters. I will take any advice you have to offer! You look beautiful in the pic from yesterday. The camp you send Sophie to sounds awesome. Does she enjoy the outdoors? Emma actually complimented me on my camo shorts yesterday. I almost fell over!

Tneah—Good job throwing out the scale! Way to go! You are an organizing queen! Isn’t it fun? Have you been feeling better lately? Do you know why we burn less fat during that time? That is really interesting. Do you tailor your workouts to your cycle? I have heard of some doing that. I notice that I am more flexible right before I start…extra hormones maybe? Have fun on your bike!

Shannon—I am so sorry about the calf. You are so wise to take a few rest days. How is that updating coming along?

Lainie—Good luck with the braces! You won’t regret it! Take it easy and rest.

Hi to Deb! I am thinking of you!

Kristi—I will be right back. I have to go back and read, but need some *&^%*^ meds first.
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Kristi—Your DDs are gorgeous! Congrats to them for surviving the dreaded freshman year. My son, Colin, just completed his sophomore year. He will be getting his learner’s permit this summer as well. I am *so* not ready for this stage! Where does the time go? Thank you for the advice on parenting girls! Emma lets me know if I am doing something that may embarrass her. I was running late one morning and took her to school in my workout clothing (they were modest) and she about died. She told me that I should have at least put on make-up! Yes, we are remodeling our kitchen ourselves. Well, we hired someone to install the counter tops, but are doing the rest. It is quite a process! I hope you can get your elliptical fixed soon. LowMax is a lot of fun! Did you try it? It is great that so many of your family members are in education. My DH has several brothers that teach and they love it. Your career as an attorney sounds fascinating. Will you go back to it after the girls go to college?

Well, guys, I have to get some things done! My ankle is improving. Thank you all for asking. The elliptical didn’t bother it this morning, so that was good. I may try some more yoga today. I need the stress relief. Talk to ya later!
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Tneah - I think the camp only goes up to age 12, but you could be a counsellor! I have a friend who is a potter and he has a fridge magnet that says "Go to your studio and make stuff". You need a magnet that says "Go to your gym and sweat!" ;-)

Leanne - I agree with Kara that not laying down some initial ground rules will make it difficult later on. I can see the conversation now, when you say to BIL "so, when are you planning to get your own place?" and he replies "well, you never told me that I couldn't stay for a while!". Some people are just leeches, ya know? They'll suck you for whatever they can get. I'm so bitter! Hmmmmm... well, you can't go to Sophie's pottery class because I think the age limit is 13, but you can come and go to an adult one!

Kara - for crying out loud, woman!!! Do we have to come down there and wrap you up in fluffy stuff so you stop hurting yourself? Do we get to see pics of the counter? Can you not just paint the drywall strip? I will be learning to tile soon when we redo our basement bathroom. Sophie loves being outside. Loves hiking and camping and all that stuff. Weren't you terrified Emma would be eaten by alligators? Yikes! And congrats on the camo shorts.;)
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Hey ladies,

Just got done doing Imax 2 and Core Max 2. Yowsa! I'm drenched in sweat, but it was a *fun* workout and I feel a lot less weepy after having worked out. Yes, those endorphins really do help, don't they?!

Did I tell you all that I bought some of those Iron Man puzzle mats last week? They made it *so* much easier on my knees to do those dang genie hops in Imax 2, but I think I need to get one more package since I kept having to jump onto carpet. DH had said something awhile ago about converting our office into my play room since my current play room is so tiny and we don't use our office very much anymore. I think I may take him up on that offer since it would be nice to not have to leave the closet door open where I'm at now when I do kickboxing (so I can kick those extra few inches -- it's a teeny room!;-)).

Tneah -- How interesting that you've moved to preferring evening workouts. Could it maybe be the heat, in addition to the meds? Have you noticed a difference with the meds, too? I hope you're feeling better, gypsy chica!:)

Kara -- You poor, poor thing! I may need to come over there with Shelley to help wrap you in that bubble wrap! Just take it easy the rest of the day and take some Advil to help. Thanks so much, too, for the hugs and the great advice, which makes perfect good sense! Yes, it's so hard to manage family, isn't it?! I know that my DH is also going to miss our "alone" time, but he wants to help out his brother. When DH was in college, he lived with family friends for two years rent-free so he could stay in San Diego and wouldn't have to move to Wisconsin with the rest of his family. He's told me several times that he feels like this is his chance to "pay back" that kindness. OK, so I would understand that if his brother were a young teen or in his 20's, but he's not. I'm so sorry to hear, too, that things went badly last summer when your parents were out visiting. Do you think that they really will come out again this summer? I hope not! Sounds like Emma is keeping busy, which is nice. I don't know about that whole swamp hiking thing, though! Scary! Did she enjoy it? That's a great idea of joining a gym to get out of the house! I'm hoping that BIL gets a job right away, too, so he'll be gone during the day at least, but who knows? After all, why would he want to get a job right away when he can live with us rent-free and stay home and play video games all day with his brother?!x( How frustrating that the new backsplash doesn't quite fit. Does your local Home Depot or home improvement place maybe offer a class in how to install tile?

Shelley -- I said I wasn't going to complain anymore, and here I go again!;-) The problem is that I'm super bad at any sort of confrontation or assertion of my ideas. I know I wouldn't feel comfortable saying something to BIL . . . but then I was thinking this morning that maybe I should star working out a bit earlier in the morning . . . say at 7:00 since my play room is almost directly over the guest bedroom.}( You know, those Imax workouts sure involve a lot of jumping around, don't they?! Can Sophie help you with the tiling this summer? You and Kara are going to be our resident experts! :)

OK, off to shower and then go do some beading!:)
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Hey, girls,
I still haven't worked out, but I think the girls are going to make me do something -- I'm a little cranky, and they think it's a lack of endorphins.

