It really is true......


My Lord, I decided today to start ANOTHER food journal:-rollen.I have had a few journals before but of course didn't write done everything that I put into my mouth.
Well, then you wonder why you have gained or why you aren't losing any weight when you spend most of your days with Cathe and your meals aren't fried foods covered in cheese.
I did fine with my meals all day but do you really think that there was any reason for me to have eaten about 5 cookies and a hanful of peanuts today?I decided that I was going to alot 1400 cals for me in a day.The last quiz I did showed that I need about 1900 cals to stay where I am now.I figured if I cut out 500cals then I would lose approximately a pound a week or more.
So that was what I set out to do today but I think I ended up taking in more like 2000 and I didn't work out today either:-mad.
But heres the thing, today was a normal day in the life of Lori:-wow.No wonder my pants have been feeling tight.....
Anyway, if you have never tried this , then I suggest you do.If you don't write down what your eating it is easy to forget what you have consumed in the run of a day.
Wish me luck, from here on in it is going to be 1400 cals a day and hopefully by the time christmas gets here I will feel a bit better about myself..:D
I can relate! I just started my food journal today too. My problem is DENIAL...ya know when you blow the whole day, you don't want to write down what ya ate because it is SO scary on paper!

What a perfect time to read these posts. I, like you, have promised myself to start writing in a food journal tomorrow. I have tried this about 10 times over the past 2 years, and I can't seem to write past breakfast and a mid-morning snack. I just give up. Then, I get so frustrated that I don't keep up with it!!!! I saw my good friend over the Thanksgiving holiday whom I hadn't seen for about 3 months. She lost 20# due to Weight Watchers (writing everything down) and walking on her treadmill plus doing the Firm kit sold on TV (she never got into Cathe-damn her :)

Anyway, she gave me hope! Now, I just have to stick to my guns and actually write in the journal. Good luck!!!
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Dec-02-02 AT 06:46AM (Est)[/font][p]YES! It is VITAL to keep a food journal! So many folks are in denial about what they eat - they think it must be their glands that are keeping them fat, when in fact, it's their salivary glands.

You CAN eat a lot if you make smart choices! Thanks for starting this thread.

Just Do It! :) Just write it down!
I have tried numerous attemts at food journals as well,I have made it a week though before I quit.And in that week I did lose weight.
Besides for that, I think that I am going to try a new rotation.I haven't done a rotation in a while.I am going to try Donna's rotation.I can't remember what it is called but all I know right now is that I have to go and do Body Max.I was also going to try Tank Top Rotations again b/c I did love the results I seen with that.
Anyway, good luck to everyone.And good luck to me....I may trip over my step this early in the day;-)
Have a good day and maybe we should check in to see how our journals are going later in the week.I even did my journal up until Dec 15.Now, all I have to do is write in it.

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