It's a boy!


We had our fifth boy 2 weeks ago! Dominic arrived 5 1/2 weeks early, weighing 5 lbs. and is doing great! Exercise seems a long way off right now as I am doing the breastfeeding marathon thing right now and just enjoying this new little blessing. Best wishes to you all and your babies!

Love, Jenny
Congratulations! I don't know how you do it - five kids! (I'm worried about how I'll make it work with my 3rd!) You're a true martyr!

Congratulations Jenny! I'm happy to hear that you're baby boy is healthy after making an early entrance.:)

EDD 10-4-04
Hi there--

Congratulations! I just gave birth to our fifth (a boy) in September.

Take time to enjoy the sweet newborn stage, because as you well know, it goes way to fast.

Nuzzle that newborn head for me.

Congratulations Jenny! Wow, FIVE boys! You will have your hands FULL! Give Dominic a big hig from me!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!

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