<---- Its 3 AM I must be lonely

<--thanks Bobbi very much for the encouragement
<--is really having a great 4-day weekend! :D
<--has been getting back into shape a bit and is feeling more energetic
<--has been spending fun time with DT, which is more rare than it should be because of our work schedules
<--loves Bobbi's flower smilies
<--hopes that Bobbi finds the sleepy part of her brain :p :+
-Ms. Whineypants
<--obviously has some catching up to do
<--sorry Shelley is still at work
<--hopes Ms Guiltypants gets over it and enjoys her time at home

<--still haven't gotten the flowers planted
<--needed to dig up the sod to make the flower bed
<--sod is a pain in the a$$ to dig up when it's been there 7 years!!!
<--worked until 10 am then came in to shower and cool off
<--it's 102 degrees in the sun here, now!!!

<--heartily agrees with Tig that humidity workouts should count double!

<--sincerely hopes that Meg does NOT have ear infxn

<--sky is clearing up so the rain dance isn't working
<--'s neighbor is coming this week to help finish digging <--'s well that's been a work in progress for over a month now!!!}(

<---thanks Nancy for the reminder of a 3-day workweek
<---feels sorry for Amy in the 102 heat
<---is glad it hasn't hit the 100's here yet, but knows it will
<---is down on hands and knees scrubbing the rather large tile floor
<---needed a break, but thinks it's time to head back
<---will BBL
<--is sipping coffee and doing the Sunday crossword
<--isn't getting very far
<--needs the BGR (Butt Glue Remover)
<--wonder who's got it?
-Ms. WP
<--- waves good morning to all and happy 4th
<--- still has barely slept
<--- is hopefully getting an airconditioner from Grandmother
<--- does not know if said airconditioner will work but is going to try
<--- lost alot of weight but is still very warm ;(
<--- wishes to get cold easily like Amy
<--- wonders where Shelly works that she is working today
<--- wonders if Maeghan will kindly pass the clams
<--- thinks Wendy is very good for surving running in this heat
<--- is a weather wimp that worksout indoors
<--- hopes Maeghan's ear feels better
<--- Tivos Golden Girls and watches it almost everyday
<--- SO thinks <---- is insane
<--- thinks Amy should count digging up SOD in 102 heat as a workout
<--- BBL
<--says YAY!!
<--knew <--couldn't be the only Golden Girls lover around here
<--has no idea why a 26 year old can be so fascinated with a bunch of old ladies, but <--loves it!
<--says of course no offense to the "old" ladies hehe
<--'s DH says <--am nuts too, but <--has caught him watching it quite a few times!!
<--thinks working in 102 heat is crazy!! <--know's <--couldn't do it!
<--says grandparents took boys for ice cream last night, and now sister has taken them to the parade, so DH and <--have had a little quality time!
<--says it has been nice!!;) :+ :p

Maeghan AKA megadoo

http://www.3fatchicks.net/img/bar072/slider-but3/lb/203/145/157/.png[/img] [/url]

<--is glad that Meg has some down time with DH
<--found the BGR
<--is off to try the elliptical machine for a change of pace
<--may have to switch to the treadmill if her legs don't hold out
-Ms. WP
<--- waves a big, sweeping, 4th of July hello to everyone!
<--- hopes you all have a nice holiday
<--- hopes Shellybelly doesn't have to work too hard:* :*
<--- is glad all her working friends will have a very short work week!!
<--- is planning to go to a movie with DH soon
<--- 's DH wants to see Superman
<--- says all in all she has had a very busy and productive holiday.
<--- didn't get much rest, but did sleep in every day.
<--- and her DH prepared dinner for DH's fam damily yesterday and it was a smashing success. DH grilled shrimp and scallops and <--- made a spinach salad with orange and balsamic vinaigrette dressing:9
<--- is planning to grill a chicken if it stops raining
<--- is off to do Total Body Sculpting and will see you gals tomorrow
<--- *MWAH*
<--- explains to Susan that she lives in Canada, therefore doesn't celebrate Independence Day
<--- had yesterday off for Canada Day, which is July 1st and celebrates the forming of the Dominion of Canada:)
<--- tells Michelawoowoo that she went to see Superman on Sunday and really enjoyed it
<--wants grilled shrimp and scallops with spinach salad and orange balsamic dressing!!!
<--says YUMMY :9 :9
<--is so glad to see Michlee here today, if only briefly
<--didn't go to the gym; did Coremax instead
<--says her gym is closed today, and feels too lazy to walk to the other branch which is about a half mile away
<--thinks she'll take a shower and drag DT to see Devil Wears Prada, and then buy veggies and come home and chop them up for salads for din-din
<--hopes Shelley isn't working too hard
<--will no doubt BBL
-Ms. Whineypants
<---is feeling like a Golden Girl lately
<---is suppose to be doing PH and then on to a torrid volleyball game
<---then horseshoes
<---then badmitton
<---then the river
<---then grilling
<---then eating
<---then outdoor fire
<---then SMORES...:9
<---then fireworks
<---then pack
<---then maybe sleep
<---then leave tomorrow
<---then ride in the car 5-6 hours with DH and 3 DSsx(
<---then Drs appts
<---then visit with eldest DS in Augusta
<---then crash by hotel pool
<---then get up Friday and do the cam dar ride thing again
<---then be home, unpack and do lam daundry
<---wishes blooming flowers, working a/c, found brain portions, short work days, tough abs, long easy runs, enjoyable movies, golden coffee pots, hot grills, and freedom for all
<--wants to visit Nancy for dinner
<--got to sleep in this morning:D
<--hates July 4th in AZ, too hot to do anything Fourth of Julyie(is that a word??)
<--will probably see Superman today with the fam., but really wishes Christopher Reeve was still Superman
<--DD can not wait to see Pirates of the Carribean, and <--wishes it was out now
<--wonders how Bootcamp Ame's class went last night
<--survived my bosu cadio class and hour long muscle class last night, but has HUGE doms from dreaded pyramid pushups with evil instructor}(
<--wishes all a restful, or full of fun day for all above and all who visit later!!

