Is there a reason I can't view the video clips of Cardi...


and the Pyramid upper and lower body? Just curious I tried it on Netscape and Internet Explorer and got sound but no picture.

Just wondering!
RE: Is there a reason I can't view the video clips of C...

WE have Media Player 8.1 or something , and Internet Explorer 6. something and I can still only hear the clips for the Intensity series and not see a thing, yet with all the others I hear and see. What gives?

RE: Is there a reason I can't view the video clips of C...

Though you have installed media player 8.1,it sounds like you did not install the Media Player 8.1 video codecs.
RE: Is there a reason I can't view the video clips of C...

YEAH!!! I can view them now and I didn't change a thing. Not sure what happened but I am glad that I can see the clips of the Intensity Series now.

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