>>Aren't shot glasses really small? Here's a link to the page
>>found them on (I can't figure out how to post the actual
>>picture so you have to scroll down).
>Hmmm. I didn't see any popsicles, but I did learn alot about
>Britney, Kanye, Post, etc! But I googled and saw some images.
> I think it depends on the shape of the glass. The standard
>size that I picture would seems like it might be a little too
>big and might end up melting while you're eating it (or
>licking it as the case may be). Typical popsicle molds make
>popsicles that fit comfortably in your mouth and don't require
>you to eat it fast so it doesn't melt. Ok, I want to stay pg
>here so maybe I'll stop there. }(
Sorry 'bout that. You have to go to page 5. At least you got to learn about Britney and Kayne! It's important to stay up to date with the important news of the day you know!