It never fails...


I'm doing my yoga video (Bryan Kest's original Power Yoga tonight), and I work hard and get to my relaxation pose, when I get this tickle in my nose and go into a sneezing fit. It's always something during the final relaxation -- the phone rings, the cat knocks over a lamp, or my butt just starts itching. Will I ever be able to relax???

Have a good night everyone!

Will you ever be able to relax? Yes, it's called sleep.:7 :+

Charlene, I don't even bother trying to relax during shavasana at home. I simply skip it. Not very yogic of me. But, I never claimed to be yogic or desired to achieve bliss through meditation or an out of body experience. ;-) When I went to an Iyengar class, the teacher told us that this wasn't a time to relax. He said that we should actively use our minds to achieve balance. He probably meant physically and mentally. However, he went on to discuss each physical body part -- to focus on balancing/relaxing-- starting at the toes and working up to the head.

You are sooo not alone. I try and do yoga in the morning while the house is nice and quiet. But noooo as I was doing Rodney Yee, Dave kept calling, not once but twice. I didn't have a Buddha mind and the present mind wanted to shot the telephone and the caller. :D

So yeah! I know the feelin'!
Annette Bethel
I'm right there with you. It is either the phone, my daughter, the dog licking the sweat off of my face (or worse yet-my feet). It is always something.


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