<--is LOL@ Mel! :7
<--thinks Donna wants to eat dinner with Michlee, not <--, cuz it's Michlee's DH who is doing the scrumptious grilling
<--is just going to have salads tonight
<--likes to eat light for dinner when she has to get up early the next morning for work x(
<--is off to see Devil :D
-Ms. WP
<--hopes Nancy enjoys Devil
<--heard it was good
<--DH wants to see Superman
<--does too, Superman is supercute!

<--didn't know it was 102 out until came in from it
<--going to nap on couch this afternoon
<--also going to catch up on Tivoed programs

<--thinking that grilled shrimp and spinach salad sounds very yummy!
<--had ground white turkey meat thawing in sink
<--may grill or make spaghetti, <--hasn't decided yet

<--off to nap, now (sorry Shelley can't join in!)
<--IS SOOO looking foward to Pirates of Carribean
<--thinks Shelly agrees with <--in saying Johnny Depp is a BABE!
<--thinks <--may make hubby do some grillin
<--has to call dad and seeif he is doing the clam thing
<--really wants clams!!!!!

Maeghan AKA megadoo

http://www.3fatchicks.net/img/bar072/slider-but3/lb/203/145/157/.png[/img] [/url]

<--wishes Shelley a belated Happy Canada Day while wondering if Canadians do that as we wish a Happy Fourth, Independance Day or the simple generic "holiday"
<--has discovered that cockatiel's stalk :eek:
<--is salivating over Michele's description of the meal and just ate so she knows it was that fantastic
<--indulged in a Fourth of July cupcake some child of mine baked in the wee hours last night
<--wants to know why Melody feels like a Golden Girl
<--thinks Melody IS a Golden Girl, just not one of the sitcom kind
<--also hopes Nancy enjoys the MOVIE and had to pause and figure that out --what devil is Nancy to enjoy and how does one enjoy the devil, devil dog, devil egg but nooooo the Prada wearing devil
<---thinks that's a chick flick she'll need to see with a teen child if one is willing to be seen with her being that the fasionable teen has busy social life and rarely needs <-- for anything
<---is looking forwafd to askig her all of a sudden
<--hopes she says yes
<--is aware this is a ramble but rambling is fun
<--has pokey clawed yellow stalking bird perched on her shoulder quite contentedly
<--is repeatedly used as landing pad and has given up dodging the bird
<--says the scaredy cat just walked by oblivious to the bird but the bird has puffed up and is watching the cat intensely
<--funny how the predator recognizes the prey and the prey knows exactly what she is
<--says the last time she put herself into her cage
<--thinks she feels safe with me since she's not budged though the cat is now on the table looking at the bird and she's cleaning her feathers and picking at my bra strap
<--snaps out of reverie of the bird, smiles and says hopes everyone is having a great day and will bbl
Bobbi http://www.clicksmilies.com/s0105/spezial/Fool/hb.gif

Tell me what it is you intend to do with your one wild and precious life? -Mary Oliver

<--seriously thinks Bobbi is a hoot!
<--would love to spend a day with Bobbi!
<--would love to spend a day with all the ladies here
<--agrees that Melody is a Golden Girl, but not like Blanche, Dorothy, Rose, or Sophia!
<--thinks Melody is a Buff Golden Girl!!
<--Needs to do moree coremax like Nancy
<--hopes Susan can get some cool refreshing sleep tonight
<--Tells Shelly <--is definately going to Ottawa on Monday for a week
<--hopes the weather is good. <--says there is always a heat wave every summer <--goes to Canada. Go figure
<--hopes Donna enjoys the movies with her fam
<--hopes Melody's boys don't tire her out too much!!
<--should go wakey kiddies so they sleep good tonight!

Maeghan AKA megadoo

http://www.3fatchicks.net/img/bar072/slider-but3/lb/203/145/157/.png[/img] [/url]

<--- waves to Bobbi and says we do indeed wish each other Happy Canada Day when appropriate:)
<--- would love to see the cat/bird show
<--- wants to go see The Devil Wears Prada with Bobbi
<--- tells Meg she knows EXACTLY how she feels about Mr. Depp;)
<--says ooh, that is even better than trying to keep a something of a grumble bunny teenager in a good mood for long enough to enjoy an outing
<--feels guilty because she (this is Ali http://www.clicksmilies.com/s0105/spezial/Fool/hmm.gif )really IS outgroiwng the "phase" (hears DH say "you've been calling it a phase for 15 years!"
<--would love that, Shelley!
<--asks your cineplex or mine?
<--muses it would be really great if someone created some sort of travel machine that allows someone to step into the booth in Tucson and step out of the booth in Hamilton right in front of the movie theater playing Devil, all of us who wanted to see it would show and after the movie we'd hop all over to Jersey to workout with Cathe, then we'd head for Michele's house returning Michele and her DH would have dinner waiting for us and we'd eat and then go find Johnnie's Depp's house...
<--cannot believe <-- still hasn't turned up that part of her brain which apparently maintains some semblence of reality in her head
<--oh, well, reality is over-rated and rambling is rambling and the thing about rambling is it just goes on until it doesn't
<--knows one thing FOR SURE, <-- is with Maeg,it would be a blast to spend some time with such golden great groovy chicks
<--rule chicks do, particularly, you chicks!
Bobbi http://www.clicksmilies.com/s0105/spezial/Fool/hb.gif

Tell me what it is you intend to do with your one wild and precious life? -Mary Oliver


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