Is there anyone who works out at home

I love lifting weights at home without a DVD. All the equipment is mine, I never have to wait. And I know the last person who used it was me.;)
Oh, yeah...all the time. I will jump up from watching something or reading and do pushups, leg lifts...I guess I am a bit type A :)))
I have great music from teaching my boot camp classes and I just do whatever I want or whatever I feel like I need to do.
Actually, I started out working out without dvds when I went back to working out at home! I did all my strength work like that! Cardio - I'd walk. Always had my iPod on too! Kept me going. The only reason I liked the gym was I don't have a lot of space at home and really had to improvise a lot!

Now, I do my running outside and CC and all my strength and step workouts to Cathe dvds! I do like having her there to motivate me and keep my speed consistent!
I love working out at home and I never go to the gym anymore. No more lines or equipment that others have touched. Plus I save on gas and time. I get up at 4:45 to work out and get in a shower before my babies get up. I almost always use a DVD. The only time I don't is if I want to hear the news and I am doing PUB.

The only downside to my home gym space is that is in our "finished" basement. However it was finished like 30 years ago so it has paneling and is really dark and ugly. Oh and the ceiling is low. But it is my space and I love it.
Weight work at home without a DVD to do the counting? or arrange the exercises? and supply music?... What is this non-sense you speak of ??? ;)

Honestly, I've never tried. I'm not sure if I could motivate myself... I guess I have no desire to find out either, since I've invested the money in the DVDs to begin with I figure I might as well use them. :D YMMV

I have never joined a gym, like to WO by myself. Love the DVDs, I feel it pushes me MORE than if not using one, I would probably give up too soon. Though the thought is interesting...
I have done upper body workouts without a DVD (somehow, I can't get into lower body workouts as much). I don't know why I don't do it more often, because I had some good workouts! I just write out my workout ahead of time, and put on some driving music to push me through.
I worked out at home. We have almost everything we need to do workout except hight and space. But it is very efficent. I don't need to drive and dress for someone. My husband religiously joined me recently to make all my investment in equipments all worthy. My daughter also used our basement workout area. It would cost us a lot if 3 of us going to gym.

I used not using any dvds. But since I found Cathe and you guys, I acquired so many dvds. So there is no reason for me not using one.:D While for running, I would use ithread or cardio coach. I can't watch TV while I am running. My TM is old and loud. I also like to focus on how I feel of the intensity of running.
I workout at home and love it but I have a variety of DVD's by a variety of instructors to keep me motivated. At one point, I would even program various segments from various DVD's using my 5 disc DVD player to make weight mish moshes as well as cardio. There used to be a lot of rotations/ideas on this board giving a lot of ideas for mixing things up with the Cathe DVD's anyway.
I work out at home 100% of the time, but I HAVE to have a DVD player to play my workouts. For some reason, I cannot do an effective workout on my own without having someone there to guide me (Cathe of course!). I have tried doing it on my own, but I find myself rushing through the routine and not taking the time to give myself a good workout like I should. By following a DVD, I'm forcing myself to go through all the reps, etc. By myself, I cheat and might not do them all!!

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