Is Your Kid a "Cathe Kid"?

Jill L.

Active Member
Hello Fellow Workout Maniacs!!!

Just want to know if you are rubbing off on any of your kids? My daughter Angelica who is now 6, has been "working out" with me for a while. Since she was 2, I started with Denise Austin and she would look forward to those workouts. She had no connection when I went to the firm tapes but when I found Cathe, she loves her! She makes references to her as well. "Cathe is tough, isn't she mommy? I say yes honey she is..... She asks questions like, "Mommy is she killing you?" The best is when she comes out of the bathtub and I'm drying her off. I tell her to raise your arms and she says, "inhale and exhale"!!!!

I just had to share. Nobody could relate to this better than you guys!!!

RE: Is Your Kid a

Yes, my 3 1/2 year old loves my workouts. We have to play that I'm "Caffy" and she's Brenda all the time. She has her own step and little pink dumbbells and exercises right next to me. Well, most of the time she abandons her step and uses mine :p , so I have to be really careful not to trip on her.

She's also quick to point out that I'm not pedaling fast enough when I do Spinervals. She gets a worried look on her face and tells me to pedal faster. :)

RE: Is Your Kid a

Yes, my 3 1/2 year old loves my workouts. We have to play that I'm "Caffy" and she's Brenda all the time. She has her own step and little pink dumbbells and exercises right next to me. Well, most of the time she abandons her step and uses mine :p , so I have to be really careful not to trip on her.

She's also quick to point out that I'm not pedaling fast enough when I do Spinervals. She gets a worried look on her face and tells me to pedal faster. :)

RE: Is Your Kid a

Yep - and my favorite comes from my now 5 y.o. daughter - though she started it some time ago. Whenever I ask "are you ready" she responds "Double knot your laces and get ready to move on!" Love it!

RE: Is Your Kid a

Yep - and my favorite comes from my now 5 y.o. daughter - though she started it some time ago. Whenever I ask "are you ready" she responds "Double knot your laces and get ready to move on!" Love it!

RE: Is Your Kid a

i bring out my 2lb weights when i weight train when viola is home. her favorite exercise is the overhead press LOL. she doesn't really do the cardio thing with me unless i am following a dance tape which is rare. and it doesn't have to be cathe about any workout she will lift weights with me, do pilates, yoga or ballet. its great thing though b/c they learn to love an activity that they can go with to keep active and healthy.


"And do what thee wilt as long as ye harm none"
RE: Is Your Kid a

i bring out my 2lb weights when i weight train when viola is home. her favorite exercise is the overhead press LOL. she doesn't really do the cardio thing with me unless i am following a dance tape which is rare. and it doesn't have to be cathe about any workout she will lift weights with me, do pilates, yoga or ballet. its great thing though b/c they learn to love an activity that they can go with to keep active and healthy.


"And do what thee wilt as long as ye harm none"
RE: Is Your Kid a

My 4 year old wants to know why Cathe spells her name with an 'e' instead of a 'y'. I have 1 lbs weights for her and she loves to use the step.
RE: Is Your Kid a

So cute!!! My female boxer, Lola, works out with me. She is going to put me in a body cast one of these days by sharing my step with me when I'm not looking!!:7 If I wear weight gloves, she spends the whole hour on her hind legs trying to get them off my hands. And she lies down right in the middle of my workout area so I have to alter to avoid stomping her. Then, when it's time for chest work or sit ups, she stands over my face for awhile then licks every inch of bare skin. But the best is watching her go after my boxing equipment. She knows to "jump and hit" the over-under bag and really gets after the heavy bag! If I get smart enough to do pictures and post them, I will. You guys would love it!

:D :D :D
RE: Is Your Kid a

My boys love doing bootcamp with me. They like to "lift weights" with their dad. The skinny little things (all of them) can do pullups and chinups ENDLESSLY. I can't do one.x(

They have noticed Cathe saying "ok, a little rest" or "take a break, get some air" and they always say "hey, she didn't stop for any rest like she said!".
RE: Is Your Kid a

My girl is DEFINITELY a Cathe kid. Whenever I'm doing a step workout and Cedie whoops, she says "was that Cedie?". And then there is, of course, the famous "workout woman" picture of Cathe that she drew, complete with bulging biceps:) When I do weight workouts, she runs upstairs and changes in to her workout clothes and comes down to work out with me. She uses the bands for most things.:)
RE: Is Your Kid a

