Is the Fanny Lifter okay for short people?


New Member
I am fairly new to this forum and just purchased the new Firm Kit. I have read that short people shouldn't use the 14" fanny lifter (I hate that name!) because of possible damage to the knee. I am 5'1" and used it last night for leg presses and feel okay(I used light weights to start) but am worried about long term effects on my knees. Does anyone under 5'2 use the 14" box and how do your knees feel? I would hate to injure my knees and not be able to squat and lunge. Thanks!
Hi Carolyn, I just recently got the Fanny Lifter also. I am only 5'. Before I got the Fanny Lifter I was doing leg presses on a 12" step. I'm now doing the presses on my Fanny Lifter and so far so good. I started with no weights and used 3 pound weights last time I used it. I'm going to try upping my weights weekly until I get back to my normal, but I'm going to take it slow. Just to let you know, I think Tracie Long is only 5'2"(maybe 5'4") and she uses the 14" box. Hope this helps. Kelley
Thanks for your replies! I did Body Sculpt this morning and started off with weights but quickly dropped them because I am so worried about knee damage. I may try to return the kit but I feel like I am getting ripped off with the shipping. Any ideas?

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Apr-29-02 AT 04:21PM (Est)[/font][p]Carolyn, I was one of the one's who got a kit LLLOOOONNNGGG! time after cancelling the order. I gave the guy such a fit when I called about returning he agreed to refund my shipping. They have already credited my account and sure enough the shipping was credited too. Of course, I had to pay to ship it back, but it was less than $12.99.

Regarding sending your kit back. You should sell it on ebay. They are getting unbelievable amounts for the kit as well as splitting it up and selling everything separate.
selling the kit

I actually posted the FL for sale on a couple of Firm forums but so far no one has shown interest. If I cannot sell the FL I will send the whole kit back. I only got it last week and have 30 days to decide. Paying the shipping to get the kit and paying the shipping to send it back is about $30. (what a waste of $)I really hope someone will buy the FL and maybe I can put Ab Sculpt on a trade. I own enough ab tapes already. Thanks for replying.


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