It's 12:30 eastern time......

I'd LOVE to chat with you! :7 HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! It's so nice to see you here! HUGS!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Hi Cathe -

I bumped a post entitled "Thank you Cathe" from exerciser12.

Please read it.

~ Kim

"Welcome the challenge...embrace it...don't fear it." - Cathe Friedrich
Yes, we had a very nice celebration...sooo nice that both Dave & I are headed down to the basemnent for a lil' Sloooow & Heeeavy! :)
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Hiya Cathe, I hope you are doing well! I did day one of your January rotation today-- my legs are feeling it! Whew!!! I'll look foward to posting my results with the rotation at the end of the month.

"See" you around!!! :) -Tina
Hey Cathe - You're on FitTV right now doing LoMax. I love your workouts and sometimes just sit in awe and watch them. Thanks for everything. I have some serious DOMS today thanks to you. Have a great New Year!!!!!!
Hi Nancy! Yes, I hear it playing in the neighboring office. I just said "we're in this together". That's for sure. Take care of that DOMS. Nice chatting with you!

I'll bite. Thnaks for being on here Cathe - Heaven knows we need your direction these days. Hope your holidays were wonderful, but now on to 2006.

Without providing confidential details, can you tell us if the new business venture is going as you had hoped. I know that I've expressed my most serious concerns on these boards that we could see another Firm /GT fiasco whereby when the business venture switched hands, customer service got trashed, the product went to he!!, and it was overall terrible for those of us who had been loyal fans.

You have an even bigger, or more devoted fan base, and your product is, IMO, the BEST there is. I just so hope that continues. As I said, I'm not asking for business revelations or confidential things to be revealed, just a little ... reassurance.

Thanks Cathe. You know we love you!

Cathe, I spent my morning with you (unbeknownst to you . . .), with my new favorite Turkey Burner Mish-Mosh:

10-10-10 warm-up, kickbox and hi/lo
SJP hi/lo add-on cycles 1-3
Step Blast blasts
HSTA cardio only premix
I-max 2 blasts all of 'em

then my own upper body dealie-do

Thank you so much for all of your fine products. I for one don't mind waiting for the new DVDs; I've read some articles on the quantum effort it takes to produce workout DVDs, and no matter how much we consumers think we understand about the process, we understand maybe 10% of the effort involved.

On a more personal note, your popping in on my "18 Years Of Sobriety" thread this past summer meant the world to me. Thank you too for that.

Yours in total gratitude -

Your Baldest Fan
Hi Lorrie! Rest assured that we maintain total creative rights. If that weren't the case, I would never have gone forward with it. The only change now is having more people to discuss things with. As with anything, the more people that you have to confer with, the more time needed to get the job done. Bottom line: We can still film whatever and whenever we want to (ie: 10 workouts three times a year or two workouts once a year, or two advanced and two low impact two years from now....) but each decision gets reviewed with more people than what was before we entered our agreement.

I hope I am making sense :7 I get a little "nervous" answering publically because my answers can be interpreted differently from person to person. But I will take a chance here.
What a warm post A-Jock, thank you very much! How about that Turkey Burner Mish if that doesn't get a person in shape....

I cracked up when I read this word "dealie-do"....sound like the way I talk. Me likey!

That's all I needed to hear. I have total faith in your creative ability and your committment to your product - it's just nice to have YOUR assurances. I can't thank you enough for all the hard work and effort you put into everything you do. Being a SAHM, your workouts help me maintain not only me fitness level, but my sanity too. And hey, the sex change thing - as long as you take that advice from A-jock, you can't go wrong! Next road trip could be interesting though!
:) :)

Thank you.

Hi! I just wanted say I did Imax3 this morning and loved every bit of it! I usually run and do workouts at home, but I never felt as woked out with home videos as I do with a run...until I found out about your DVDs about a year ago. Fantastic job! I have yet to find one of your workouts that I DIDN'T love! Keep up the great work.

Hi Cathe, and a very Happy New Year to you and your family!!

I've never posted anything to you personally before, but I just wanted to tell you that I'm pumped about your new DVD's and I think you turn out the highest quality product I have ever seen--and a STEAL at your pre-sale prices! Thank you so much for all your efforts. I really appreciate it and have benefitted greatly from your hard work.

I'm still a beginner in terms of cardio but I aspire to your step programs. LOVE your strength workouts.

Take care and I hope your calf muscle mends soon.

An honest-to-pete workout question, re supine weighted pullovers for the back:

Is there a difference in the recruitment of the lats if you perform pullovers with two heavy dumbbells holding them about 6-8 inches apart and the arm lever length LONG, palms facing each other, versus the barbell pullovers you've performed in recent series with the palms facing UP (holding the barbell) and the arms in a bent-elbow position? I normally do pullovers with a long lever length and palms in - would switching to the barbell / bent-elbow position change the lat recruitment / development?

Yours in torment -

> (snip)
>I hope I am making sense :7 I get a little "nervous"
>answering publically because my answers can be interpreted
>differently from person to person. But I will take a chance

Thanks for the information. It did make sense but I understand your hestation. I am glad that you are not letting the actions of few affect the rest of your customers.

Hi Cathe -

Good to see you. Do you have an approximate update on when filming will begin? Is is January 6?


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