I love boxers. What a special dog!!!! I'm sitting here reading all these cute kid posts and yours makes me cry. We lost our boxer about a year ago. He loved us as much as we loved him. He was irreplacable.
RE: Is Your Kid a

They all know Cathe very well. I have been doing her workouts since 1995 and she's always been the staple in my workout diet. She still is. When my 8 year old was a toddler, he used to LOVE joining me. He'd plop down on my belly when I was doing chest presses and he'd help me by pushing the bar up and down, up and down. He loved the three pound dumbbells. :) He'd dance across my step as I worked out, often tripping me in the process and he'd slurp and lick me because he loved my sweat. That was gross and I wondered if he was in some way dificient. He can do a full bound lotus and I am going to take him to a yoga class. My daughters are supposed to join me at the Y so they can start working out now that they are out of school. I am so excited abut that. When I first took up running and fell in love with working out like thirteen or so years ago, I used to take the girls, then very small on hikes. I lived and breathed running and strength training. I have been very devoted lately and love it again though my feet are a mess and I have to be very careful lest I injure myself again. I am very proficient at that! I hope my kids all become life long exercisers and eat cleanly. The principles are ingrained so I think they will and this summer is my chance to get them going because both the girls want to workout at the Y.
Bobbi "Chicks rule!"
Tell me what you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? -Mary Oliver
RE: Is Your Kid a

During SJP this morning my 11 year old Faith came down to chat and watch me workout (as she does everyday) and she joined in with some hi/lo. My 17 year old Elizabeth loves to give me a big 'woo-hoo' or 'you can do it!' when she comes to say goodbye for the school day. Elizabeth figures that Cathe has 'cred' for using Nirvana 'Come as You Are' in SJP. All 3 of my Girls love to tease me when I'm on the computer, 'what's going on on Caaaathe today?';-) They have been Cathe Kids for a loooong time now:)

Take Care
RE: Is Your Kid a

My daughter, now age 20, has been working out with me since she was about 2. It is such a wonderful feeling seeing how she is really into treating her body well. Cathe is her favorite
RE: Is Your Kid a

Yup! My almost-six year old daughter has been loving her since she was three (I could go on endlessly with funny anecdotes like everyone else has posted).

I worked out with Cathe my entire pregnancy last year, and my new baby was born a Cathe-baby! From the minute she was born, she has shown a penchant for Cathe's voice and the workout music. She's 8 months old now, but when she was 3 and a half months old, I started putting her in a jolly-jumper while I worked out. She loves the jolly jumper, and will play contentedly right up until the workout ends, regardless of its length. If I don't have a Cathe video on, she only wants to play in the jolly-jumper for about 15 minutes. It's quite amazing, really. The minute she hears the music start, and hears Cathe's voice, she grins, giggles, and starts jumping.

When I was pregnant with this baby, the 5 year old DD would workout with me, and show me how to make pregnancy modifications!

RE: Is Your Kid a

My son (just turned 5) says
"Can you see us Cathe?"
"Can she hear us?"
"Mommy do the right thing" i.e. if I'm modifying
"Work harder" (he's my little fitness trainer)
"You can do it. You can do it" when I'm doing a really hard fitness interval or a crazy number of push ups
When he was a baby he would crawl onto my stomach during the abdominal work and lie there while I did crunches.
RE: Is Your Kid a

Sophie sometimes watches and says "Mommy, you're not doing that the way they are". At which point I glower at her.:p
RE: Is Your Kid a

>Sophie sometimes watches and says "Mommy, you're not doing
>that the way they are". At which point I glower at her.:p

My boy says that, too. He loves to say that when I'm modifying. Yeah baby, rub it in. :p

But sometimes he gets annoyed. I once did Bootcamp + C&W. I was drained by the time I got to the triceps section in C&W and he knew it. When Cathe said, "Are you working?" he yelled at the TV: "Yeah, Cathe! She's working! She's working HARD!"

Here he is in his pj's stretching with Cathe on a rare morning when I was able to work out real early:

RE: Is Your Kid a

Yep. My 4 year old DD will be doing an annual 1 mile kids run for the second year in a row this Sunday. She can also do three pushups with perfect form!! She cracks me up!

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