<-- told you so!!!
<--feels retarded right now.
<--just got off the phone from younger sister who is once again asking for money.

<--so told her <-- would discuss the money situation with DH and he pretty much said whatever <-- want to do is fine with him... He's sooo wonderful...
<--but after 18 years of handouts, lost jobs, stupid circumstances, evil men that don't work and just lay around all day... and then ask Big Sister for money because <-- (big sister) HAS a good job, lives in a nice house, drives 2 brand new vehicles and pretty much does whatver <-- wants.
<-- says Little sister needs to get her sh*t together because handouts have just gone the way of the $700 Billion bailout! NOWHERE...
<--has just taken <-- nightly shower and evening dose of Ambien (and has the hickups) and ready for bed... good thing <-- is not driving anywhere...
<--typing this is sorta like watching wet paint run down a canvas...
<--sorry this is probably freaking you guys out, but has definately been a bad day from start to finish, so hope <--'s rant under the influence of happy sleepy pills will not be offensive to <-- new friends.
<--says this will all look different in the morning, and has to prepare the " this will hurt me more than it will hurt you" speach.
<--must be strong and show tough love ~ after 18 years she deserves a little of it.
<--is sorry for my little rant here. and asks OAL new friends for happy thoughts so <-- doesn't bonk little sister from 1500 miles away over the head and say "don't you get it yet???"