Itchy Welts! Please help!


So I'm driving home from the gym, and under my arms start to itch so badly I'm ready to jump out of my skin. I get home, and I have multiple small to large welts under my arms on my armpits and a bunch of small bumps on the back of my leg. and I started to get some on my torso.

I just took 2 Benadryl, this itch is just horrible. This has never happened. I have been living in a hotel for 2 months, but this isn't bites, I just exploded in welts after the gym tonight for the first time.

I can't think of anything I've done differently, my detergent I brought from home, same gym clothes, sweatshirt, coat I wear everyday, same Ipod I use at the gym, same water bottle and water. After the gym I stopped at the pet store for cat food, got in the car and after about 3 minutes this all started.

Any thoughts or experiences would be greatly appreciated.

I just took 2 Benadryl, this itch is just horrible. This has never happened. I have been living in a hotel for 2 months, but this isn't bites, I just exploded in welts after the gym tonight for the first time.

Are you sure they are not bites? If you are staying at a hotel it could be bed bugs. You could also be alergic to the detergent that they used for their bedding, . .or you could have eaten something that caused it. Could be anything really. Take an oatmeal bath to help with the itching and see a Dr. Sorry, . . . trust me I know what feeling itchy is like. I've had rashes throughout my youth and I've gotten a plethora of different types of rashes in my adulthood. It sucks. I almost rather feel pain instead of the itch. :( Double check in the matress. Bed bugs are hard to see but if you look carefully you can find them.
Thanks for responding, I have been reading out the bed bites, but I don't think that's it, the welts now are starting to go down, and the itch is lessening, I imagine due to the Benadryl. I have however been looking up the bed bugs, and am going to do a thorough search of the bed. It was just the sudden onset tonight, seemed more like an allergic reaction, I just wish I knew to what! :confused:
Could it be hives? I had a bout of hives about two years ago. They just popped up suddenly on the backs of my legs and itched like crazy. I never figured out what caused them, though I read a great deal about hives. One irritation could be working out. Another could be something you came across in the pet store (if you have a strong allergy to something in that environment). Hives, while horribly irritating, aren't necessarily dangerous....though they can go internal (in other words, if you start feeling an irritation in your throat/difficulty breathing....go to the ER!!) My hives lasted about 10 days in which I took benadryl, steroids (!), and other medication (that didn't seem to help)....and then they disappeared on their own.

Just thought I'd throw that out there as a possibility. Hope you are feeling better.
I know this is a crazy...even outlandish idea...but have you considered consulting a medical professional? They are likely to give some pretty good advice being trained and all but if they don't you can at least sue them for malpractice. All you can do for bum advice from strangers on the Cathe forums is one star the threads. ;)
Worst case scenario, you caught some kind of fungus from the sweaty guy who was on the gym machine before you. Sounds a lot like hives to me though which can be brought on by a number of things - stress, food allergies, environmental allergies, you name it. If it keeps up, I would get an appointment with your regular doctor or go straight to a dermatologist.
Thanks again everyone! Well this morning the welts are all gone, just irritation from scratching :confused:. I have been reading more and there is a skin condition, where people break out in welts simply from cold exposure, and the sweat from working out can make it in even worse. I have had a bunch of strange things happen lately, like passing out during a chair massage, and this, and a really bad sinus infection, and so on. I will be going to the doctor soon anyway and will relay all of the strangeness to her then.
Sounds like hives......My son gets them from time to time....found out recently that he is allergic to "Tylenol" or "acetaminophen". (if he has a head ache, he can take Alieve) Did you by chance take one before your workout? Just a thought.
Nope, did not take any pain relievers, I take advil when I do. My DH thinks it's a combination of the dry skin, the sweat and heat of the gym, then exposure to the cold air. I just hope it does not happen again tonight. So far, so good today.

Kind of gross to think it could have been a reaction to some other person, yuck. I can't wait to get my home gym back!

Sounds like hives......My son gets them from time to time....found out recently that he is allergic to "Tylenol" or "acetaminophen". (if he has a head ache, he can take Alieve) Did you by chance take one before your workout? Just a thought.
Thanks again everyone! Well this morning the welts are all gone, just irritation from scratching :confused:. I have been reading more and there is a skin condition, where people break out in welts simply from cold exposure, and the sweat from working out can make it in even worse. I have had a bunch of strange things happen lately, like passing out during a chair massage, and this, and a really bad sinus infection, and so on. I will be going to the doctor soon anyway and will relay all of the strangeness to her then.

In all seriousness, with everything you mentioned I'd definitely see a doctor. Good luck and stop getting sick ;)
.. and a really bad sinus infection, and so on. I will be going to the doctor soon anyway and will relay all of the strangeness to her then.

My son's school called me one day to come get him, he had his hands swell up and his lips swell up and hives. It was from a sinus infection. Took him 3 months of med's to clear it up. I never would have thought that a sinus infection would cause hives.
Thanks Beavs, definitely good advice :), I'll be going soon. ImFiddy, that must have been scary for both of you, hope he is better now, I would have never thought the 2 would be related.
I have been reading more and there is a skin condition, where people break out in welts simply from cold exposure.

Yep! That will happen to me, especially if I try to get in a very cold water but it will also happen from being out in the cold for long periods of time. I get it on my thighs mostly. UGH.
I had hives once so bad that I had to go to the E.R. and get two shots. Thankfully, that was a few years ago, and it's never happened again.

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