Leanne -- I agree with everyone that you should set ground rules with your BIL at the outset. Sometimes it's so hard to get a DH to deal with his family in the way we'd like; it seems I'm always the bad guy regardless.

Shelley -- I emailed my mom & asked where they are going in Canada; I'll let you know. Btw, Sophie is a beautiful name.

Tneah -- I was mad that Lisa didn't get sent home; she's just hideous in every way. I'm sorry your AM motivation is waning! I don't work out super early, but I do find the later I wait, the less chance of it being a good quality workout.

Shannon -- good luck on that manual update! sounds like a big job! Thanks for the advice on the rest day; I know you're right. If I do anything today, it'll be light.

Kara -- I can't believe you hurt yourself again! :) Thank you for your sweet compliments about my DDs. I agree about not being ready for the driving phase. It seems the older the girls get, the faster the time flies. I think my girls have sort of gotten over me going out in workout clothes because they have come to appreciate that I usually look better and way fitter than most of the other moms. I still manage to embarrass them plenty, though.;-) Good luck with your tile project if you undertake it. I hope you'll post pics of your kitchen when it's done! I honestly don't know if I'll go back to practicing law when the girls go to college; I'll do something, but that is such a stressful profession, and it honestly has a pretty low rate of satisfaction.

I'll BBL -- hopefully in a better mood!
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Ha! I did workout that is. 58 minutes of sheer torture on my spin bike...:p I do not think I am really turning into a evening workout kinda gal, I just have been feeling a bit lazy in the mornings this week. Sheesh, I hope its not those stupid meds. We shall see next week I guess.

Kara, for heaven's sake lady! *waves sage around to cleanse your aura*:) I think tiling might be alot of fun, or terribly frustrating. Yes, do take pics of your handiwork please.

Shelley, I used to teach vacation Bible school way back in the day before I turned into the wild wanton hussy that I am today.:7 Thanks for the motivational tip, might have to print that one out and hang it on my computer--where I seem to get stuck every morning!

Leanne, I wish I was related to your BIL...oh do I ever.:) Okay, we have an extra room on the boat that you would find quite cozy, so threaten your DH with that if this situation gets out of hand..that boy better go get himself a job! Hey, can he write ads? I'll take him off your hands and put him to work!:p heehee

Boy, I got alot done yesterday, am starting to look at my kitchen cupboards now....hum....I need to write, but will help DH with a new ad/product when he gets back from SF. You guys are gonna flip your lids when I am able to tell you more about it. It involves tanning, sunscreen hysteria and aging. Good stuff.

Oh! The reason is hormonal actually--in regards to the lack of fat burning that happens, both estrogen and progesterone levels are at their lowest once you start...and being more flexible right before your period also has roots in your hormone levels as well. For instance... since progesterone and estrogen levels are low, along with testosterone levels during your period, your reaction times are slower, your rate of perceived exertion is higher and your immune system is lowered...therefore it would make sense to reduce the amount of time and intensity of your training until around the 5th day when your hormones start rising. And have you ever noticed right around the time you ovulate you feel super strong? That is because our testosterone levels peak--which is why we feel extra "randy" too!

Its a long story, I will not bore you with the details, but I will send you the book if it ever gets published.;)
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Gross! I just went to wash these beautiful blackberries that I bought yesterday when I was out running errands -- and the bottom layer is covered in mold. I decided to throw them all out, rather than risk an upset belly. Aw, and I was really looking forward to them as a nice little treat!

Tneah -- Thanks for the dress advice! On Saturday, the San Diego folks are getting together for lunch at the Cheesecake Factory in Fashion Valley (wish you were here to come, too!:-( ), so I decided that it would be a good day to try to find something since none of my dressy clothes fit. Congrats on your workout today! Spinning is such a killer! I hope it's not the meds that are making you feel unmotivated. Oh, my gosh -- that new product sounds so interesting! Will you tell us more or are you just going to tease us about it? ;-) That hormonal stuff is so interesting. How is the book coming along, by the way? Naw, you're not a wild, wanton hussy -- well, if you are, it's definitely in a good way!}(

Kristi -- Don't worry -- we won't tell Kaitlyn and Haleigh that you were talking about them!;-) That really is just such an awkward age, when nothing quite fits right because your body is changing so much. They're lucky to have a mom that understands them so well! Yes, it's tough being the bad guy when it comes to DHs and their families! Cleaning out closets is enough to make anyone cranky!
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Leanne -- That makes me so mad when fruit (esp. berries) is moldy! Looks like you got a lot of good dress advice -- hope you find something darling. Send us a picture. Thanks for the Low Max suggestion -- I did the TV version this afternoon. I think I must buy it! I really don't like doing TV workouts for a variety of reasons, but it's a great way to try out a workout, and it's nice on a day like today when I wasn't in the mood to work out for a long time or give it 100%.
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Oh Lainie!:-( You poor baby, I cannot imagine how much pain you must be in right now, I am so sorry!:-( Are they the invisible ones?

Kristi, glad you finally got your workout in today, I did too, and am about to go do my lifting, think I might play around with either supersets or push/pull. Your DD's sound like so much fun!:)

Leanne, gross! I hate it when that happens, cherries however are starting to come into season, bought some the other day and they are yummy.:9 Have fun with the SD gals, please, please and then please once more take pictures of you and the group?:)

I will tell ya'll about the skincare product when more info becomes available, because I have to explain it really well, or it will not make sense. Who knows about that book, now that it is out of my hands, its up to the editor and then finding a publisher, etc.....

OK. Off to do a little upper body and maybe some abs.:D

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