<---It's just another manic Monday

<-- tells Catherine <-- got the non-vinyl coated ones: http://www.performbetter.com/detail.aspx_Q_ID_E_4711_A_CategoryID_E_436
<-- thinks the 9lb is very light and the 26lb feels heavy for the swings but <-- got that one because <-- can handle it and <-- want to move up by increasing weight
<-- also got the 18lb one and that seems somewhat light but good
<-- just don't know what/how <-- will use them so <-- got a mix ;)
<-- already had popcorn
<-- will go work out really really soon... <-- promise...
<-- also tells Catherine they said at the thing <-- went to that for the average fit woman 12-18 works and the advanced fit woman (or whatever nice names they used) 18-26 is where to start
<-- think that if you're doing real KB work you should go on the heavy end and only use the lighter ones for the more girly faster stuff
<-- know Amy Bento uses it where you swing it around for ab work and <-- will use the 8lber for that
<-- hopes ^^ is somehow useful ;)
<-- says they put it on a truck and drove it here across the country for $7.50
<-- cannot express to you enough how much you need to place the stinkin order my dear
<-- lurves you
<-- expects the 8lb med ball/kb thing would work but <-- am not sure
<-- have never done a KB workout before, LOL
<-- hugs ya and then leaves for a while (4DSUB is waiting)
<-- is thoroughly relieved
<-- thanks Catherine
<-- hopes you like them!!!
<-- still hasn't started, LOL ;)
<--- is getting in on this post a little late but can longer resist the urge
<--- still doesn't quite understand how this works
<--- was scheduled to do MM this morning but accidentally on purpose
slept late
<--- decided to just be late for work and did MM anyway
<--waves to Kim
<--is lol at her sleeping in and doing MM anyway :p
<--knew Ame would be relieved about <--'s spending money :cool:
<-- realized there was a typo in the last post by <-- and feels stupid
<-- is supposed to run in the AM and can't tell if that particular activity is being looked forward to
<-- thinks this is pretty fun
<-- told you so!!!

<--feels retarded right now.
<--just got off the phone from younger sister who is once again asking for money. :mad:
<--so told her <-- would discuss the money situation with DH and he pretty much said whatever <-- want to do is fine with him... He's sooo wonderful...
<--but after 18 years of handouts, lost jobs, stupid circumstances, evil men that don't work and just lay around all day... and then ask Big Sister for money because <-- (big sister) HAS a good job, lives in a nice house, drives 2 brand new vehicles and pretty much does whatver <-- wants.
<-- says Little sister needs to get her sh*t together because handouts have just gone the way of the $700 Billion bailout! NOWHERE...
<--has just taken <-- nightly shower and evening dose of Ambien (and has the hickups) and ready for bed... good thing <-- is not driving anywhere...
<--typing this is sorta like watching wet paint run down a canvas...
<--sorry this is probably freaking you guys out, but has definately been a bad day from start to finish, so hope <--'s rant under the influence of happy sleepy pills will not be offensive to <-- new friends.
<--says this will all look different in the morning, and has to prepare the " this will hurt me more than it will hurt you" speach.
<--must be strong and show tough love ~ after 18 years she deserves a little of it.
<--is sorry for my little rant here. and asks OAL new friends for happy thoughts so <-- doesn't bonk little sister from 1500 miles away over the head and say "don't you get it yet???":eek:
actually started to tell you "I told you so"

<-- realized there was a typo in the last post by <-- and feels stupid
<-- is supposed to run in the AM and can't tell if that particular activity is being looked forward to
<-- thinks this is pretty fun

<--thought you might have some fun dropping by...
<--Welcomes Kim
<--says once you sorta get the hang of it it's much easier :)
<--disregard my pervious rant and focus on just doing little doodles and such.
<--these OAL'ers are great! we all have good days, and bad days, days when extended famlies try to assimilate themselves into the family unit, and those whose families pull together in a crisis.
<--says you get out of it what you put into it and for the most part, it is a lot of fun!
<--today, and lately, it seems that the troubles of the world are effecting all of us in different ways and life just keeps moving forward...
<--Tomorrow is another day and we look forward to starting over again and see what happens.
<--hope you stop by to see what sorts of crazyness, challenges and life altering laughter (hopefully) we might find between the lot of us!

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