Isn't Boot Camp Awesome??


Hello Fellow, Fitness Fanatics!!

I am relatively new to Cathe's workouts and I'm sorry for the time I've missed!! I think she and all of you are just great!! I'm 40 and I've been teaching aerobics for over ten years now. I've taught and taken a million classes, it seems, but I must say that I think Boot Camp is the BEST!! Afterwards, I've felt like I worked EVERY single muscle of my body so completely and to fatigue!! My hat goes off to Cathe for putting together such a well rounded, CREATIVE, TOUGH routine!! Does everyone love it as much as me?

I love this workout too! It is such a great kick-your-butt routine and is a really great change of pace from other workouts! :) :) I also love the premixes with this workout.

I love this workout too. It is a marvellous circuit workout.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie. :) :) :)
Yup it's awesome, I agree! I caught it on FitTV and knew I had to have it. I have never really done intense circuit training and this is just what my body needs :) It may only be 8 solid min of cardio but I'll tell you the heartrate never really comes down. It rules!

bootcamp is my mostest favortiest cathe workout!

cute work out clothes are good for AT LEAST an additional 10-15 calories burned!
I just bought it! After reading all your comments it seems like it is a "must have" for diehard Catheites.


"Don't forget to breathe!"
I recently purchased it (along with Muscle Endurance) but have not done it yet. Is it considered cardio or full body weight workout? I've kind of been reluctant to do it but know I should just bite the bullet and go for it. I did do the cardio only (yikes). Will get to it this week hopefully. I'm on vacation and have a bit more time for working out. Will check the rotation forum and see what it's considered to be.

Hi Jeanette,

I know you're going to check the rotation forum for the official catagory for Bootcamp. I don't know what that is, but I'll tell you, it's intense. You alternate doing one minute of non-stop cardio, go right into some weight work, and then to the floor for core work. You don't get a break and then it's right back to cardio, weights and core work. I believe there are eight cycles of this and it does keep your heart rate up the entire time (even for advanced exercisers). Definitely, give it a try!!! You'll see what we mean.
I'm gonna go for it this week. I did the cardio only a couple weeks ago and I was breathing pretty hard (don't know what you call the thing where you kick your legs out behind you in a prone position and scissor and then jump back up, torture I think is what it's called ):eek: . That one was tough. Problem is I have a couple days where I cycle with friends and we hit it pretty hard there too so I have to watch I'm not too tired and sore from a Cathe workout for that, hate to have to be a wheel sucker just to keep up.

What's the worse thing that can happen? Pause the remote and recover? No, I'm not skeered, I'm going for it!

this is my absolute most favoritest of cathe's workouts! i love love LOVE bootcamp! lol!

it's not as bad as a lot of what you'll read on the forums.. i was so afraid of it before ever doing it.. i alost didn't do it... then i did it... now granted it's a great workout.. and fun too!

the hardest part for me the first few times was the ice breakers... uses a LOT Of thigh muscles... as a 5 year cyclist.. i see you having no problems with them (except for maybe using them in a slightly different way)... i now do the ice breakers with basically no problems (i used to DREAD them!)

you don't use really heavy weights (cathe uses 8 pound dumbbells and the heaviest barbell is 35 pounds.. but that's for only 1 minute of squats)

i've done this workout on the friday before a big ride and had no problems (but i wouldn't recommend it for the first or second time you do it.. til you see how it goes and how it affects you!)

have fun... it's a fun workout!!!!

cute work out clothes are good for AT LEAST an additional 10-15 calories burned!
Oh...You'll love it!! It can sound worse than it is. And I'm still laughing over your comment calling the terminator military squat/scissor're right! But, like we all is fun!!
I did Bootcamp today! The terminator/squat thrusts thingies were tough, but the tricep dips were the ones I couldn't get all the way through, but I will eventually. I enjoyed the workout very much. I kept yahooing and shouting and my dogs kept looking at me real worried like. It is a great workout and I really liked all the variety. I think it's easier than Imax2 or Low Max because you can do anything for a minute. The ab work was good too. This is a fun one that I will try to fit in once a week. It made me really feel good about my fitness! Thanks all, for encouraging me to do this one.

You GO GIRL!!! And I agree with you, it is easier than IMAX2. It's so ironic because I did IMAX 2 yesterday and was thinking the same thing...haha;)
OH FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!!! I want Bootcamp. But I don't have a high step. Now I'm going to have to get a high step AND Bootcamp and all the other DVDs everyone is always raving about.

Oh well. My daughter didn't need to go to university anyway.:eek:
Hi Lisaannjam!

Bootcamp is one of my favorite workouts of all time! It has such variety and the time just flies by! Along with Step Blast, BC is one of my "go to" workouts--I just really enjoy all the moves, music and Cathe & Crew's personalities in this one. Ooooooooo, I'd love a Bootcamp Part Deux!!! }(

I'm glad you're enjoying yourself, too! :)
Hi Kim!

Boot Camp Deux?? God Bless you, Girl!! We'll all want that in a few weeks though, won't we? LOL I'm sure Cathe and her crew will be thrilled to hear it

Have a great day!!
LOL, Shelley! It's so easy to get caught up, isn't it?!? I know I get itchy fingers and start reaching for my credit card after I read all the workout reviews. Gotta have them all eventually!


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