Is this HIIT or interval training?

I just had a quick question..I was wondering if someone could help me out.
Yesterday, I did the Cardio and Lower Body premix of BootCamp twice..
I did:
2)Cardio and Lower body cycles twice over

What would you classify this as - just interval training or could this count as HIIT?
I was quite zapped by the end of it!!
Thanks so much.
You probably need your HRM to answer this one for you. For me, doing this workout it is an interval workout and not HIIT. HIIT alternates between very high intensity inervals (30s- 1 min about) and high intensity intervals of about 1 -2 minutes. The leg work takes me down to moderate to low intensity and so for me this qualifies as an interval training but not HIIT. Also some of the cardio cycles are only moderate to high intensity according to my HRM monitor (the jacks and jabs and plyo jack cycle for an example). All your bursts need to be very high intensity. You need a hrm to see if you get to very high intensity as for some, this cycle could be very high intensity. Also, if you are doing HIIT, you likely would only manage about 20 minutes maybe a little longer after training with HIIT for a while.
I think you did a circuit workout (cardio and weight intermixed), not an interval or HIIT. From what I've read, interval workouts (whether HIIT or not) don't have any wt training in them, just cardio blasts and cardio recovery.

Chocolate IS the answer, regardless of the question.
An interval workout can be any combination or exercise , weight and cardio, cardio alone, for ex that alternates bewteen very high intensity and lower intensity cycles. Your hr is the key in answering whether it is interval or not and if it is interval, is it HIIT or non HIIT type interval. For me, Boot camp, cardio and lower body is interval but not HIIT so long as I don't take a breaks between the cycles.

For interval training the lower intensity cycles can be aerobic or below your aerobic zone. For HIIT, all cycles are high intensity but you alternate very high intensity with high intensity and cycle between your anaerobic and aerobic training zones.
Thanks. I just wanted to say that being a circuit workout is not mutually exclusive with being an interval workout. Interval workout is only defined as alternating cycles of higher intensity work with lower cycles. Many circuits can fall under this category and thus they are both interval and circuit training. Some circuits are not interval in nature and are more steady state from an aerobic perspective and some do not provide good aerobic conditioning at all.

Bootcamp premix of cardio and lower body weight is inerval for me (based on my hr and accitrainer data)whereas bootcamp fullout or the other premixes are not because my hr falls into the lower intensity for too long relative to the higher intensity time of the aerobic cycles.
>I think you did a circuit workout (cardio and weight
>intermixed), not an interval or HIIT.

I agree.
The terms "circuit" and "interval" are often misused (most notably by Greg Twombly/CIA, who calls many 'circuit' workouts 'interval' workouts).
Thanks everyone...Sorry I am new to fitness and have discovered Cathe rather recently..and I am not familiar with all the terms per se.
I am learning so much from the forums and am enjoying Cathe's workouts so much.
I am from India.No one really works out to videos at home.It is easier to get to the gym but I feel that Cathe's workouts are as intense as any of the gym classes I have taken abroad.Classes in India are okie but not very intense...we dont have Les Mills as yet!!!!
Thanks to everyone.I am really enjoying being part of the forum...sorry I am gushing about it...but this is really unique!!!!!
Hi Roshnigautam,
Where in India are you from? I had the chance to visit India on buisness lasy year. I went to Hyderabad and Delhi. I got to meet some wonderful people and do a little site-seeing.
Hi Cathy,
I am from Chennai or Madras as it was formerly(and better) known!!
It is very close to Hyderabad.
India is a lovely place to do long as you know where to go and what to avoid!!!
Its a big melting pot of different cultures..

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