>>It's Countdown Thursday MELTERS!<<

OK girls, now I simply have to go out and rent every single Monty Python movie made just so I can "get" it.;)

LOL, Robin, you are a picture posting fool now.:7

Good to see you all around today, you weren't here yesterday at all, I felt slightly strange, like I was talking to myself.:7

Lainie, I would have put on the workout clothes and given those poor boys a little thrill today!:p Would have made their day watching you bounce around...sorry, but its true!:) What did you get on your little excursion the other day? Oh, and I didn't see the thread again, but I will say you have very good taste.;) Isn't frosting from heaven above? I dream of it. I think I must be a "fat addict"...you know how some people are carb addicts? Funny, you never hear about anyone being a "protein addict" do you?:) I love that fat I do, especially in creamy, sugary forms.:9

Kara, thanks for the P90X info, I was wondering if it was money well spent or not.And do not be too impressed with the chicken, there wasn't anything else in the fridge--thank goodness right?

Shannon, you are totally right about the hip/joint thing. Boy, this week has been all high impact, I have to keep reminding myself that I am not a little petite person who is able to make herself airborne like our Cathe. Oh, and she used to be a gymnast,where did I read that about her.. I did not know that, but it does make total sense.I actually look to Rhonda in the videos, even though even she is shorter than me, she does not jump very high either so it makes me feel better about my attempts. I do however, keep alot of the moves low impact, its just not worth risking an injury. Have fun in that meeting.x(

So I just got back from the dentist--again. He numbed me and built up the teeth so they are ready for the permanent ones at the end of the month. I am quite weary of the whole dentist deal right now. Oh and Georgie is at his "doggy dentist" today, the poor lovey. He looked at me when I left him with the most pitiful eyes, it almost broke my heart. Need to go pick him up later on...I am going to play around with posting pics now that all my work is done.:)
Hello Melters.

Long day at work, no shopping, and no MM. Got my days off in June. Looking forward to the weekend.

Tneah-LOVE the dress.

Schipschewana is in northern IN, it's central part of the Amish region. They have a HUGE flea market every Mon/Tues and during the Holidays from May through October. I've gotten socks, ornament table, purse, etc.. in the past.

Pray that GOD will bring some positive change in my life. Not looking for a relationship but anything else would be nice.
LOL at Robin and her picture posting today!:+ So much fun!

Jennifer, are you okay darlin'? You sound a little off, a little down today?

Deb, it's your turn to post pics!
You girls have been busy!

I managed to shave a whopping ONE WHOLE SECOND off my 5 mile PR tonight - 46:57:p

Tneah - love that dress!

Jennifer - I'm not at all religious and I think that if you want some changes in your life, YOU have to make them ;)

Well, tomorrow is Friday and my summer hours start - HOORAY!!! That means I'll be out of the office at 1 p.m. Can't wait:D


Thanks so much for the promo code for I-Train...I was just over there and got 6 new I-Trains! I swore when they raised the prices that I would not purchase any more.. but with getting 3 free ones, it made it worth it! Grace and I are such buddies.:7


You have to go and get 6 more! You know you love her!

Ah Deb, shoot....I might just have to go do that darn you!;)

Yeah for Shelley's new summer hours, and way to go speedy! Wow. So impressive really. :7
Our internet and cable were down for a while. Gasp! The cable was a bigger deal for DH who has to watch the Yankess game, though. He figured out that a cable was loose from the siding work today, so we finally got it working again.

Now I think he's moving our cars back in the driveway for the night.

But I forgot to mention it's my anniversary (9 years!) so I'd better go spend some quality time with the hubby when he comes back in.


[font face="comic sans ms" font color=green]***Lainie***
fitness blog: http://fitnessfig.blogspot.com
"If you want to give God a good laugh, tell Her your plans."[/font]
Shelley--Way to go on the PR!

Lainie--Happy anniversary! Enjoy your quality time! ;-)

Off to watch CSI. I love that show!!!

See you tomorrow! I *get* to help out with field days for Emma's classroom. There better not be water balloons! }(


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