<--wishes Shelley a belated Happy Canada Day while wondering if Canadians do that as we wish a Happy Fourth, Independance Day or the simple generic "holiday"
<--has discovered that cockatiel's stalk
<--is salivating over Michele's description of the meal and just ate so she knows it was that fantastic
<--indulged in a Fourth of July cupcake some child of mine baked in the wee hours last night
<--wants to know why Melody feels like a Golden Girl
<--thinks Melody IS a Golden Girl, just not one of the sitcom kind
<--also hopes Nancy enjoys the MOVIE and had to pause and figure that out --what devil is Nancy to enjoy and how does one enjoy the devil, devil dog, devil egg but nooooo the Prada wearing devil
<---thinks that's a chick flick she'll need to see with a teen child if one is willing to be seen with her being that the fasionable teen has busy social life and rarely needs <-- for anything
<---is looking forwafd to askig her all of a sudden
<--hopes she says yes
<--is aware this is a ramble but rambling is fun
<--has pokey clawed yellow stalking bird perched on her shoulder quite contentedly
<--is repeatedly used as landing pad and has given up dodging the bird
<--says the scaredy cat just walked by oblivious to the bird but the bird has puffed up and is watching the cat intensely
<--funny how the predator recognizes the prey and the prey knows exactly what she is
<--says the last time she put herself into her cage
<--thinks she feels safe with me since she's not budged though the cat is now on the table looking at the bird and she's cleaning her feathers and picking at my bra strap
<--snaps out of reverie of the bird, smiles and says hopes everyone is having a great day and will bbl
Tell me what it is you intend to do with your one wild and precious life? -Mary Oliver